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Goosebumps rose on his skin as he thought about how lucky he was. Not only was he able to give something to the community this evening through his Secret Santa activities, he’dget to come home to Flora and Victor and to enjoy the rest of Christmas Eve with them.

‘Good luck, lad,’ Victor said. ‘Mavis would be very proud of you.’

‘Thanks, Victor,’ Leif choked out. It was like he knew Mavis well because of the time he’d spent with Victor and the stories he’d heard. She’d been an amazing woman and he felt privileged to be spending this time with her husband. Leif’s own family might be far away in Norway, but Victor had become like a grandfather figure to him, and it meant the world. ‘OK then. Round one here I come!’

Chapter 24


As Leif and Magnus set off, Victor and Flora watched from the lounge window. It was like a scene out of a movie with Leif dressed like Santa and Magnus pulling the sledge along the snow.

‘He’s a good man, Flora,’ Victor said.

‘I know.’ She nodded at his side.

‘You could do worse.’

She turned to him, laughing. ‘Stop meddling.’

‘But you like him?’

‘I do. Very much.’

‘Well grab him with both hands, Flora, and never let go.’

‘I’m on it, Victor.’ She pulled him into a hug. ‘Now let’s go and baste that turkey and get everything ready for later because I’m sure Leif will be ravenous after all that fresh air.’

‘I’m sure he will be.’

They went through to the kitchen and while Victor saw to the turkey, Flora made the stuffing for the sandwiches and put the loaf of fresh bread she’d made earlier to warm so it would be perfect for their supper.

Leif returned several times to refill the sledge and to have a hot drink and then, in what seemed like no time at all, he was done and everything had been delivered.

‘Just in time to bath and eat,’ Victor said. ‘Go and soak in the tub and I’ll get the TV on the right channel.’

Flora had helped Victor to make up the beds in the spare rooms earlier that afternoon because they’d decided that it would make more sense for them all to wake up at Victor’s on Christmas Day. He’d never have suggested it if Flora hadn’t raised the topic because he didn’t want the youngsters to feel under any pressure, but he was very grateful that he wouldn’t be waking up alone on his first Christmas Day without Mavis. Flora had even said that after breakfast — smoked salmon and scrambled eggs that they’d wash down with champagne — they’d go to the cemetery and sing some carols to Mavis. Victor couldn’t express how grateful he was for that plan and even thinking about it brought a lump to his throat.

Soon they were all settled in front of the TV with their hot sandwiches filled with turkey, stuffing and cranberry sauce and glasses of cream sherry. As the service at King’s began, Victor raised his glass.

‘Here’s to a happy Christmas with friends.’

‘No, Victor,’ Flora said as she raised her glass. ‘Here’s to a happy Christmas with family because as far as I’m concerned, friends are the family we choose for ourselves.’

‘I couldn’t agree more,’ Leif said.

Victor was unable to reply because of the emotion swelling in his chest, so instead, he nodded then sipped his sherry, sending out a silent thank you to Mavis, because he was certain now that she’d had a hand in bringing Flora and Leif into his life. He had loved and lost so much in his beloved wife but he had also gained in his two dear friends.

Chapter 25


Flora woke the next morning and lay in bed for a moment, thinking about how December had changed her life. She had two wonderful men in her world now and that was the best Christmas gift she could have asked for. Not long ago, she was hurting because of her partner’s betrayal but now she could happily put all that behind her and embrace the new year with enthusiasm and love.

She’d had a lovely evening with Leif and Victor and they’d gone to bed late, full of turkey, stuffing and sherry. Victor had been quite merry and she’d heard him singing carols as he’d changed for bed. How lovely to bring happiness into his life too.

Out of respect for Victor, she hadn’t stayed in the same room as Leif, as tempting as the idea had been. There was plenty of time for that though, she thought, and when she’d whispered it to Leif as they’d filled the dishwasher before going to bed, he’d agreed. They wanted to enjoy every moment of their time together and not to rush a thing.

A gentle tap on her door made her sit up.

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