Page 94 of Chasing the Light

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But…what if she just didn’t believe him when he said that he wanted to be with her?Thathe’d thought it through?

Heunderstood her reluctance, but that didn’t make what she had done okay.Fiveyears ago, she hadn’t trusted him enough to be honest; what made him think that she would do so now?

Krishdidn’t want to get hurt again.

Upin his office, he sidled pastFrancesca’sdesk and sighed.Theplace felt empty without her.

Themoment he sat down at his computer, his phone rang.Heglanced at the name, hoping it would be her, but it was his brother-in-law.Heanswered straight away. ‘Max, hey!Everythingall right?’



‘She’son her way!Anyminute now.Ankitawanted me to tell you to come to the hospital.Ormaybe she just wanted me out of the room becauseI’ma mess.Eitherway—’HegaveKrishthe name of a hospital inChelsea.

‘Okay,I’llbe thereASAP.’Krishhung up the phone, grabbed his bag, and ran out the door. ‘I’mgoing to be an uncle!’ he shouted toMickas he shot past.

Francescasaton the floor in her flat, downloading and cataloguing footage from the wedding.Thiswould be a huge job.Thankfully, she only had to deliver the teaser reel within six weeks; the rest wouldn’t be due for many months.Atleast she’d have something to keep her busy while she recovered from her operation.

Hereyes shifted towards the kitchen cupboards.KingRathadn’t made an appearance all week.Wasit weird that she missed him?Shehoped that he had found a better source of food and was living his best life.Francescadidn’t want to consider the alternative.

Glancingnext to her computer, she perused herToDolist, which covered most of a sheet ofA4paper.Inan hour, she had a meeting scheduled with the builder at her old office.Shecouldn’t wait to have that one checked off her list for good.

Anotheritem caught her eye: ‘Callgangsta bride’.

Ugh.Shecouldn’t put it off any longer.Sheneeded to do it.Bycontract, the teaser real was due tomorrow.Thebride deserved to know all her footage was gone.

Francescaimagined how upset she’d be if she received a call like this.Absolutelydevastated.Atleast thanks to theBlenheimjob, she now had funds in her account to refund the couple’s money.Shejust hoped that the bride’s dad didn’t see this as probable cause to dust off his shovel.

Shelaughed at the ridiculous turn of her thoughts.Imaginehaving somebody whacked over a wedding video!No, it would never happen.Thiswasn’t a movie.Forthings to work out withKrish, she needed to stop jumping to the worst conclusions.Ifonly she had done that five years ago, maybe she andKrishwould be married by now.Tellinghim the truth had lifted a great weight off her.Comingclean with the bride would do the same.

Francescapicked up her phone, and the screen came to life.Shetapped the contacts app.Thefirst thing that came up was the last person she’d called:Krish.She’dchanged his name back toDONOTCALLto add an extra layer of protection between her and temptation.

Witha determined breath, she closed his file and called the bride.Herstomach muscles fizzled with nervous energy, increasing with every ring.Afterfive rings, she relaxed.Maybeit would go to voice mail.

‘Hello?’ the bride,Jenny, answered in her sweet, girlish voice.

Francescatried to make her greeting light and breezy.Diala smile! ‘Hi,Jenny, this isFrancescaMarch.’Andwhen she didn’t respond: ‘Ifilmed your wedding?’

‘Yes, of course!Greatto hear from you!We’re, like,so excitedto see our wedding film.Ican barely remember the day, you know?Itwent so fast.’

Theexcitement in the bride’s voice madeFrancesca’sstomach sink.Noturning back now.Theonly way through was forward. ‘Aboutthat.Ihave bad news.Myoffice was burgled, and the footage from your wedding was stolen.Itried to have the files retrieved from the cards, but the technician couldn’t do it.I’mafraid…I’mafraidIcan’t do your wedding video for you.I’mso sorry.’

Thebride was silent for a few seconds.Francescaprepared herself for tears, so she was taken aback when the bride screeched, ‘Areyou fucking kidding me?’ likeFrancescahad just confessed that she’d decapitated her favourite pony.Alltraces of sweetness were gone.

‘AsIsaid, it was out of my hands.Iwas burgled.’Francescakept her tone calm, logical.

Witha tinge of hysteria, the bride said: ‘Youdoknow that my husband is a lawyer?’Andmy father is a notorious murderer,Francescafilled in. ‘We’regoing to sue the pants off you.’Andmurder you in your sleep.

Determinedto keep it professional,Francescastated, ‘Iunderstand you’re upset, but if you look at the contract, damages are limited to a full refund, whichI’mhappy to give—‘

Thebride barked a cruel laugh, andFrancescashivered, wondering ifJennyhad inherited that from her dad,Chuckles.Avision of him chortling like a maniac as he piled dirt on bodies flashed through her head.

Jennysaid, ‘I’mgoing to tank your reviews.I’llask everyoneIknow to give you one star.’

Francescadidn’t rise to it, as she might have in the past.Jennywas just angry and lashing out.IfFrancescawere in her shoes, she’d probably be in a rage, too. ‘AllIcan say isI’msorry.’

‘Damnedright you’ll be sorry.Justwait tilItell daddy.He’sgoing to befurious.’

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