Page 23 of Chasing the Light

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‘Pretendingto be a surrogate grandparent toDilwynandUla’sbaby boy becauseConnorandIwon’t move toWales.’Droppinginto a heavyItalianaccent, she said, ‘Stellina, you are denying me theGod-given right of every grandmother to live near her grandchildren.’Sherolled her eyes. ‘Sheforgets that she did the same thing to her parents.AtleastDilwynandUlaare getting free childcare out of it.’

KrishrememberedUla.Sheused to beStella’scleaner before she metStella’schildhood friend,Dilwyn, and moved toCardiffto be with him.Nowshe ran a highly successfulYouTubechannel reviewing sex toys and had a sponsored podcast where she interviewed older couples about their attitudes towards sex throughout the course of their relationship.Itwas actually really interesting.

‘You’relucky,’ saidClaudia, ‘Iwish we lived four hours away fromMagnus’ family.’

‘CanIhelp with anything?’ askedKrish, feeling like a party crasher.

‘Actually, yes, we need to set a place for you.Claudia, can you show him where the plates and silverware are?’

AsKrishattempted to make himself useful, he checked his watch.HehopedConnorwould be back soon, and in a good mood.ThisConversationwas going to happen, and it was going to happen tonight.

Bythe timeConnorfinally arrived,Stellahad finished eating and was watchingKrishdemolish his second helping.Shehad always admired his healthy appetite.

‘Hello!I’mhome,’ he called.Thosewords made her think of a 50s sitcom: the dad, coming in after a hard day at the office.Themother, dressed to the nines and making sure dinner was on the table.Shelooked down at her fancy frock and the full table and fidgeted in her seat.Shedid not want to be that woman.

‘Sorry,I’mlate.’HekissedStellaon the head and then sat at the table, reaching for the bottle of red wine.

‘Backto the grindstone already,Isee,’ saidMagnus. ‘Coffersa little low after your grand tour?’

Claudiathumped his arm. ‘Don’tbe vulgar, sweetie.’

Connorlaughed, butStellacould tell he was just being polite.Sheslopped some food onto his plate. ‘Didyou get lots done?’ she asked through a tense smile.


Shecut her eyes towards him, expecting him to say more.Whenhe didn’t, she picked up her fork and then remembered that she’d already finished.

Hedug into his meal with gusto. ‘Whathappened with your friend?’ConnoraskedKrishbetween mouthfuls.

‘We, um, moved her stuff into my…flat for now.’

Muchas she lovedKrish,Stelladidn’t really want to hear about his friend. ‘So, how was theValentinaVavilvekshoot today?’

Claudiaalmost choked on her wine. ‘EverytimeIhear that name, it makes me think of vulvas.’

Undeterred,Stelladrummed her fingers against the side of her leg. ‘So…?’

Caughtchewing,Connorwaited until he’d swallowed and then said, ‘Itwas fine.’

‘Fine?’Shecould understand that he was tired, but he knew how she felt aboutValentina.Andall he could offer wasFine. ‘That’sit?’

ShecaughtMagnusandClaudiaexchanging a cautious look across the table, but she didn’t care.

‘Whatelse do you want me to say?’ saidConnor, helping himself to some salad.

Shruggingwith pretend nonchalance, she swirled her wine around in its spherical glass and said, ‘Ijust want to know what happened.’Shetook a sip and skewered him with her eyes.

Connorhuffed a laugh. ‘Nothinghappened.Itwas just a shoot.Right?’Henodded towardsKrishfor back up.

Alleyes turned toKrish, who suddenly found an intriguing tomato stain on the table cloth.Hescratched at it with his finger.Stella’ssuspicions bubbled.

Sheglanced atClaudiaand jerked her eyes towardsConnor.Receivingthe message,Claudianodded and leaned in. ‘Yeah,Connor, why won’t you tell us?Didshe try to fuck you again?Ow!’

Fromthe wayClaudiajumped, it was obvious thatMagnushad hit her under the table.

Butthe most interesting thing toStellawas that, when she turned back toConnor, he was actually blushing.She’dnever seen him blush before, even when he’d dressed up asDollyPartonto confess his love to her all those years ago.ConnorKnightdidn’t embarrass easily.

‘Ohmy god.Shedid, didn’t she?’Stella’swine glass thudded onto the table, spilling drops onto the linen cloth.

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