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“And since I have no ability to ask in a roundabout manner as I traipse naked through the forest next to you—relying on your goodwill—I won’t be mauled by an angry husband, will I?”

“Stars, no!”

“Such vehemence.”

“I have no intention of ever marrying.” She bit down on the words, angry with herself for saying it. Even if he wasn’t a collector, he was a man, and men in Kaloma believed women were obligated to marry. Which she expected him to reiterate.


The question surprised her. “I like my woodland trips,” she answered. “Besides, there aren’t many prospects in Sevens.”

“Why such slim pickings?”

“Location and opportunity. Who wants to live in a remote village tucked in the haunted Whitling Woods where Jast could cross the border and pillage anyone brave enough to live there.” She paused when he did, his breath taxed. No, she definitely couldn’t leave him.

“And has Jast done that in recent history?”

“No, but you know as well as I do, that’s what every stars-fearing Kaloma citizen believes about the kingdom to the north. The king is a despot and his prince a vampire.” The thought made her grin.

“A vampire?”

She laughed. “So they say.”

“And you believe that?”

“It’s an inauspicious beginning if you think I do believe that.” They walked a few more steps.

“How do they say the prince became a vampire?” he asked.

She chuckled. “Really? Does it matter if it isn’t true?”

He grinned. “No, but I’m curious.”

She shrugged. “Not sure if the lore was created, but how’s this? During the last blood eclipse, when everyone knows vampires wandered the Whitling Woods, the prince—on a dare—decided to challenge the legend of The Great Blood Walker. And lost.”

Ollie barked a laugh—the sound startling a group of birds into flight from a nearby tree—then winced at the pain.

His laugh unsettled Tarley, though she wasn’t sure why, and her impulse to cover up the feeling made her chatter again. “Sevens has grown recently,” she offered. “Because of the Queen’s visit.”

“The queen is in Sevens?”

She tilted her head to look at him. “Not yet, but everyone knows she’s on her way. Where have you been? Under a rock?” She adjusted her body against his.

“Just in a river.”

“I’m–” She paused. “Teasing. Good one.”

“Where are you from?”

He looked at her, then back to his feet. “North. Don’t get a lot of news up there, but I did hear the queen was meeting a group from Jast. Have they arrived?”

“A Northman?” If Ollie was a Northman, shewasa woodland fairy. “You have really nice clothes for a Northman.”

Ollie stumbled, and she held him tighter to keep him upright. Then his eyes skimmed her features, measuring her, assessing. When he finally spoke, he asked, “Are you excited for the royal visit, then?”

Tarley noted he’d changed the subject. “For it to be over, yes.”

His eyebrows rose over his eyes. “Really? Why is that?”

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