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“You don’t have a hood?” I pat down my pockets, but I already know they’re hat-free. “Maybe we can get one at the fest. I think they usually sell some.”

She shifts her shoulders up, tucking her chin behind the blanket. Her breath puffs out in a little cloud. “It’s very pretty, but I hope we don’t get stuck on the chair.” As she speaks, the lift slows.

“Don’t jinx it.” The chair swoops forward again. “Just slowing for someone to get on.” I mentally kick myself. I’ve got Eva away from Hans and Lina for the first time since she’s arrived, and I can’t seem to think of anything to say.

We ride in awkward silence—at least it feels awkward to me. Eva shivers beside me. I consider unzipping my jacket to share it with her, but trying to do that without losing the blanket or falling off the chair might be problematic. “I’m sorry it’s so cold.”

She shakes her head, her hair tickling my cheek. “Not your fault. But next time I go to the mountains, remind me to bring a beanie. And gloves. And maybe an electric blanket. Dang, it’s cold!”

“We’re almost there.” The chair rises up a final swoop, and we clatter over another tower to begin the short, steep descent to the top of the ski hill. A village of small tents have been erected on the broad top of Frauenwald, and a big bonfire rages in the center of the square.

The lift slows, and we jump off, scrambling to the side to avoid the chair as it swings by on its way back down. I drape the blanket around Eva’s shoulders, folding a piece over her head. “If you get too warm, I’ll carry it.”

She pulls the wool tighter, her teeth chattering slightly. “I don’t think that’s going to happen any time soon.”

“Hah!” Hans pops up on her far side. “We’ll get some schnapps into you, and you’ll be stripping down like—” He breaks off when Lina punches his arm. He points at the group of guys who rode up ahead of us. “Like those footballers.”

One of the men yells something and yanks off his jersey to reveal a painted torso and beer belly.

“Or not.” Hans laughs. “Is there a game somewhere today?”

“There’s always a match somewhere.” Lina takes Eva’s arm. “Let’s get inside where it’s warmer.” The two girls hurry into the closest tent.

I stare after them. “Maybe this mountain fest thing was a bad idea. It’s much colder than I anticipated.”

“Dude. Don’t give up so easy. This is prime snuggling weather. Girls like that.”

I look pointedly at the blanket still draped over Hans’s arm. “That’s why you’re here, with the blanket, and Lina is inside with Eva.”

“I play the long game.” Hans starts after the girls. “Plenty of time to get cozy.”

I hope he’s right.

Chapter Fifteen


I pull a newly-purchased bright green hat with a white snowflake pattern onto my head and wrap the matching scarf around my neck and chin. A mountain festival sounded like much more fun when it was warm and sunny outside. I pause at the entrance to the craft tent, staring out at the thick fog that is blowing across the hilltop.

“Did you get the gloves, too?” Lina asks as she pulls a pair on.

I wave my new mittens at her. “You know it. Where did the boys go?”

“They’re getting snacks and hot drinks.”

Bundled more securely against the cold, we strike out toward the bonfire. Around us, people speaking German with heavy Freiberg accents laugh and drink. Children run around the perimeter, playing tag or whatever the local equivalent is. They stray closer to the steep ski slope than looks safe, but no one seems concerned.

I find a place close to the fire. The blanket slips off my shoulder, and I hike it up again. The fire warms my face and front, but my back is still freezing. Lina shifts beside me, and I glance at her, then extend an arm. “You wanna share my blanket?”

She tucks herself against my side. “I was hoping you’d ask. Hansi took ours.”

“He probably thinks he’s being chivalrous by carrying it.” I chuckle. “Men are so clueless sometimes.”

“No kidding. Why would they think this would be fun?”

“Well, if it was warmer…”

Someone steps up behind me and an arm reaches around, offering a steaming mug. “Wine or cocoa?” Teo asks.
