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First the multiple dinners, now this?

I stared up from my desk, glaring at Slade. I knew what he was up to and I wasn’t so sure I liked it. Four days of nonstop distractions for both me and Zain. I was quickly discovering the motive of my brother’s plan was to keep us apart.

“Lunch with the team?” My voice was sarcastic as I stood and crossed my arms over my chest. “What’s next, a business trip to the Cayman Islands? A business meeting in Tokyo?”

Slade’s lips parted and his finger pointed at me, bouncing just the slightest bit.

“Don’t even think about it,” I snapped. “That’s going too far. I’m not ready to be out of this state, let alone the country.”

“Damn. Would you consider going to Tahoe?”

“No!” I walked around the desk, trying to compose myself. Zain was bent over paperwork, his fingers working the keys on the keyboard. The pile next to the one he was working on was so high, I knew it would take him weeks to reach the bottom of it.

“Come on, Lily. Work with me here. It’s barely been any time at all. If I can just get you to draw this out for just a little longer, we’ll have our answer.”

My head shook. “I’ll give you a few weeks, but not every single day. I’ve barely gotten to even hold a conversation with Zain. I miss him and I know he misses me.”

“That’s the point,” he ground out. “He needs to be distanced and put under the ultimate pressure while doing so. It’ll show me everything I need to know.”

I couldn’t help the small laugh that escaped. “You piss him off too much and he’ll stop playing by your rules. You can’t seriously think he’s going to let you keep us apart for too long. Have you not learned anything about him the last few weeks?”

“The guy is…” Slade’s mouth twisted. “I know how far to push him before he snaps. He’ll be fine. Hell, I bet he’ll thank me in the end.”

“I doubt that. You’ll be lucky if he doesn’t cut you out of his life completely. Zain doesn’t play games, Slade.”

A defensive looked darkened his features. “This isn’t a game, Lilian. This is your future we’re trying to secure. Let’s make sure that you’re not going to get hurt anymore, okay? Just a few more weeks and if your boyfriend is still around and proving himself, you have my word. I will back off completely and let things fall as they may.”

“Fine. A few more weeks and that’s it. But you’re not keeping me away completely. If your plan isn’t work related, I keep my dates with Zain. Period.” I grabbed my purse from behind the desk, preparing to have lunch with Slade and the team. “By the way, I’m spending the night with him tonight. Don’t try to stop me either. It won’t work.”

A low growl filled the space between us and I raised my eyebrow in challenge. When he stayed quiet, I headed for the door. It was as if whatever world Zain was in disappeared at the slight squeak of the hinge. He turned around, checking his watch. I frowned as I headed over to tell him the bad news.

“Let me guess. You can’t go to lunch.”

I glanced back at the team meeting up next to Slade. “No, I’m sorry. We have a business plan to discuss. Slade wants to go over a few companies and get an insight into what we’re dealing with.” I lowered, moving in closer to his face. At his lips parting, everything in me wanting to kiss him. From the deepening of his breaths, I could tell he wanted to, too. “I’ll probably catch a ride home with Slade, but will you pick me up afterward? I’ll bring my overnight bag.”

The smile that had pulled at my lips disappeared at the pained expression Zain held.

“What is it?” I lifted back, getting a better view of his face.

“I won’t be home tonight. Or for the next few days. I was going to talk to you about it over lunch, but…” He swallowed and his jaw tightened in anger. “Your brother is having me and two other men go down to the LA office to review some accounts. We won’t be back until Friday.”

Heat poured from my skin and I turned, glaring at Slade. He only held my stare for a few seconds before turning back to the conversation they were having. He gave me nothing. Not an apologetic look or a please understand expression. He was stoic, just like he always was.

“LA.” I repeated the word, letting the venom in my voice underline it. So far, I’d done okay with the nightmares and I hadn’t had another flashback, but what if Zain wasn’t there for the next one? I knew I needed to be strong and learn to depend on myself, but it was comforting to know my Master could come over if I needed him. Now, he’d be hours away.

“Do you want me to tell him no?”

I looked down, only then realizing I was still giving my brother a death stare.

“Oh, no. You go ahead. This is your job. We’re both having to make sacrifices. It comes with the territory.”

“So I’ve noticed.” Zain picked up my hand, only to let it go. The frustration was evident. I knew he wanted to kiss my palm or knuckles. It was something I loved for him to do. But here, we couldn’t be too obvious in what we shared. I really shouldn’t have even come to him in such a public place. I’d have to remember to be more private. “You have a good lunch,” he continued. “I’ll stop by and see you before I take off.”

“Okay, sounds good. I look forward to it.” I forced a smile and stepped back, heading toward the elevator. By the time I got there, Slade and the team were already walking my way. I hit the button, crossing my arms and trying not to look at my brother as I waited. He’d known the whole time and he never said anything.

The door opened and I walked in, moving to the very back. Slade moved in beside me, staying quiet, but he didn’t have to say anything for me to feel his presence. It pressed against my skin like a living thing. Just like Zain’s did. The dominance was undeniable, but there was a difference. I bowed to my Master and followed his direction. I was willing to bend to Slade, but not for everything. Not for this.

At the ding, everyone walked out and we followed, but just past the opening, I cupped Slade’s arm, pulling him to a stop.

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