Page 42 of Hot as F*ck Bundle

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You’re trying to scare the wrong man.

I’d been shot at far too many times to allow myself to become petrified by someone who was simply pointing a gun at me.

With his weapon pointed at my chest, he nodded his head toward the floor. “Get on the floor, or I’ll shoot!”

I coughed out a laugh. “You got any idea how many of those fellas behind me have cell phones?”

His eyes thinned.

“And idea how many know how to push the record button?” I asked.

He exhaled heavily.

“I’m surrendering.” I cleared my throat. “Now. Be a man, and come arrest me.”

“Lower your weapons.” He holstered his weapon and removed his handcuffs. “Turn around. Slowly.”

I nodded. “Sure thing, detective.”

I turned around, locked eyes with Pee Bee, and winked. He shook his head and grinned.

The detective frisked me, placed the cuffs on my wrists one at a time, and turned me to face the officers. “Nicholas Navarro, you are under arrest in association with the disappearance of Bryan Whipple. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you.”

“I’m under arrest?”

“You sure are.”

“Under the protection afforded me by the Fifth Amendment of the US Constitution, I would like to exercise my right to remain silent. And, I refuse to subject myself to any questioning without having an attorney present,” I said.

“So you’re a gang member and a legal expert?” he asked in a sarcastic tone.

He was doing his best to goad me into a conversation, but it wasn’t going to work. There were only two people I was going to talk to.

The club’s attorney, and Peyton Price.

In that order.
