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‘Good to meet you, Flora, and this is my son, Paul who’s here for the holidays,’ Cain said, smiling at the younger man who was carrying a cardboard tray of steaming drinks.

‘Hi there.’ Paul smiled at them.

‘We’d better get these drinks to the family or my wife and daughter, Zara, will have something to say about it,’ Cain said with a nod at a group of people nearby. ‘My other daughter, Erin, is here with us for Christmas along with Paul’s friend, Leo, andPaul’s partner, Angelina. We’ve got a houseful this year. Have a great night, folks.’

‘Bye!’ Victor and Flora said as the men walked away. She looked over at the people they’d joined and smiled. They looked like a lovely family unit, several women and a young and handsome man, who she thought might be Leo, who kept gazing at one of the young women. There was romance in the air this evening, it seemed!

Leif joined them and handed out mulled wine and hotdogs and they ate and drank, enjoying the alfresco supper. When they’d finished, quiet fell over the green and then someone started playingSilent Nighton a violin. Soon, the crowd joined in, and so did Flora, Leif and Victor. The sound of so many people singing was beautiful, and Flora imagined it rising up into the air and filling the night. Was Mavis looking down on them, her heart filled with love for Victor and the life they’d shared? On a night like this it certainly seemed possible.

Next up wasLet it Snow, and as the song began, there was a collective gasp from the crowd because cold, white flakes were drifting from the sky.

As the Christmas songs continued, Leif came closer to Flora and wrapped an arm around her shoulders and she took Victor’s arm again. The three of them swayed along, singing their hearts out as the fat, white flakes landed on them and the ground around them. It was a magical moment in time and Flora took a mental snapshot.

When the songs came to an end, Leif said, ‘I think it’s time to trial the sledge again.’

‘OK,’ Flora replied, feeling nervous because she hoped it would go well.

‘People are distracted by the food stalls and the Christmas tree but it will be good if some see me because then it will add some excitement for the children of the village.’

‘That’s a good point,’ Flora said.

‘Are you two OK to stay here for a bit or do you want to come back to Victor’s with me?’ Leif asked.

‘I’m enjoying myself,’ Victor said, looking at Flora. ‘What about you? If you’re too cold, we can head back.’

‘I’m fine, Victor. Let’s stay a bit longer.’

‘Wonderful!’ Victor said. ‘Ooh look! There’s Lila and Ethan Morris with their little one. Shall we go and say hello?’

‘I’d love to.’ Flora smiled at Leif then she went over to the Morris family with Victor and Leif jogged back to Victor’s.

‘Well that was a success,’ Victor said as he walked home with Flora.

‘I think so. Leif certainly gave the people who saw him something to think about.’ She smiled inwardly, thinking about the gasps and shouts of delight she’d heard as Leif had ridden the sledge through the snow-covered village, Magnus pulling him along effortlessly as more snow fell, creating a winter wonderland of the village.

The snow was still drifting down, and a cold, white covering lay on vehicles and roofs, a thick layer already covering the ground. Leif was meeting them back at Victor’s and he’d said he’d warm the milk for hot chocolates.

‘Thank you so much for this evening,’ Victor said, giving her arm a squeeze.

‘Victor, it was a pleasure.’ Flora squeezed back. ‘An absolute pleasure. And we’ll have a lovely Christmas together. It mightnot be the Christmas we thought we’d have earlier this year but it will be good. Just you wait and see.’

Chapter 23


When darkness had fallen over Wisteria Hollow the next day, Leif dressed up in his Santa outfit and loaded up the sledge. Flora had wounded some bells around the front of the sledge and sewn one onto the hat that she’d adjusted to fit the dog. Now, when he moved, the bell tinkled. Magnus seemed to think it was great and he kept running up and down the garden in the snow.

‘Are you ready for this?’ Flora asked.

‘I’m ready. I think it’s going to take about eight trips because there’s a lot to give away but I’ll come back in between for hot drinks.’

‘And a cuddle,’ she said, smiling.

‘And definitely for a cuddle.’ He gave her a quick kiss.

‘I’m very glad to hear it. And we’ll cook the turkey, so that when you’re done you can have a hot bath and we’ll eat our turkey and stuffing sandwiches in front of Carols from King’s.’

‘That sounds perfect.’

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