Page 3 of His Miracle

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I started to laugh before tears started falling and a sob escaped. “T-that was my plan until my life went straight down the toilet.”

Before I realized it, he was guiding me over to a bench and sitting down next to me. “The names Alec but everyone calls me Nomad. I’m just here for the night but I’m already considering lengthening my stay if it means getting to know you.”

I could feel my cheeks turning pink at his sweet words. “It’s nice to meet you Alec aka Nomad. I’m Sienna and I don’t know what I’m doing.”

“I have all the time in the world and a spare shoulder with your name on it. Heck, you never know, you might feel better just telling someone.”

I nodded before I took a deep breath to calm my emotions. “I worked a boring office job but it paid well. After work yesterday I came home to find my fiancé of six months home early and not alone. His assistant was with him. He admitted the only reason he was with me was that I looked good to the partners and he wanted to get a coveted promotion.”

“So he was cheating on you with his secretary? What a cliche douchbag. How long was he cheating for?”

I sighed as I wiped away a tear that had escaped. “Longer than we’d been engaged. I was hurt but what’s even sadder is that I also feel relieved. I’ve known something was off for a while. I just didn’t want to think about it.”

“Then I’m happy for you, but the look on your face doesn’t say relief.”

“Today I got layed off from work. So now I’m homeless because I was sharing an apartment with Daniel, jobless, and completely alone for Christmas. I’ll be eating Chinese food and watching Christmas movies in a hotel room. I have no clue what I’m going to do next and I feel beat up and depressed all rolled together.”

“Well, now you’re not alone. You’ll be spending Christmas with me as my very own Christmas miracle. As for what’s next, that’s easy, you’re coming with me to get Chinese food and then we’ll go back to either your room or mine and watch some Die Hard. Nothing like a good Bruce Willis Christmas movie to cheer us up.”

“Oh no! I couldn’t do that. Being with me will just ruin your evening and holiday.”

“Sienna, have you ever heard of love at first sight?”

“That’s the stuff of romance novels and movie fantasies.” I looked at him like he was crazy. What did silly romance notions have to do with me?

He took my hand and gave me a smile that practically turned me into a puddle of goo. “I used to think so, too. Then I saw it happen to my club President and several other powerful men that I know and respect. We’ve known each other for what, five minutes?”

I nodded, finding myself wanting to hear what he said next. “Not long.”

“Not long at all, and yet the moment my eyes met yours a voice in my head said, ‘Mine.’ I’m sure that’s all caveman sounding but the more we talk the more I feel the truth in that voice. We’re both alone, both at a time of potential change in our lives. Spend the evening with me. Get to know who I am and maybe we won’t have to be alone anymore.”

I looked at him and thought about what he said. As crazy as it sounded, it felt like there was truth there as well. Daniel almost felt like an inconsequential blip in my life that was leading me to this man. “I think I’d like that.”


Nomad and I walked around town viewing the decorations as we learned about each other. I learned about the motorcycle club he was a part of and he learned about me. He learned how I used to love Christmas, how I loved to read, and loved to create art. I learned how he lost his family before finding a new one.

The more I learned about him the more I liked. Eventually we decided on Chinese takeout and went back to my hotel suite to eat and watch movies. It was late at night before we fell asleep watching the final Die Hard movie. I fell asleep with a smile on my face, knowing that I’d had the best time with Nomad and didn’t want it to end. I could only hope he’d be there when I woke up.



I woke up holding the most beautiful creature in my arms. She looked so peaceful as she slept. A small smile graced her pink lips. She was it for me. I knew it the moment my eyes met hers. It was as if our souls joined together after a long separation.

It was Christmas Eve and I planned to spend the whole day with my beautiful Sienna. I was hoping that I could convince to travel back to Texas with me. At some point last evening, I just knew without a shadow of a doubt that I wanted to settle down and leave the nomadic life with her. With my Christmas miracle. Now I just needed to convince her.

I tenderly brushed her hair away from her face and smiled. In my heart I was already in love with this angel. It sounded crazy but it was no less true. This woman was mine. She was my soul mate, my love, my everything.

I watched as she stretched her body out along mine and blinked her eyes open with a smile. “Hi,” she whispered.

“Hi, baby. Sleep well?”

“Wonderfully. They were filled with dreams of a hot biker.” Her smile turned mischievous as she added, “I hope that doesn’t make you too jealous.”

I smirked at the fun twinkle in her eye. “Well, I’ll definitely have to take him out as an obvious threat. There is only one hot biker that should ever be in your dreams, beautiful.”


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