Page 42 of Best Vacation Ever

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“If you change your mind, let me know.”

I take the card from her and step backward. “I’m good.

Thanks. Have fun. Do something I’d do.” She laughs and shakes her head at my suggestive hand gestures before turning back to the cousins.

As soon as I’m in the room, I flop onto my bed and stare up at the ceiling. I wasso suremy plan would work. It was simple.

Make him jealous, and he’ll realize that he’s head over heels for me. Why isn’t it working? He can’t possibly likeKiaraas more than a vacation hookup, right?

A loud knock at my door interrupts my thoughts. I can’t believe Lori’s already checking up on me.

“I told you,” I proclaim as I open the door, “to go suck some di—”

It’s not Lori. It’s Kellan. Standing in front of my door with his sexy tousled pool hair and amused grin.

“Don’t let me stop you from finishing that sentence.”

Tucking the towel covering my chest more securely under my arms, I meet his deep-brown eyes and try to ignore the fluttering in my heart. “I was going to say, ‘go suck some disgustingly fruity drink with a paper or reusable straw.’ They’re better for the environment, you know.”

He arches an eyebrow. “Uh-huh. That was definitely what you were going to say.” He pauses, studying me. “You look upset.”

I do? “Oh. No, I’m just pissed because I left my last pair of flip-flops at the party.” It’s true, I did. That’s three brand-new pairs of flip-flops gone before day three. “What are you doing here?” I can’t stop the butterflies from spreading through my stomach.He’s here for me! Making him jealous worked!

He rubs the back of his neck with his hand. “I saw you leave.

I just wanted to make sure you’re okay.”

The flirty demeanor slips over me in an instant as I run my hand down his arm and step closer. “Me? I’m always okay. I’m sure you can help me feel bett—”

“Are you done yet, Kellan?” The voice makes me freeze.

Kiara appears from the stairwell, and I instantly step back from Kellan, clutching the towel closer like it can stop the hopeful swell in my heart from deflating. Did he bring her up to his room?

And he made her wait in the stairwell like I wouldn’t find out?

Kiara reaches us and stands beside Kellan as if they’re some united front. “You said you’d only be a second,” she continues, her whiney voice scraping against the inside of my skull. “I want to go back to the party.”

The only thing stopping me from snapping that no one’s holding a gun to her head and forcing her to be here is my interest in hearing Kellan’s response.

He spares me a quick glance before telling Kiara, “Yeah, I’ll be right there.”

Apparently satisfied, Kiara gives me a once-over before turning and heading back down the stairs.

“Are you sure everything’s okay?” he asks, a bit more solemnly than last time.

With my hope deflated, I put my hand on the door. “Yup.

Don’t let me stop you from having fun.”

Before he can see my heart shatter, I step back into the room and close the door.


Night Two of Cuba


We’re only at the party for a few minutes when Faye marches off, and I’m left staring up at Dean and praying I’m not blushing.

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