Page 6 of The Hallowed Bond

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"Good morning, my adored one." Sloan was awake and staring at him with eyes that were soft and admiring; he made no judgments. Joshua hated the way Paul looked when he woke up. He said he was disheveled and stunk and refused to touch him or kiss him until he showered. He noticed Sloan's expression tighten and his hand come around to cup his cheek. "Don't think about that man. He no longer matters, and there is no room for him here between us."

Paul was shocked that he was so perceptive to have picked up on the fact he was thinking about Joshua. "I was thinking about how different you are and how lucky I am to have you here with me." Sloan relaxed a little, but Paul could still feel his concern for him. "Joshua is of no consequence. He is not between us, and he never will be." Paul didn't know how to make himself any clearer.

Sloan rolled Paul onto his back and hovered over him, looking down into his face and seeming to study every nuance and expression. "Spend the day with me, my love," Sloan asked and punctuated the request with another hot, wet kiss that managed to curl Paul's toes. Paul ran his hands over and across Sloan's shoulders, needing the touch and the grounding that he had provided.

He felt Sloan's hand skim down his body and lightly touch his hardening cock, sending instant electrical charges through his system. Paul smiled and laughed at his own seemingly over-the-top reaction to something so simple and basic as a touch. He loved romantic touches, loving touches, and caring touches; they were his life's blood, and no one in his life had ever understood that need. Sloan understood, and he was readily feeding that need to Paul's pleasure and delight.

They were just getting into the grinding and wet kisses when Paul's phone rang. It was Dorian calling, and he would not stop until Paul answered. That's just how he rolled. There was no escaping that man. Paul cupped the sides of Sloan's face and kissed him gently.

"I have to answer that." He announced regretfully. "It's Dorian, a good friend, and he does not give up." Sloan dropped his head and laid it on Paul's chest for a few seconds before rolling off to the side.

“It was Dorian who pushed me to go out last night rather than lay around the apartment in my underwear and brood.” That statement brought a chuckle from Sloan.

"I'm glad you listened to him." He said and then added, "Answer your call, and I'll start the shower. Join me when you're finished." He rolled out of bed and started across the room, and Paul could not take his eyes off him. The man moved like a god. He was brought back to his senses when his phone started ringing again because Dorian would never give up. He quickly reached for his phone on the bedside table.

“Hello.” He answered just a little out of breath.

"Sounds like you're having a good time; tell me all about it." Dorian immediately began grilling him.


Sloan could feel Paul's appreciative gaze following him as he walked to the bathroom, so he put a little extra sway into his steps. Paul hadn't answered regarding spending the day with him, but what he was picking up told him the answer was yes. Sloan planned to fuck him mercilessly and thoroughly, leaving him with no doubt as to who he belonged to. Spending the day together was just the beginning of a long and loving life spent together.

He was not known for such maudlin considerations, but where his adored one was concerned, he knew that he would always feel intense emotion and the need to constantly satisfy those emotions. Paul, what a lovely man, and soon his mind would start to accept the truth of the world around him, at which time their bond would be set.

He could hear him on the phone with his friend, and their conversation was touching. He was telling him sweet and wonderful things about him and telling him nothing of the intimacies they enjoyed. He had manners as well as being perfect in every way. Sloan adjusted the water, got it to the right temperature, and then stepped under the warm, relaxing spray. He could tell that the call was nearly over, and Paul was anxious to join him.

"I didn't think he would ever stop talking," Paul announced impatiently as he quickly got into the shower with him. Sloan took him into his arms and moved him under the spray of the shower. "This feels so good, you feel so good." Sloan made sure to run his hands over every part of Paul's body he could reach and was rewarded with those lovely moans and eager gasps.

"I want to spend the day with you, Sloan," Paul answered his previous question. "I want to get to know you, I hope you want that too." Paul's tone lacked confidence, but that would grow in time as the bond cemented their connection, and he came to understand his importance in this world, in Sloan's world.

"I would love to spend the day getting to know you, my love," Sloan responded and gradually pushed Paul up against the wet tile wall of the shower, holding him there with his body. "Is this for me?" He asked as he took Paul's hard cock in a firm, wet grip.

"All yours, baby, all yours." Paul did not hesitate and leaned into Sloan, gently thrusting his hips. "I love the way you touch me, the way you hold me, the way you make me feel like there is no one in the world right now except you and me."

"I love the way you feel, the way you hold onto me, and the way you make me feel like the most important man in the world." Sloan described his feelings and then dropped to his knees, taking Paul's cock between his lips and then taking him immediately down his throat. Paul stiffened and then fell into a rhythm of thrusts and grinds that brought him to the edge quickly.

His breathing was ragged, and his heartbeat was rapid. He was there, and all Sloan needed to do was push him over the edge, which he did. The reaction was marvelous. Paul did not disappoint and came with a gusto that befitted a man in the throws of bonding. He came in stream after stream, his essence filling Sloan sharp and rejuvenating. The effects of his adored were multiple and always intense.

Sloan took every drop and licked him clean before standing and taking his still blissed-out lover in his arms. "I need you, Paul." He said before turning him around, pressing Paul's palms to the tile wall, and whispering in his ear. "Keep them there." He then took Paul with a hand on each hip and pulled his lovely round ass back and up toward him.

In one quick thrust, he plunged deep inside his adored. He'd prepared him while getting him off, so Paul took all of him easily. He slid inside and filled his adored, stretching him and sending sparks of sensations through him. Paul pushed back against Sloan, taking him impossibly deep. The sexy sounds he was making set Sloan on fire, and he quickly set up a rhythm of powerful thrusts that had Paul gripping the wall and shouting Sloan's name.

His lover was very vocal as well as tactile, and Sloan was impressed and turned on like never before. Sloan had known many men in his lifetime, but not even one could compare in any small way to what Fate had given him. Paul was someone so pure and real and so complex that it was going to take a lifetime to learn all his secrets. The bond had given him many insights into his adored, but Fate never gave over everything she left many morsels to be discovered.

He hammered hard, forcing his adored flush against the wall, and then lifted him off his feet and buried himself deep inside the velvet heat of his channel and came. He sunk his teeth back into the slight scar and drank, cementing their bond a little stronger.

The taste of his adored was both sweet and potent and filled with vigor, drive, and vitality. Feeding had always left him energized, but not like this with Paul. His entire being was getting recharged in the most delicious way possible.

"Sloan, I feel so connected to you and not just in the obvious." Paul moaned the words slowly and ended with a lazy, satisfied smile. "I've never felt like this Sloan." Sloan finished and licked the wound closed and gradually pulled out while holding his adored secure in his arms. Paul laid his head against Sloan's chest and smiled with his eyes closed. Sloan didn't think he had ever loved him more than he did at that moment.

"I feel the same, my love," Sloan spoke softly against the top of Paul's head and just held him, swaying beneath the warm, gentle water that cascaded over and around them. They were in their own world.

Joshua was up and pacing the length of his suite at the Ritz-Carlton well before the sun came up. It was impossible to sleep knowing that Paul had spent at least part of the night in the company of someone well out of his class and income bracket.

Paul had been fun, and Joshua had never really considered a long-term relationship with him, even though he told him that's what he was looking for. He did plan on Paul buying a house and including his name and then breaking up and selling it for a profit that he would make sure went in his favor. He'd done it before with two other boyfriends, and he was sure Paul was so in love with him that he would hand over his savings, but alas, he had none.

He'd already begun acclimating Lance into a relationship, so it was easy enough to drop Paul and move on to the bigger and brighter. What he hadn't anticipated was Paul not being depressed and sad about their breakup and moving on much too quickly. It made him look disposable, and that was a look he would not tolerate from anyone, especially not someone like Paul Masters, an absolute dim bulb in every sense of the word.
