Page 46 of Difficult

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“Any ideawhy they won’t leave her alone?” came the question that had Sebastian running his hands roughly down his face.

“I honestly have no idea,” Sebastian said, watching Mikey as she followed Uncle Jason towards the double doors only to help herself to a brownie off a football player’s tray along the way and felt his stomach drop when he saw the way the football player’s lips pulled up into a smile as he watched Mikey.

“You really might want to do something about that,” Cole drawled as Sebastian forced himself to turn around and focus back on his lunch.

“What’s that?” Sebastian asked, even as he couldn’t help but wonder why telling Mikey how he felt was so goddamn difficult.

He had a plan, not a great plan, but one that he thought that he could pull off without screwing this up. Then, thanks to his little cousin taking him by surprise in a move that he really should have seen coming, he’d spent most of the night locked in the closet wondering what the hell he was thinking.

Mikey was his best friend and the one person that he could tell absolutely anything to and he wasn’t willing to risk that. At least, not without making sure that he wasn’t going to lose her for good. Christ, he didn’t think that he would survive without Mikey in his life and every time he thought about losing her, Sebastian told himself that this was enough, but then she would look at him and…

He had to know.

Which meant that he was going to have to figure out the right way to do this and until then, he was going to-

“God, I’m starving,” came the heavily sighed announcement that had Sebastian frowning in confusion as he watched his brother drop down on the chair next to Cole and help himself to one of his fries.

Wondering if he was seeing things, Sebastian glanced at Braxton and Cole to find them looking just as confused before shifting his attention back to his brother. “What did I miss?” Jonathan asked with a satisfied sigh as he helped himself to another fry.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Sebastian asked as he took in the school uniform that matched his.

“Enjoying a lovely lunch before my first class,” Jonathan said as he reached over to help himself to Cole’s burger, only to rethink the move and settled for stealing another fry.

“You don’t go to this school,” Braxton reminded him.

Shrugging it off, Jonathan said, “I do now.”

“We’re going to need more than that,” Cole said as Sebastian gestured for his brother to get on with it.

“Well, after you and the girl, who clearly can’t live without me, were accepted here,” Jonathan began as he reached over and helped himself to Sebastian’s brownie, “I realized that you needed me.”

“Christ,” Sebastian muttered, shaking his head in disbelief.

“Knowing that I really had no other choice, not if I was going to be here for you in your time of need, I decided to apply, but unfortunately, since I missed the deadline, I was placed on the waitlist,” Jonathan said with a heartfelt sigh. “I found out Friday that a spot opened up along with a scholarship. So, here I am, making your day even better.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Sebastian asked as he rubbed his hands roughly down his face, not sure that this was a good idea.

“Because I didn’t want to get your hopes up,” Jonathan said with a pitying look that had Sebastian dropping his hands away so that he could narrow his eyes on his brother.

“I’m going to beat the hell out of you,” Sebastian promised.

“Probably,” Jonathan murmured, not really sounding all that concerned. “Now, what did I miss?”

“Mikey made some friends who really seem to adore her and half the football team is in love with her,” Cole said with a pointed look at Sebastian that had his stomach dropping.

“Understandable,” Jonathan murmured before gesturing to the table across the large cafeteria, drawing their attention to find Chloe glaring in their direction. “What’s going on with Chloe?”

“We’re in the middle of negotiations,” Cole said, not really sounding all that concerned that the teenage girl, who looked like it was taking everything that she had in her not to leap over the table and go for his throat, was glaring at him.

“What are you negotiating?”

“Her surrender.”


“Why are we watching this crap?” came the question as the painfully familiar large, tan hand that had been stealing her food for the past six months reached over and-

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