Page 17 of Trust in the Fallen

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“That’s right.” He nods. “And if you’re uncomfortable or concerned about something, what are you meant to say?”

“Red, Sir.”

“So are you uncomfortable or concerned and need to stop?”

I look down to where a red scarf is wrapped around my wrists. The knot isn’t tight by any means and I’m almost certain I could get out of the binds if I really wanted to. “No, Sir.”

He smiles down at me and finally moves his fingers through my soaking folds.

Wyatt lifts my bound hands behind his head, leaving my entire body exposed and helpless. His hands trail down my body slowly, stopping to tweak each of my nipples. Elias’s eyes track each of his movements as he drinks me in.

The further we get into this, the more I begin to doubt whether I’ll survive it. But there are worse ways to go than overwhelmed by the most attractive men I’ve ever met.



Elias has never looked at a woman like this. Not his ex-wife, or any of the women we’ve shared over the years. No one.

The reverence in his eyes as they move over every inch of our angel’s bare skin is like nothing I’ve ever seen from my best friend in all the years we’ve known one another.

After our wives left us, and we bought the club, the things we got involved in, the ways we were able to use our talents from the SEALs, we didn’t want to get a woman involved in any of it. Hell, up until tonight Elias still didn’t want to. But we’re going to have to make it work.

We can keep her away from our darkness. She never has to know about the dark parts of our lives. She doesn’t need to know the people we’re involved with or the things we do under the cover of night.

She never has to know.

Elias’s eyes flick up to mine, and his brow furrows. We’ve known each other for so long we can almost read one another’s minds, and he doesn’t like whatever he’s seeing in mine right now.

Leighton’s oblivious to the silent exchange, too focused on the way my fingers pinch her nipples to the brink of pain and then bring her back with gentle circles, and Elias continues to tease her pretty pussy. She’s so receptive to our touch despite her obvious hesitation. For her this is a night of debauchery before she thinks she’ll go back to that asshole and live a life with a white picket fence and a bunch of kids. For obvious reasons that won’t be happening, and that piece of shit will be lucky if he’s breathing past tomorrow after the way he hurt our angel.

There’s the shrill ringing of a phone, dragging all our attention from one another. “That’s mine,” she says quietly, her body instinctively trying to coil in on itself.

“Ignore it, angel,” I whisper against the shell of her ear, nipping at the lobe to pull her back to us. I look up to Elias to get him on board with distracting her, but his shoulders are tense.

“I can’t.” She tugs at the scarf around her wrists, but there’s no way I’m letting her out of this bed. If we give her the time to think about the life she lived up until she walked into the club tonight, it’ll all be over. We won’t be able to coax her back into this position, and I haven’t had nearly enough of her yet. I’m not sure I ever will.

I glare at my best friend, and he finally drags his attention back to the two of us. The tension is still evident in his body, but his fingers are moving gently again, trying to distract Leighton the same way I am.

“I’m sure it’s nothing you can’t deal with in the morning, pretty girl,” Elias murmurs and shifts his fingers further down until they’re teasing her entrance.

She opens her mouth to respond, but he shakes his head.

“Your job is to focus on us. Not on your phone. Not on the outside world. On Wyatt and myself. Now I’m sure I can give you a reminder of that in the form of a punishment, and Wyatt would be more than happy to hold you still for me, but I’d prefer we don’t go backward.” He presses a finger into her tight channel, and she hisses out a breath. “What do you say?”

The phone finally stops ringing, and she nods against my bare chest. “Okay, Sir.”

“There’s our good girl.” He flicks his attention to me and nods his head toward the couch. “I don’t want any more interruptions.”

I smirk and carefully disentangle myself from Leighton’s bound arms. “I’ll be right back, angel.” I kiss her cheek gently and pad out into the living room. I’ve known Elias for long enough to know he wasn’t asking me to just come out here and put her phone on silent, and I have to move quickly despite the fact he’ll have her well distracted in my absence.

I spot her bag on the dining table and slip my hand inside to fish out her phone. What I’m about to do is morally gray at best, but I’m quickly realizing there’s nothing I won’t do for my angel, including violating her personal property to put a tracker on her phone.

I make quick work of the passcode lock from the fingerprints on the screen and find six missed calls from that asshole Jason, as well as two from her mother and one from her father. We need to get Bishop to do a full background check, just to be sure we’re not running into any surprises, but that can wait until the morning.

I go through the motions of installing the tracking app and hiding it within a folder in a folder so she’s not likely to stumble across it before putting the phone on silent and slipping it back into her clutch. I should feel guilty, but I don’t. I’ve done a lot worse shit in my life than this, and I’m sure it won’t be the worst thing I do when it comes to Leighton.

By the time I make it back to the bedroom, Elias has two fingers buried inside her, and his pupils are blown wide with lust. Leighton’s moans are like a symphony, each one making my cock pulse in my briefs. Jesus, I have no idea how either of us are going to last more than one pump when she’s making sounds like that.
