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Sofie turned her head as she approached the door. “No problem. I’ll go to the Art Department first.” With the crumpled bill in her sweaty palm, Sofie slung her purse over her shoulder and left the office.

A second later, Sofie heard her name. “Oh, Sofie?” Opening the office door slightly, she stuck her head back inside. “Yes? Did I forget something?”

Gabriella sat at her bureau with manicured hands poised on the keyboard. Without looking at Sofie, she remarked, “I’m glad you chose that dress with your clothing allowance. Your hair would look better in a high bun, though.”

Sofie nodded, her head halfway out of the door. “Um, okay, sure. No problem. I’ll, um, fix it in the washroom before I come back.” Gabriella looked up from the keyboard with a neutral expression. “Good girl. Now go.”

Good girl. Oh, fuck.

Sofie felt her panties moistening further.

Sofie padded down the hallway, exhilarated by Gabriella’s approval.At least she noticed what I was wearing without too much criticism. In fact, she seemed to like it!She clung to the twenty-dollar bill, thinking back to how Gabriella looked at her when she gave Sofie her order. The way Gabriella squeezed her hand seemed so subtle yet intentional at the same. Sofie found it impossible to read her boss, but she was captivated, regardless.

A few minutes later, Sofie found herself in front of the Art Department, with the door slightly ajar. Hearing voices towards the back of the room, Sofie tiptoed so as not to interrupt. Sofie had been introduced to Samson a few times, and she loved the energy of the flamboyant and unfiltered employee.

“Hello?” Sofie softly called out. While she had been an assistant at the office for almost a month, Sofie still felt shy when approaching other staff at the magazine. As she moved furtherinside the room, Sofie heard murmurs from a few of the team gathered in the back.

“I wonder if Ms. Galena is aware? I mean, she was gone for quite a while.” Sofie heard the words come from an unfamiliar voice. Sofie became aware that the staff working in the art department were gossiping, and since no one had realized that she had entered the room, Sofie decided to eavesdrop for a minute.

“Well, who could blame her? When I heard the news about the affair, I couldn’t believe it—how mortifying!” a young woman vocalized, sharing thoughts with her co-workers. “I’m impressed at how she bounced back so quickly.”

“I’m not so sure,” a snarky voice added to the conversation. “She seemed pretty bitchy the other day. And with the changes the chair wants to make with the magazine, I wonder how long she’ll be in charge.”

Sofie stood far enough away that the employees, who had their backs to the assistant, didn’t know someone was listening in on their chat.

The same woman who spoke minutes earlier replied, “I don’t understand why the Rutherfords want to alter the design of Deluxe Redux. And with Ms. Galena being an out lesbianandthe magazine CEO, you wouldn’t think she would step up to this homophobia.”

A team member commented, “Well, maybe she doesn’t know? I’m wondering if the leave of absence hurt her position here.”

Wide-eyed, Sofie realized that the staff was talking about Gabriella; comments about the chairperson and changing the magazine suddenly made sense to the assistant.But what do they mean by an affair? What happened to Ms. Galena? And why doesn’t she know more about this situation? She’s supposed to be the boss!

Feeling like a spy, Sofie knew it was time to let her presence known.I don’t want to hear any more of this confusing gossip; it’s making me anxious.Clearing her throat, Sofie spoke up, “Hello? Hi, I’m Sofie Rosswell, Ms. Galena’s assistant. Is Samson here?”

The small group of coworkers jumped in their place, startled to know someone was in the room. A team member turned to face Sofie, exclaiming, “Oh my god! I had no idea someone was here.”

“Yeah, sorry, the door was open. I’m supposed to talk to Samson about a new logo design?” Sofie feigned ignorance, pretending that she didn’t hear any previous comments.

The coworkers exchanged glances, with an employee replying, “Um, yeah, Samson just stepped out for a minute. But I’m pretty sure he has it ready. Do you want to come back? He won’t be long.”

Sofie paused, scanning the group. Hearing the strange news that wasn’t intended for her, she felt uncomfortable. “Sure, no problem. I’m running errands for Ms. Galena anyway, so I’ll return in about an hour.”

“Cool, sounds good. I’ll let him know that you stopped by.” The employee waved at Sofie as she exited the room.Holy shit, what did I witness?Sofie thought.I need to grab Gabriella breakfast, and I still need to fix my hair, so I guess I’ll do that first.

As she made her way to Sunny’s, Sofie felt bad for Gabriella. From what the team was talking about, it sounded like Ms. Galena had suffered a betrayal.

But another interesting piece that Sofie learned was that Ms. Galena was indeed a lesbian.

I mean, maybe it should have been clear from last night?!This knowledge that she was out and proud excited Sofie, inciting arousal.No wonder she knew how to satisfy me so well!But Sofie was also confused by the other comments she heard.Should I bring this up to Ms. Galena? No, I’ll probably get in trouble for eavesdropping.

Sofie ordered her boss breakfast, quickly returning to the magazine. On returning to the office, Sofie stopped at the staff washroom to fix her hair into a tight, high bun. She studied herself in the reflection, feeling a transformation within her. For Sofie, the sex last night was more than just physical pleasure.

Gabriella introduced a power dynamic that resonated deeply with Sofie’s sexual psyche. To be under the control of a dominant, powerful woman had been an abstract fantasy of Sofie’s for years; she didn’t know how to vocalize it or even recognize her needs. It was as if Gabriella intrinsically knew what Sofie desired, which was utterly intoxicating to her.

“Hi, I’m back.” Sofie entered Gabriella’s office with the breakfast order. Her hair was pulled back precisely as her boss had asked.

Gabriella, poised at her desk, looked up as Sofie came inside. “Good, I’m starving. And I desperately need that coffee.” Sofie brought over the small paper bag, resting the coffee on the wooden surface.

“Here, have a seat.” To Sofie’s surprise, Gabriella pulled a chair in front of her while she sat. “I want to have a better look.”
