Page 101 of Best Vacation Ever

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“Is that . . .” Dylan starts, eyes widening. “Is thatTerry?”

Terry? “He a friend of yours?”

Dean, Dylan, and Adam exchange a dread-filled glance.

“At least there’s no beer bottle for him to throw here,” Dylan murmurs instead of answering my question.

The guy ishuge; his biceps alone are like three of mine. Dean works out, and still he’s got nothing on Terry.

“Which one of you is the one fucking my girlfriend?” Terry demands as he stomps toward us.

“What?” Kellan asks when Terry reaches us.

His nostrils flare, and his hands form fists. “I know Priyasha has been cheating on me this vacation!”

I gape at him. We all do. Everyone but Adam and Alessio.

Did they know Priyasha had a boyfriend? I’ve only ever seen her with Kiara and Anaya, though they’ve always said they’re here with other people, but we’ve never seen them because Priyasha was arguing with them. Was this who Priyasha was avoiding?


“You must be confused,” Dylan tells him, causing Terry to focus his furious gaze on him.

“I’m notconfused. How many Priyashas could you possibly know? I saw her talking to you multiple times this week!” He invades Dylan’s space, going almost nose to nose with him. “Was it you, Tattoos? I knew there was a reason I didn’t like you.”

Dylan backs up with his hands raised at the same time the other guys try to step between them.

“Terry!” Priyasha dashes to us, appearing out of nowhere.

She’s wearing running shoes and has no trouble traversing over the sand. The rain is picking up, but it isn’t heavy. Either way, none of us are moving. “Stop it, Terry!”

He throws an arm out to the guys. “Which one of these punks have you been cheating on me with? Huh?”

Priyasha reaches us, not even out of breath, and Kiara, Anaya, and another guy about half Terry’s size are in the distance running toward us. Priyasha stands between my friends and her boyfriend, but that does nothing to calm him down. If anything, it only makes him angrier.

“We’ve been on-again, off-again for months and have been fighting this entire trip. Right now, we’re on a break, so I’mnotyour girlfriend. You have no right to be upset!”

“Yes the fuck I do!” he spits, eyes blazing. “We were going to get back together this trip. Now tell me which of these fuckers I’m beating up or I’ll just face all five.”

“No, we weren’t!” she cries. “Let’s just break up and stay broken up! Leave Alessio alone.”

Until now, I’ve been too shocked to do anything other than stand here and watch the drama unfold. But with Priyasha’s words, everyone’s gaze swings to Alessio. The blood has drained from his face, and he can’t seem to move. He doesn’t shake his head, doesn’t do anything to deny it.

He slept with Priyasha, and the worst part is he won’t even get the chance to grovel for forgiveness to his girlfriend of five years, because Terry’s about to rip his head from his shoulders and feed his organs to the ocean.

“Terry, security warned you the last time you picked a fight with these guys,” his friend says. “Just relax, man. You’re going to get kicked off the resort.”

It’s raining harder now, soaking through my clothes and matting my hair to my face. He picked a fight with us before?

What happened then?

He ignores his friend and zeroes in on Alessio, who all of us stupidly gave away because we looked at him when Priyasha said his name. “This prick?” Terry asks, pushing Priyasha out of the way and sauntering over to Alessio, who backs up in the sand.

“You just took your last breath.”

Everything happens so fast. Priyasha, Anaya, Kiara, and the guy that’s with them all try to grab Terry as he lunges for Alessio.

My friends try to help as well, and Alessio jumps backward, tripping over his own feet and toppling over in the sand. Terry’s a man on a mission and shoves Anaya and Kiara, causing them to fall with a scream. Kellan and Adam check on them, while Dean and Dylan restrain Terry as Priyasha yells at him to stop and his friend tries to reason with him. But Terry’s beyond reason; his eyes are narrowed on Alessio, the promise of pain written all over his face.

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