Page 16 of Trust in the Fallen

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Tonight will be stained onto my very soul.

Wyatt’s fingers tighten around my wrists and drag me back to him. His face only a breath from mine, his eyes dark with lust. “I can see we have our work cut out for us keeping you out of your head, little angel.”

I open my mouth to respond, but he slowly shakes his head telling me I don’t have permission to speak right now. I thought with having so many rules I would struggle to remember them all, but they come naturally to me, and I don’t allow myself to think about what that means.

“What are you thinking, Wyatt?” Elias asks as his large hand moves up the inside of my thigh toward my aching core.

If there’s anything I’m certain of, it’s that I’ve never been this turned on in my life, and I doubt anything that comes after tonight will compare.

“I’m thinking she might need something to help keep her in the moment.” The corners of his lips lift into a smirk.

Elias chuckles and bends both my knees toward my chest, taking extra care with my swollen ankle. If I’m honest, I’ve all but forgotten about the sprain, and while I’m certain it will hurt in the morning, right now, it’s the last thing on my mind. “How many?”

I lift my head to look at him, but he’s not talking to me. His eyes are locked on Wyatt’s as they have a silent conversation. Anxiety bubbles in my belly. I’m spread open for them. They can see everything, and I’ve never felt so vulnerable in my life. If it weren’t for the strong hand around my wrist, I would reach for the nearest blanket to cover myself, but alas, that’s not an option right now.

The bed shifts as Elias moves lower, giving him an even better view of my bare pussy and ass. No one has ever been this close with the lights on. Heck, Jason has only gone down on me a handful of times in the dark. Mostly I’m just a warm body for him to slide into when he feels the need. He’s never had any care for my pleasure, instead taking what he needs from me and leaving me unsatisfied.

My eyes must give away my discomfort because Wyatt’s free hand moves to brush down my cheeks, his thumb lingering across my bottom lip. “No need to be nervous, angel.”

I open my mouth to respond but quickly close it again, and he gives me a wide smile that makes my heart flutter in my chest.

Before I have a chance to bask in the silent praise, a heavy hand comes down on my bare ass and drags a scream from my throat. I don’t get a chance to ask what the heck he thinks he’s doing before Elias peppers another three spanks down on the soft globes.

He groans. “Fuck, you’re pretty in pink, Leighton.”

Heat moves over my cheeks and down my chest, I’m sure matching whatever color he’s bringing out on the battered flesh of my ass.

Wyatt’s pupils are blown wide as he stares down at me like a starved man. Every time I think I may be able to handle whatever they throw at me tonight, I’m reminded of the limited experience I have with the opposite sex. “Still thinking.”

Elias lets out a satisfied chuckle before his hand strikes me four more times in rapid succession, each time pulling a squeal from my throat. It hurts. More than I expected it to in fact. But it’s not the pain that catches me off guard. It’s the warmth that moves over every inch of my body. It’s the heady feeling that tears away conscious thought and leaves behind the pliant doll they want me to be. Every muscle in my body is relaxed despite the searing pain, and the tears that prick at the corners of my eyes aren’t those of sadness. They’re of peace.

It takes me long seconds to realize he’s stopped, and that Wyatt’s hand has finally released my hands. In fact, neither of them are touching me and for the briefest of moments I panic that I’ve done something wrong. They couldn’t keep their hands off me a few seconds ago, and now they’re nowhere to be found.

The haze begins to clear, and I notice them both staring down at me. Their corded muscles tight, their eyes wild with lust, and they’re both down to just boxer briefs. Their bulges are huge, far bigger than Jason, and I can’t help but stare at them. How the hell am I going to take one of those things? Let alone both?

Elias and Wyatt have matching smirks as they watch me with hunger. “You took your punishment so well, angel,” Wyatt praises as his fingers trail down my cheek. “Remind me of your safe word?”

“Red, Sir,” I reply softly.

“Good girl,” they say in unison, and if it were possible to die from praise, I would be six feet under.

Jason never spoke much in bed other than to tell me when he wanted to change between the two positions he liked, but clearly I had no idea how much I was missing.

“How’s your ankle feeling, pretty girl?” Elias asks, his eyes moving to where my legs are still pushed back against my chest. “The swelling seems to be settling a little.”

“It’s fine, Sir.”

He groans and squeezes his hardness through his briefs. “That word sounds too fucking pretty coming from your lips, Leighton.”

Wyatt climbs onto the bed and sits against the headboard before dragging me across the soft sheets as if I weigh nothing at all. The way these two have thrown me around tonight I might almost believe the narrative my mother has been feeding me about my weight all these years is false. But sadly one night can’t change a lifetime of belief.

He positions me carefully between his muscular thighs and lifts each of my legs over his, leaving me spread wide and on display for Elias. He gathers my hands in his and carefully wraps something around them, but I realize too late that it’s a silk scarf.

“Wyatt—” I start but quickly stop myself. Not quick enough, though.

Elias lands a sharp smack to my aching core, the blow sending shocks of pain and pleasure through my whole body. “What are the rules, Leighton?” His fingers linger on my clit, unmoving. Maddening.

“I…I’m to address you both as Sir.” I gasp for air. How is it possible for two men to be so completely overwhelming that I can barely breathe?
