Page 21 of Fire Wolf

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It wasn’t his fault I’d had a shitty night, but I wasn’t in any mod to mince words. Confused and circling the drain on full out devastation, I drove straight to Harbor House and raced to the front door. I’d fucked up somehow, maybe moved too fast, even though I was sure at the time Martina had been with me every step of the way. It didn’t matter. I would apologize, grovel, beg, hell, there was not much I wasn’t willing to do just to fix whatever went wrong.

I knocked for what felt like hours but was likely only minutes only to be denied entry by Martina’s brother. The rejection hit me hard, but I told myself to chill. It wasn’t coming directly from her, so there was no need to lose myself to my animal. I sucked in a breath, nearly choking on the sharp tang of magic in the air. Davian Harbor had come out as a Witch years ago, but I never really thought about his powers. How strong they were and what not. It might have been a good idea to think about that before showing up half-crazed and banging on his door, but it was too late. I was already there, and my Wolf was desperate for any drop of information he had about our unclaimed mate.

“Is she here? Is she okay? I need to see her,” I asked, trying to calm my Wolf. But there was no getting the animal out of my voice.

“She doesn’t want to see you, man,” Davian said, and he looked exhausted with sadness and worry.

“Why? I don’t understand?—”

“I know you don’t. But it’s her secret to tell, Mitch. I can’t do it for her. She is safe, though. That’s all you need to know.”

“I have to see her,” I pleaded, but he shook his head and before I could move the fucker had me pinned to the spot with some sort of magic spell. “Fuck. Let me go, man.”

“You know what I am, Mitchell, and I know what you are. You will not get in this house until she is ready, if ever. Do you understand?” he said with quiet strength, and my Wolf raged.

“You can’t keep her from me,” I growled, my beast roaring inside me.

I was about ten seconds from going feral and lighting everyone up in that fucking place, but I knew it wouldn’t help me. So, I reined in the monster, and tried for calm when all I wanted was to howl my misery and surrender to the darkness.

“I don’t want to keep her from anyone. She needs time, Mitch. If you are the man for her, give her some time.”

Fuck. Davian was right. I’d promised myself before that I would earn her trust, but I had to admit, I didn’t expect what had happened. I had no explanation for it and I was full of questions, but Davian made a good point. It was Martina’s decision now.

But I would show her I was worthy. I’d prove myself, somehow. The Wolf in me agreed with a long, guttural growl. The beast understood assignments and purpose. If I wanted to win Martina’s trust, her affection, and love, then I would need to give her time.

Be a patient hunter,I told my monster.Just be a little patient with her.



Three days after the date from hell, I came out of my room. The house had been buzzing with activity since Sybil was dealing with a pretty terrible case where a foster child needed to be removed from his home because of alleged abusive behavior by the parent there. She was excellent at her job, and I didn’t doubt her for a second.

Nova was busy working with whatever secret government project they had her doing, and she’d hardly been home except to give me the results of my blood test. I was too sick at heart to even open them, but since she didn’t demand it I knew they were fine.

Noise from the kitchen caught my attention, and I walked inside, not sure what I expected to see. Whatever it was, it surely wasn’t that. Erryn and Davian were frowning as they typed numbers into a laptop. They didn’t even look up when I came in, which was weird. But even stranger was the pair of long legs sticking out from beneath the sink.

“Got it,” a familiar voice said. “One more second,” he grunted.


Erryn grunted her reply. Davian said nothing, still busy tapping away at the keyboard. I stood there, waiting for someone to say anything, but no one did. Finally, the stranger slid out from under the sink, and I was greeted by a shocked gasp from a blond-haired, blue-eyed, slender giant of a man.

“Well, good morning, Martina,” the man said, walking over to give me a quick, hard hug.

“Who—oh my God! Tim? Is that you?” I asked, startled but eventually hugging him back.

“It sure is. Want coffee?” he asked, as if this was his house and not mine.

I came out of my stupor and went to grab cream and sugar. I had to move Erryn’s arm, and she growled, as she sometimes did whenever she and Davi were working on something that required all their focus.

“Oh, don’t mind them. She gets a bit snappy when focused,” he told me, as if I didn’t know. “Our accounting program went wonky again, and I came over so they could troubleshoot it. While they were fixing that, I figured I could do something for them, and what do you know, garbage disposal was broken,” he explained.

I admit I was shocked as hell to see the boy I once had a crush on, not to mention he was the brother of the man I ran out on a few nights ago, in the middle of my kitchen. Tim sure was pretty. He wasn’t as big, muscular, or devastatingly handsome as Mitch, but you could tell he was related.

“I see. Um, well, did you fix it?”

“Oh yeah. This was stuck,” he said and picked up the half-bent spoon he’d retrieved from the disposal unit.

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