Page 11 of Trust in the Fallen

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“I could have done that,” she murmurs.

“I know, but I like doing it for you.” He shrugs, leaning forward and placing a gentle kiss on her cheek.

The car is silent as Wyatt drives us the short distance to our house. We bought it a few years ago because it was so close to the club, but it quickly became a home after we moved out of the apartment we had lived in since our divorces.

When the car stops, I chance a look over my shoulder at the angel in the back seat. Wyatt’s nickname for her would be perfect with or without the costume. There’s an innocence that surrounds her, one that I want to dirty up and watch Wyatt rebuild, just so I can destroy it all over again.

Just the thought has my cock hardening in my pants to the point of pain, and I have a feeling if we manage to convince Leighton to stick around, this will likely be my permanent state. Hard as a fucking rock.

“I’ll grab Leighton, you go open up,” I say quietly, quickly opening the door before he can argue. We’ve never fought over a woman’s attention before, but I have a feeling navigating a real relationship in a dynamic like this might be a little different. But we have to get there first. We have to convince Leighton that this is what she needs, just the way it’s what the two of us need.

By the time I reach her door, she’s already got her seat belt undone, and she’s turned in her seat ready to slip from the car.

“What do you think you’re doing, pretty girl?” I rumble, sliding one arm beneath her legs and the other behind her back before lifting her from the car and kicking the door closed behind us.

“You guys shouldn’t be carrying me around like this. You’re going to hurt your backs.”

I raise a brow at her, my palm twitching behind her back to turn her ass a pretty shade of pink for that comment, but she’s not ready yet. We haven’t discussed limits or safe words, or any of the other things we need to say before we jump into a scene with someone who is not only new to the scene, but who has also likely never been with more than one partner at a time.

What we’re asking of her is a lot, but I know she’ll love every single moment she’s with us. I just hope it’s enough to make her stay for more than just one night.

“Are you trying to imply Wyatt and I are weak?”

Her eyes widen, and a smile tugs at the corners of her plump lips. Fuck I want to taste her the way Wyatt did in our office. But not here. Not on the street outside our home. I want her to be comfortable, and I want to know where her limits are because I have a feeling the moment I get a taste of Leighton, not even the devil himself could stop me from taking what I need from her.

“No,” she breathes.

“Well that would mean you’re saying something negative about yourself, and that’s something we will not tolerate.”

A shiver makes its way through her body at my tone, and I barely manage to stop the smirk that tugs at the corners of my lips. She may not realize it, but she likes the idea of being punished. We’ll have to tread carefully with her, because although we’ve got her this far, she is still a flight risk. By the sounds of it, she grew up in a conservative household, and the things Wyatt and I like in the bedroom are exactly the opposite, but she’s going to love every single second of what we give her.

I meet Wyatt’s gaze over her shoulder, and he looks almost uncertain, which is an emotion I’ve rarely seen cross my best friend’s face. He’s the most confident, sure of himself guy I’ve ever met, but when the stakes are this high, not even he is immune to the gravity of the situation.

Without uttering a word, I walk us through the house and straight into the kitchen. I kick the chair at the end of the dining room table until it’s pulled out enough for me to take a seat and then position Leighton in my lap the same way Wyatt had done earlier. The moment her weight settles on me, it’s like I’m breathing for the first time.

How is it possible to have only known this woman for an hour, but already know we have our entire future in our reach, and all we have to do is make her see the same thing in us that we saw in her from the moment we glimpsed her.



Idon’t know what I was expecting when they said they were going to bring me back to their home, but this wasn’t it.

When we pulled up outside a beautiful brownstone a few blocks from the club, I had to do a double take. The house is stunning. All original features but modernized to have all the most recent appliances. The color scheme is warm and neutral, and the original wooden floors are to die for.

The further we get into the house, the more questions swarm my mind. Do they live here together? Or is this just one of their homes? How many women have they brought home to share? Is that what they intend to do to me? Is that what I want?

By the time Elias sits me in his lap at the dining room table and Wyatt sits beside us, quickly pulling my swollen ankle into his lap, I’m a bundle of nervous energy ready to explode. I didn’t think this through. I’m engaged. Or at least I was a few hours ago. What the heck was I thinking allowing two random men who I barely know bring me back to their home to do God only knows what to me?

I’ve never done something this reckless in my life, and I don’t know why on earth I would start now.

Because your mother has dictated every move you’ve made in the last twenty-two years. It’s time for you to make a choice for yourself. Even if it’s a mistake.

The voice in the back of my head pipes up, and I allow my body to relax. Soon enough, I’ll be married to Jason. I won’t have a choice in the matter, and he’ll spend the rest of our lives using me as his good little wife to bear his children and stand by his side at events, while behind closed doors he’ll use any excuse to stray. I’ll live my life sad, alone, and unsatisfied. So why not make the memory of a wild night with two sinfully attractive older men to reminisce on when I’m lonely?

Wyatt’s fingers move gently over my foot and ankle, his touch sending goose bumps up my bare legs and shooting into my aching core. God. They set my body on fire in a way Jason never has. “You’re trembling, angel,” he murmurs, allowing his fingers to trail further up my calf.

I suck in a breath, the sensation makes it impossible to think past his touch, but I need more. I need everything they can give me.
