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Benjamin leaned back in his chair, smirking. "Oh, I'd love to chat like adults, but it seems your boyfriend can't keep his eyes off me. What's the matter, Austin? Jealous?"

I scoffed, rolling my eyes. "Hardly. I just don't like jerks who can't take a hint."

He tilted his head, feigning surprise. "Is that what you think? That I can't take a hint?"

Paisley interjected before I could respond. "Ben, why did you even want to meet?"

He took a moment, seemingly collecting his thoughts. "I flew all the way to California, Paisley. Do you have any idea what that trip cost me? Both financially and emotionally? I thought, maybe, just maybe, fate was giving us a second chance."

My jaw tightened. "Accept it, Benjamin. She left you. Move on."

Paisley placed a hand on my arm, trying to soothe my rising temper. "Benjamin, that trip wasn't my doing. You chose to fly out. And if you're insinuating that we should give our relationship another shot just because of some misguided sense of destiny, then you're more deluded than I thought."

Benjamin's face turned a shade redder. "Misguided? You seriously think what we had was misguided? I loved you, Paisley. I fucking loved you!"

Paisley's voice was sharp, every word laced with determination. "Love isn't about possession, Ben. It's about understanding, trust, and respect. Something you never gave me."

He laughed bitterly. "And he does? Mister high-and-mighty vineyard owner from California?"

I leaned forward, my voice icy. "You don't know a damn thing about me. Or us. So, why don't you shut your mouth before I shut it for you?"

He stood abruptly, knocking his chair over in the process. "You think you're so tough, don't you, Austin?"

Without warning, Benjamin lunged towards Paisley, his intentions unclear but his movement aggressive. Without thinking, I rose from my seat, intercepting him with a right hook to his jaw. The impact sent him stumbling back, crashing into a nearby table, upsetting drinks and drawing alarmed gasps from surrounding patrons.

"Stay away from her," I seethed, stepping between him and Paisley.

He wiped blood from his mouth, glaring at me with unabated hatred. "You think this changes anything? She'll see you for the controlling prick you are, just wait."

I smirked, my confidence unwavering. "We'll see about that."

Paisley's voice broke through, her tone stern. "Benjamin, it's over. I'm with Austin now, and there's nothing you can say or do to change that. It's time for you to move on."

He glared at the both of us, his eyes dark with rage. "You'll regret this."

I chuckled darkly. "The only thing I regret is not decking you sooner."

Benjamin spat on the ground before limping away, disappearing into the bustling streets.

As the shock of the altercation settled, Paisley turned to face me, her eyes brimming with a mix of gratitude and concern. "Austin… that was..."

"Stupid? Reckless?" I finished for her, rubbing my now sore knuckles.

She smiled softly, placing a gentle hand on my cheek. "Protective. And very, very hot."

I grinned, pulling her into an embrace. The tension from the confrontation melted away as we lost ourselves in the warmth of each other's touch, the sounds of the city fading into the background.

The feeling of Paisley's fingers laced through mine offered a stark contrast to the rage I had felt just moments earlier. I could still feel the throbbing in my knuckles and the sting of Benjamin's accusations. But as we stepped away from the café, with its now flipped chairs and overthrown tables, she tugged me gently towards her, leaning close to whisper, “I can't believe you punched him."

“It’s not something I make a habit of, I promise,” I responded with a rueful smile, looking down at her, taking in her disheveled hair and flustered cheeks.

Paisley sighed heavily. “Thank you, Austin. But we still need him to sign those papers.”

The dread in her eyes was unmistakable. Benjamin held that power over her — the last piece in her escape puzzle. The paper trail of a broken engagement that she desperately wanted to put behind her.

"We'll deal with it," I reassured her, trying to lighten the mood. "For now, let's just forget about him."

She looked up at me, mischief sparkling in her eyes. “In that case, you owe me a drink.”

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