Page 41 of Hot as F*ck Bundle

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“Good point, Peeb.” I nodded. “He’s right, fellas. Respect. That’s all we’re asking for. And until they give it, we need to watch our backs.”

Pee Bee’s eyes shot wide and he motioned toward the street. “Fuck. Cops.”

I turned toward the open garage doors. Without lights or sirens, police cruisers pulled in one after the other. After the fourth, an unmarked Dodge Charger parked alongside the last cruiser. In unison, eight uniform officers – and who I suspected were two detectives – got out of their cars at the same time.

The detective driving the unmarked charger stepped a few feet inside the shop and stopped. His partner and the remaining officers stood in position.

“Nicholas Navarro. You can either surrender, or we’re coming in.” He looked at his watch. “I’ll give you fifteen seconds.”

“Nobody do anything,” I whispered. “Don’t fucking move.”

I took two steps forward, separating myself from the group of men. “I’m Nick Navarro. You placing me under arrest?”

He nodded. “I sure am.”

“What are the charges?”

“You’ve got six seconds.”

“What are the fucking charges?”

“The disappearance of Bryan Whipple for starters. Time’s up.”

I pulled off my kutte and handed it to Pee Bee. Having it confiscated by the police and used as a trophy during a news conference wasn’t going to happen. After handing him my cell phone and wallet, I gave my only instruction. “Get the reporter to come see me in jail if they don’t let me bond out.”

“The girl?”

I nodded. “She works for the Union-Tribune. Name’s Peyton Price. She’ll be easy to find.”

He folded the kutte over his forearm and nodded. “You got it, Crip.”

I began walking toward the officers. After the third or fourth step, guns were drawn and commands were barked out as if I were a suicide bomber.

“Do not come any closer! Place your hands behind your head! Interlock your fingers, and lower yourself to the floor!”

Standing twenty feet from the officers, I locked eyes with big-mouthed detective. I slowly raised my hands, placed them behind my head, and interlocked my fingers.

“Get down on the floor!”

“I’m not getting on the floor.”

“Get down on the floor!”

“I’ve got seventeen fucking witnesses. I’m not resisting arrest. I’m surrendering.”

“Get down on the floor!” he shouted. “I’m not telling you again!”

No differently than the issues the MC was having with the Savages, I viewed the detective’s demand that get on the floor as disrespectful. If I were resisting arrest, committing a crime, or attempting to evade arrest, I would have no other choice.

But I wasn’t.

I was peacefully offering myself to them. His repeated commands were for no other reason than to feed his ego. I had little doubt that if it wasn’t for the seventeen witnesses standing behind me, I would have been shot.

I shook my head. “I’m not telling you again. I’m surrendering without incident, detective.”

He drew his weapon and pointed it at me. Nine others followed.

Sorry, fellas.
