Page 32 of Storm Season

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“Me too,” SeaAnna smiled back. “So, where should we start?” The coffee came quickly and she settled into the chair.

“I want to know all about you,” said Chris. “Tell me as much or as little as you want. I’m sure Jo filled you in about me, as much as there is to tell. But I really do want to know about you.”

And so, for the next three hours, almost until lunchtime, they talked. SeaAnna shared her recollections of growing up on the island, and she didn’t hold back her resentment of being without a father. She discussed in detail the strained relationship between her and Susan which was only now starting to become more respectful and caring on her part. She spoke lovingly of Mike and proudly about Jo, indicating things had been rough there too.

“But it seems the end of summer brought about some mellowing for all of us,” SeaAnna concluded. “And now we’re feeling more like a family, I think, than ever before.”

Chris was quiet for a few moments. “I guess finding out about me hasn’t helped that family feeling much. I feel like an intruder in a way, although I swear I never had the first inkling of any of this. Certainly not about you.”

“You know, I found that hard to believe at first,” admitted SeaAnna. “But as time passed and I really thought about the world as it was all those years ago, I guess it does make sense that two people could completely fall out of communication with one another. You both could have tried a bit harder, and given each other the benefit of the doubt, but you didn’t. It’s a shame but there’s not much we can do about that now.”

“I have thought about that more than you can imagine, SeaAnna,” Chris said. “That would never happen today with social media and Google and probably things I don’t even know about. But you’re right. We can’t spend time on the what ifs. I can tell you it has brought me much joy to be in touch with Jo. Although our first meeting was more than a bit rocky.”

SeaAnna laughed. “So she told me. But I’m grateful for her honesty when she figured out what was happening. And I think she has given us a good road map for where we go from here, don’t you?”

Chris nodded his head in agreement. “It’s been a process and it’s been gradual and neither one of us has pushed. If that works for you, it works for me. I’d love to keep in touch, SeaAnna, even though I’ll be back home and not here on the island. But it’s not nineteen seventy-five so there are ways we can do that.”

SeaAnna smiled. “Yes, thankfully there are. And I’d like that too. There are still things I’d like to know about you, but we’ve already kept this table for over three hours, so I think we’d better stop. Plus, I promised Mom I’d be home before lunch and at this rate I’ll just make it.”

Chris paid the bill at the counter, and they walked out together to her car. Chris felt it was too soon for a hug, but a handshake didn’t seem right either. He reached out and took SeaAnna’s hand in his.

“I’m so very honored to know I have a daughter like you, SeaAnna. And proud. Thank you for this time together. I’ll let you call or text whenever you feel like it. But please tell Mike I said hello. The few brief times we’ve met, I liked him. You know, I’ve now got a son-in-law too. I just hope in time, Susan will….”

His voice trailed off and SeaAnna clearly saw that he was hurting from Susan’s actions.

“I think all three of us – me, Jo, and Mom – are pretty independent. And I’m sure you saw that in her even back then. Let’s just keep hoping and giving her space.”

“Right,” he said. “Thanks again, and you take care. Drive safely tomorrow. It’s going to be a bit of a blow but if you leave early, you should be OK.”

SeaAnna smiled and waved goodbye as she left. She wanted so much to be able to tell her mom how it had gone, but knew that wouldn’t be a good idea. Instead, she pulled over and jointly texted Mike and Jo.

It’s early days but it went well. I can’t believe I have a father. We’ve agreed to keep in touch. He’s leaving the island next week. Back now to see Mom. Not expecting her to go along with seeing him but I sense she is questioning herself about her actions back in August. Just my gut feeling. Mike, I’m leaving early tomorrow so expect me about noon. Jo, I’ll call when I get home. xo

Susan had lunch ready when Jo walked through the door. Her eyes were a bit puffy but SeaAnna refrained from asking any questions. Instead, she mentioned how hungry she was and that Susan’s timing couldn’t have been better. But Susan was nothing if not curious and insistent.

“So, are you going to tell me anything?” she asked.

“Um, I wasn’t sure if you wanted to hear about this.”

“I do,” said Susan. “You and Jo have made your decisions and those choices one way or the other will impact me. I think I deserve to know.”

SeaAnna placed her fork back on the table and looked at her mom. She saw her sadness and now a sense of isolation because of her choice. So, she carefully told Susan about her conversation with Chris and how they left things.

“It seems you like him, SeaAnna.”

“Well, I don’t dislike him, Mom. But it will take a lot of time and plenty more conversations to develop a real relationship with him. But you know, I can see why you fell for him. I really can. He’s a nice man.”

Susan burst into tears. “He was so wonderful, SeaAnna. He really was.”

“He still is, Mom,” SeaAnna said softly. “You need to just tear down those walls you’ve built and give the man a chance.”


Dare was the happiest he’d been in a long time. As he drove along US 17 north from Charleston to Wilmington, he rehearsed over and over how he’d tell Jo the good news. He’d passed all the tests, and he could now apply for his captain’s license. He had toyed with the idea of telling her he’d failed a portion of the exam, but he just couldn’t do it. He was very proud of what he’d accomplished and he wanted her to be a part of his joy. He had already called his parents and Captain Jeff. They all expressed their congratulations and he knew when he got back on the island there would be a little celebration waiting, probably at Marcie’s. He’d also texted Chris, who responded by letting him know he had never had any doubts.

It would take about five to seven weeks to get the actual license in hand, but it wasn’t like he had a boat and he could immediately start taking on clients for fishing trips. His plan was to continue to mate for Captain Jeff and save up enough for a small deposit for a small boat of his own. He had a five-year timeline, which he felt made sense, and in those five years he would hone his skills as a mate. He’d also continue to watch Jeff closely to learn from him. Given Jeff’s success, clearly Dare was learning from one of the best.

As he got closer to Jo, his excitement only grew.

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