Page 12 of Trust in the Fallen

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Lips trail down my neck and drag a gasp from my throat. Elias chuckles and continues his path to where my neck and shoulder meet where he sinks his teeth into the sensitive flesh.

I cry out, my hips shifting with the need for relief, and my ass collides with a very hard length beneath me. Oh my god, he’s huge.

Elias chuckles against my neck, his breath whispering across the bare skin and making me shiver with desire. I’ve never been this wound up. Hell, I don’t think Jason has ever actually got me even slightly wound up, let alone ready to combust from innocent touches.

“I think she’s just felt how hard you are for her, brother,” Wyatt muses.

“Do you like what you feel, pretty girl?” He murmurs against my ear, sending shockwaves straight to my aching clit. I didn’t know it was possible to be this turned on.

“I…I…” But the words catch in my throat and refuse to go any further.

“I think she does,” Wyatt says, putting me out of my misery. “Are you nervous, angel?”


“Would it make you feel better if we told you a little more about ourselves and what we would like to happen here tonight?” His gentle fingers brush along the inside of my knee, and I barely swallow down the responding moan.

I nod, unable to think past their hands on me, their presence and scent wafting around me like an endless air of intoxication.

Wyatt smiles over my shoulder at Elias who continues his gentle assault on my senses with his lips. “Tell me, angel. What do you know about BDSM?”

My heart stalls in my chest, and the breath whooshes from my lungs to the point I almost choke on the question, only making them both chuckle.

“I’ll take that as not a lot then?”

“I think that’s fair to say,” I squeak.

“It’s not as scary as you may think, angel. I suppose the parts that are most…important to Elias and me are around control. Have you ever heard of the terms Dominant and submissive?”

I nod. “Only in a couple of books that I’ve read,” I whisper. If Jason or my mother knew I was reading such things during my days at home, they would both be appalled. My mother would probably go as far as to invite our pastor over for dinner to reinforce that the devil lives in literature like that.

“That’s good, pretty girl.” Elias brushes his lips against the shell of my ear, and a small groan escapes my throat.

“I think she likes that, brother.” Wyatt smirks. “Well, angel. Those are the types of dynamics that Elias and I need. We crave control. We crave submission.”

“Do you…are you…together?” I force myself to ask. At this point it doesn’t matter to me, but I would rather know what I’m in for than be surprised halfway through whatever we’re about to do here.

“No. Wyatt and I are both straight. We just like to share.”

I suck in a harsh breath, and the edge of panic begins to whittle away at me. I’ve been calm up until this point, and it’s not even the first time they’ve alluded to the possibility, but hearing the explanation from the horse’s mouth so to speak is another story altogether.

“Does that intrigue you, pretty girl?” Elias asks against my ear. “Do you want to find out what it’s like to submit to two men at the same time?”

“I don’t know what I’m doing,” I admit, my eyes dropping to the hardwood floors to avoid Wyatt’s piercing gaze. Heck. The longer I spend in the presence of these men, the more I struggle to remember a reason I need to return to my boring, mundane life tomorrow. There’s nothing but loneliness waiting for me, but for tonight I can pretend that isn’t my future. I can allow myself to live in a fantasy land where these two men bring me unimaginable pleasure and none of the pain Jason does.

“We’ll teach you everything you need to know, angel.” Wyatt carefully stands, placing my foot on the chair he was sitting on and kneeling beside us. “We’re going to ask a lot of you tonight, Leighton, but we won’t push you any further than your limits. We’re going to give you a safe word. If you say it, we stop no questions asked. It’s as simple as that.”

I nod, looking over my shoulder at Elias who is watching me curiously. “What’s my safe word?”

“Red,” Wyatt says. “And if you want to slow down, I want you to say yellow. Elias and I will stop what we’re doing, and we’ll talk about what you’re feeling, and if you want to continue or change directions.”

“Okay,” I whisper, burying my face in Elias’s chest. The comfort these two men give me is unlike anything anyone has ever given me before, and I don’t hesitate to lean into the feeling.

Elias tips my chin up until I’m looking into his intense gaze. The two of them are like night and day in so many ways. Wyatt is soft and reassuring, and Elias has an intensity that should scare me, but all it does is send shockwaves to my core. “Have you ever had a partner spank you, pretty girl?”

I shake my head. The heat that rises to my cheeks makes me want to tear my eyes away from him, but his grip on my chin doesn’t allow me to.

“You don’t have to be embarrassed, Leighton. I’m more than happy to pop your pleasure and pain cherry.” He winks.
