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‘This quiche is delicious,’ Brooke said, taking another bite, even though she was quite full already. The pastry was light and flaky, the filling rich with mature cheddar and buttery leeks.

‘I’m glad you like it,’ Clover replied. ‘It’s an old recipe of my mum’s that I still use even now.’

‘Are you going to have some more, Nolan?’ Brooke asked.

‘Probably better not or I won’t fit into my suit,’ he said.

‘What suit?’ Clover asked him.

‘For the Spring Ball,’ he said.

‘Oh it’s that time of year already is it?’ Clover nodded.

‘Comes around quickly.’

‘What ball?’ Brooke asked.

‘It’s a work thing,’ he said. ‘Basically, although they call it a ball it’s more a dinner and dance that some local businesses arrange every year as a fundraiser. The money goes to pay for thing like trips and treats for underprivileged teenagers and young carers.’

Brooke nodded. ‘That’s nice.’

Nolan licked his lips. ‘It’s a week today.’

Clover cleared her throat and Brooke looked at her to see her nodding at Nolan, a big grin on her face.

‘Would uh … I don’t suppose that you’d like to go, would you?’

Brooke blinked. Was he speaking to her or to Clover?

‘What do you think, Brooke?’ Clover asked. ‘I’d happily babysit for you.’

‘Me?’ Brooke asked, a hand flying to her chest.

‘Yes.’ Nolan frowned. ‘Of course you.’

‘I thought you might be asking your grandmother to go,’ she babbled.

‘Grams?’ A fine line appeared between his brows. ‘She’d be very welcome, of course, but I … uh … I thought you might like an evening out. It’s at a fancy hotel and the food’s fantastic there, plus there’s a free bar.’

‘Oh.’ Brooke shifted in her seat. Nolan was asking her out. Her armpits prickled. Was this OK?

‘Brooke, dear, it’s just an evening out. Nolan is asking you as a friend. We talked about it and I thought it might be nice for you to spend some time with someone your own age. Get dressed up and have a dance.’

Brooke thought about it. She hadn’t been dancing in ages and Nolan was so nice that she knew she’d enjoy his company. ‘As friends?’ she said.

‘Yes.’ Nolan nodded, but his eyes looked wary, as if he was worried he’d done the wrong thing asking.

‘I’d love to go, thank you.’ She turned to Clover. ‘Are you sure you’ll be OK watching Allegra?’

‘Absolutely. I’d love to spend some time with her.’

‘All right then. Thanks, both. Yet again.’ She smiled at them in turn, then reached for her fork.

The thought of a night out filled her with a mix of excitement and anxiety. She’d need to have a look through her wardrobe to see if she had anything to wear that was suitable for a ball.

‘I’ll take you to Dragonfly Dreams,’ Clover said, as if reading her mind. ‘See if there’s something there that will be appropriate for a spring ball. It’s a lovely shop and I’m sure we’ll find something there that will suit you.’

‘Sounds like a plan,’ Brooke said, smiling. Her gaze strayed to Nolan and the look on his face was one that made her stomach flip over. In his eyes she saw kindness and understanding, but also a hint of something else, and it had been quite some time since a man had looked at her like that.

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