Page 2 of Sinful Duty

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It was five minutes before five o’clock and I took one last look in the mirror. My makeup was quite a bit heavier than I normally wore to cover the dark bruise on my cheek. My dark hair was kept long and I wore a simple yet pretty pale blue dress. It was similar to one Father had liked previously so I hoped he had no complaints this time.

Grabbing my small clutch purse that held my phone and wallet, I quickly headed down the stairs and toward the front door. I was pleased to see that I arrived at the same time as Father. He took one look at me and nodded. I sighed in relief. He was pleased.

I waited quietly to see who else was coming. Finally, Momma appeared with Patrina. I was surprised to see my sister joining us. Her breakup with Konstantin was quite an embarrassment to the family. I had a feeling Leonardo wouldn’t be happy to see her but I knew better than to say anything. I remained quiet as we got into the SUV and started the short trip to Leo’s home.

“Father, will that Irish woman be there?” Patrina asked in disgust.

Father looked up at Patrina with a scowl. “Unfortunately, yes. If you embarrass me yet again I’ll end you myself. Am I clear?”

Patrina rolled her eyes but replied, “Yes, Father.” She turned to look at me, a mean smile on her face. “Let me know if you want any tips on Konstantin, dear sister. His appetite is deliciously dark.”

Momma gasped loudly at Patrina’s words. Father ignored us all. This was how it normally was. I just turned my head andlooked out the window. In truth I was terrified. Before Leonardo took over as Don, we’d been in a war with the Russians. Konstantin Baranov was only spoken of in hushed voices. He was said to rule the Bratva with an iron fist and dispatch enemies in some of the most gruesome ways.

Before I knew it, we’d arrived at Leo’s home. I was looking forward to seeing Hazel again. She was the sweetest person and I could have cared less that she was Irish. She’d proven her loyalty to our Don and that was all that mattered to me. Leo was completely in love with his wife and I loved watching the two of them together.

I exited the vehicle and waited for Father to lead us to the front door. Along the way, Momma fidgeted with my dress before sighing and muttering, “I guess that will have to do. It’s too bad you aren’t as pretty as your sister.”

I briefly closed my eyes to the stinging pain of her words. Shoving it into the back corner of my mind, I kept my attention on not being an embarrassment. I watched as Leo opened the door and heard a happy squeal as Hazel burst forth and pulled me into a tight hug. I loved that Leo let her be herself and didn’t expect her to act like a perfect robot with no emotions.

“Gianna!” She whispered into my ear, “Don’t worry, I got your back girl. Kostya has been properly threatened by me.” Hazel was tiny like me and the idea that she threatened the Pakhan of the Baranov Bratva had me fighting a giggle that wanted to burst forth.

“I see your wife has still to learn respect, Leonardo,” Father glared.

The smile on Leo’s face turned into a dark scowl. “Control your tongue or else, Aldo,” he warned.

Father didn’t like that. He hated that he hadn’t been named Don of the Zima family. He felt he deserved it. After all, the previous Don was his older brother. Instead, the role had gone to Leo as the direct heir. Father didn’t respond to Leo’s warning but instead asked, “Has the Russian arrived yet?”

As we entered the house and into the living room, I saw three of the largest scariest men I’d ever seen before. Father immediately stepped forward and held out his hand to the largest of the men who stood in the middle. “Konstantin.”

“Aldo.” As Konstantin greeted Father, his eyes stayed locked on me. I could feel the heat of a soft blush fill my cheeks.

“Kostya, you know my aunt and uncle and Patrina, but this is Gianna. Gianna, this is Konstantin Baranov, Pakhan of the Baranov Bratva,” Leo introduced.

Konstantin immediately took my small hand in his and brought it to his lips, turning the pale blush on my cheeks to a flaming red. “You awe me with your beauty, zaika.” My eyes stayed locked to his and realized that I could get lost looking into his storm-gray eyes.

“Let’s give them a few minutes while we head into the dining room for a round of drinks,” Leo suggested from far away and before long we were alone.

“Gianna, zaika, tell me about the things that make you smile.”

I pulled my eyes away trying to collect my thoughts and remember how to use my words. I didn’t know what it was about this man but I could already tell he was dangerous with that charm of his. “I-I love to read and draw or paint. S-silly things really.”

“Not silly. Never that. Russians are cold by nature but we love and appreciate the beauty of the arts. I am no different. I look forward to seeing your art.” He reached out to caress my cheek and without realizing I flinched from the pain his touch caused my bruised cheek.

Afraid he would be insulted, I tried to quickly apologize. “I-I’m…”

“Zaika, who hurt you? Who did this to you?” The anger in his eyes frightened me. His rage was almost tangible.

“It’s nothing, I promise.”

“Gianna, who disrespected you? As your intended, they insult me as well.”

“It’s nothing. I made Father angry. That is all. Please, this alliance is important. More important than a small mark on my cheek,” I pleaded with him.

“For you, I will not respond. No one will ever touch you in this way again, zaika. I promise you this. Now, shall we join the others?” With a nod of my head, he took my hand and led me to the dining room. When he noticed that Patrina had made sure to sit next to Konstantin, he approached her and ordered, “Move.”

Patrina gasped in horror at his order and looked indignantly at Father and then at Leo. When she realized no one was going to say anything, she stood up with a huff and moved to the seat next to Momma, putting her next to one of the men who was with Konstantin. The scowl on that man was frightening and I was glad it wasn’t directed at me.

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