Page 79 of Chasing the Light

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Lookat me.Lookat me.Lookat me.Shewilled it with her entire being.

Hecontinued to focus on the ceremony.Francescaimagined she could feel the heat from the fire on her skin.

Ifhe looks at me now, thenI’llnever tell another lie again, she prayed to whomever was listening.

Andthen, like a miracle,Krishturned his head towards her.

Theirgazes locked.

Everythingelse disappeared: the guests, the palm trees, the couple.Itall faded to white as she stared at him.Atthe face she loved.

Forthe first time, she let him see that she cared about him with all her heart.Hereyes softened.Sheparted her lips, and her breathing sped up.Herbreasts heaved with desire, and a delicious ache began in her very core.Shelet everything go.

Henarrowed his eyes, and his tongue darted out to lick his lips.

Ifthere hadn’t been five hundred people watching, she would have leapt on him and had him in the central aisle.

Theaudience applauded.

Bothof them shook their heads, re-engaging with the ceremony.

Inside, she buzzed with excitement.

Thiswas happening.

Thiswas happening.

Krishdidn’t knowwhat it was, but something had shifted between him andFrancesca.Theway she looked at him during theSaptapadi...

…Ifeyes could shag.

Hecouldn’t remember why he’d followed the urge to look at her at that exact point in the ceremony, when the bride and groom swapped places in their journey around the holy fire ofAgni.Itwas called theSevenSteps.Thefirst four times, the man walked in front, tugging his bride by the pinky; then the last three turns, they switched places, all while the pandit chanted the seven promises.TheFireGodAgnibore witness to this, the most sacred part of the ceremony.

Avoice inside had told him to look up, so he had.

Hefound her staring at him openly, in a way she had never done in the past.Everythingwas written on her face.

Sheloved him.

Hedidn’t need to hear her say it.Hecould see it.Itwas in her eyes.Theyradiated yearning, unblinking, possessing him.Together, he andFrancescawere absorbed in a mutual trance.

IftheFireGodwas present in that moment,Krishwouldn’t have been surprised.

Whenthe audience had started clapping at the end of the ritual, the sudden loss of that connection made him dizzy.Ittook him a moment to remember he was supposed to be taking pictures.

Therest of the wedding felt like foreplay.

Duringthe drinks reception in theLongLibrary, they stood next to each other in front of an imposing alabaster statue ofQueenAnn. ‘Ohmy god,’ she said in an excited whisper, ‘is thatKatrinaKaif?’

‘Howdo you know whoKatrinaKaifis?’Shewas aBollywoodstar famous for her dancing skills.


‘Ididn’t know you were such aHindifilm aficionado.’

‘There’sa lot you don’t know about me,Kapadia.’Shegave him a mysterious half smile and looked away.

Helaughed and shook his head.Shewas finally opening up to him, and it made him happy.Theycontinued to stand next to each other for a few more minutes, even though they probably should have been moving through the crowd.

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