Page 14 of Escaping Rejection

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“Mr. Rivers? It’s time,” the man said in a deep rumble.


“Knock ’em dead, big guy,” Mika called to me as I left.

A camera followed me and the security guard as he led me to the official mating chamber. Apparently, Kira and J.D. would be in the makeshift chamber. The thought alone made my eye twitch. I shook the thought away before my imagination could run away with me.

He escorted me inside, where Von and his dumbass smile waited for me. A second camera hovered behind his head.

“Welcome, Wyatt. An exciting night awaits. Chelsey will be here soon, but I wanted to greet you and show you the refreshments.” He swept a hand to a small table by the door. “Champagne, red wine, a selection of dark chocolates, strawberries, and homemade whipped cream.” Von stepped over and leaned toward my ear, pointing to the nightstands beside the massive bed. “I think you already know this, but we’ve stocked some grade-A items in there for when things get hot and heavy. Standard things like lubricant, but also more adventurous items: handcuffs, nipple clamps, a riding crop. Hmmm, delicious, isn’t it? Well, I’ll leave you to welcome Chelsey. Enjoy yourselves. Idomean that.”

Von left, and the cameras departed with him, leaving me alone to peruse the room as I waited for Chelsey. I poked around in the drawers. My eyes went wide with surprise, shocked to find a drawer packed full of vibrators of various sizes and lengths, lube, handcuffs, and a barrage of other items.

“Holy shit,” I hissed and slammed the drawer shut, wincing in disgust.

A moment later, the door opened again. Straightening, I turned to see Chelsey stepping in, looking both excited and nervous.

“Hey, Wyatt.”


From the way she looked at me, I could tell she truly thought something would happen between us. I couldn’t toy with her emotions. I would not be having sex with her. Even if someone put a gun to my head, I couldn’t even look at another woman in that way, much less do what the whole world thought we would be doing in here.

“Chelsey?” I said, taking a few steps toward her.

“Yes?” Her eyes were wide with hope, and I felt like a dick for what I was about to do.

“Listen, can we sit and talk for a second?” I motioned toward the two seats in the corner rather than the bed.

“Oh. Umm, okay.” She walked over and sat, obviously confused.

I took the seat opposite and leaned forward on my elbows, keeping eye contact with her. “I’ve got something I need to tell you because you deserve the truth.”

“Uh oh,” she said. “This isn’t going to be good, is it?”

“I’m so sorry, Chelsey. I didn’t want to lead you on or hurt you in any way, but I don’t care for you in the way you deserve. I’m head over heels in love with Kira. I always have been.” It was the first time I’d said that internally or out loud. It felt good. “Anyway, I don’t see my feelings ever changing. I know she and I have been acting strange toward each other lately, but this show is like fifty percent survival and fifty percent acting. The best way for me to protect Kira is by acting. The same goes for her.” I paused. “I’m not entirely sure she feels the same as I do, but I don’t know if she’s just acting to keep me safe. I wanted you to know the truth.”

I took a breath and waited to see what her reaction would be. Chelsey stared at me, worrying her lower lip between her teeth. Her shoulders sagged and a sad smile spread across her lips.

“I should have known.” She slapped a hand to her forehead. “I’m an idiot. It was so obvious if I’d wanted to see it.” Chelsey sounded discouraged and sad, but not heartbroken or devastated. I’d take that as a win.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

“This sucks,” she blurted. “All of it. Being on this show, being stuck here. It’s all so fucking awful. I’ve only been here a few days. I can’t imagine what you and Kira went through. I can’t blame you guys for doing what was needed to stay alive.”

A shaky, relieved breath shuddered out of me. “So, you’re good?”

“I suppose.” She glanced forlornly at the bed. “I still don’t know why Kira tried to get you and I together. That part doesn’t make any sense. Could she have been screwing with me?”

“No.” I held up my hands. “She wasn’t. That’s what I meant when I said I wasn’t sure if she felt the same for me as I do for her. She wanted me to get off the island alive, and she thought being paired with you would be the best way. She, uh…” Should I tell Kira’s biggest secret? I had to, especially if this woman was going to help us get off this island alive. “Kira isn’t planning on taking a mate. All she wants is the favor from Heline.”

Chelsey’s eyes widened with surprise. “Seriously? I don’t think anyone has ever chosen that before.”

“I know, but it’s a secret. You can’t tell anyone, it’ll—”

“I get it, Wyatt. I won’t say anything.” She laughed sarcastically. “You think I want to throw Kira under the bus when these assholes kidnapped my little brother? Put him out in the jungle to die? No. Fuck those guys. I hope Kira does win and tells Heline to set this whole island on fire.” The venom in her voice filled me with relief. Our secret would be safe with her. The anger in her voice wasn’t easily faked.

“Sorry, I didn’t want to imply you weren’t trustworthy.”

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