Page 46 of Hot as F*ck Bundle

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My recorder was lost.

“You don’t need a copy of my recording, all you need is my testimony.”

“I need a copy of that recording.”

I stood up and crossed my arms in front of my chest. “Actually, you don’t. Under oath, and facing the penalty of perjury, I have provided testimony. As a matter of law, testimony is a solemn statement or declaration of fact, and is a form of evidence in itself. Now, release Navarro or my next article will be a full front page on the corruption within the judicial system, and I’ll start with my experiences here today with you, officer fucktard. Now, release Navarro or face the wrath of the Union-Tribune.”

He grinned. “One last question. How do you know it was 2:00 a.m.? Could it have been 1:00? Midnight? 1:30?”

“if you want the specific time, it was 2:06. Navarro and I had just finished speaking about a charity run he was trying to organize for orphaned children, and I looked at my watch. I recall saying, holy shit, it’s 2:06, I need to go.”

He stood up. “I ain’t sure what you and Crip got goin’ on, so I ain’t tryin’ to get in the middle of that. And I ain’t tryin’ to be disrespectful either. But god damn, girl, you’re the first bangin’ ass hot bitch I ever met that’s got her shit together. Most hot bitches are dumb as fuck.”

I grinned. “Thanks.”

He reached into his pocket, produced a tattered business card, and handed it to me. “I’m gonna get before you get me drunk. Give him a visit tomorrow. Call first. What you and I talked about? It didn’t happen. When you talk to him, whatever you say--”

“I’ll tell him the truth,” I said. “That the interview was on the 7th, and that it ended at 2:06 a.m.”

He clenched his fist and extended his arm.

I clenched mine and pounded it into his.

“Good lookin’ out, Peyton Price,” he said. “You get Crip out of jail, and I’ll owe you. Big time.”

“I’ll hold you to it,” I said.

He reached for his drink, and finished it in one gulp. “Good luck tomorrow.”

“I don’t need luck,” I said. “I’ve got charm.”

He grinned. “You’ve got something, that’s for fuckin’ sure.”

He was right.

I was a thrill-seeking weirdo.

And lying to the cops to get Navarro out of jail was thrilling to me.

Now, all I needed to do was find an outfit to wear. And I needed to remember to wear my glasses.

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