Page 22 of Chasing the Light

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‘Maybedeep down you don’t want to do this…’

Krishsighed. ‘No,Idefinitely do.Youneed to trust me.’Hewas about to say he’d already signed the lease but then rememberedStellaandClaudia, loitering awfully close. ‘Listenthey’ve asked me to stay to dinner.Willthat cause you any issues?’Helooked over atClaudia, who raised an eyebrow at him.

‘That’sfine.Weweren’t doing much anyway,’Jesssaid.

‘Great.Seeyou later.’Hehung up and smiled. ‘Sorryabout that.Girlfriend.’

‘Areyou still withJess?’ askedStella.

‘Yup.Goingon two years.’

Claudiagasped. ‘Shouldwe be buying hats?Ihaven’t been to a good wedding in soooo long.’

Krishscratched at the back of his head and looked away.

Shejumped up and down. ‘Yes!That’sa yes!When?Tellme all about it.’Threadingher arm through his, she pulled him towards the dining room.

Claudia’shusband,Magnus, sat lounging in a yellow velvet dining chair and pouring himself some red wine.Krishtipped his head towards him.

‘Krishis getting married!’ announcedClaudia.

‘Congratulations!’ saidMagnusand raised hisRiedelstemware high.

Holdingup his hands,Krishsaid, ‘Well,Imean.Notyet.Ihaven’t even proposed.’

Magnuspushed his floppy brown hair out of his face and leaned forward, his smile dropping. ‘Inthat case, don’t do it, mate.You’reway too young.’

‘Fuckoff, sweetie.I’mthe best thing that ever happened to you,’ saidClaudiaas she refilled her own wine glass and sat down next to her husband.

Maintainingdirect eye contact withKrish,Magnusshook his head almost imperceptibly and said, ‘Ofcourse, you are, sweetie.Andthat’s a fiver for the jar.’

‘Bloodyhell.’Sheswigged her wine with mock despair.

Stellacame in, carrying a bowl overflowing with salad.Krishrushed to take it off her and put it on the table.

‘Oh, you don’t have to do that,’ she said.

Heshrugged. ‘IsConnorhere?’

‘Hopefullyhe’s on his way.’Sheglanced at her watch and bit her lip.

WhenKrishhad left him,Connorwas about to head home.Whywas he so late?

Fromsomewhere else in the house, a phone rang andStelladashed out of the room.

‘Sohow are you going to do it?Theproposal,Imean,’Claudiaasked.

Withoutasking, she filled his glass with wine.Hewould much rather have a beer but didn’t want to appear rude.

Hetook a small sip.Tonighthe would need to keep his brain clear for his talk withConnor. ‘Well,I’vegot tickets toParisin three weeks.Jesshas never been—’

‘Connor’son his way!Juststuck in some traffic,’ saidStella, carrying a platter of garlic bread into the room. ‘Hesaid to start without him, soI’mgoing to bring the aubergine parmagiana in.’

‘Ohmy god,Ilove your aubergine parm,’ saidClaudia, and then in an exaggeratedItalianaccent: ‘Justlike-a mama used to make.’

‘Notmy mama.She’snot the best cook.’

‘Howis she by the way?’ askedKrish.

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