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The longer we kissed, the more desperate and needy it became. Austin's fingers dug into my skin, holding me close as if he was afraid I'd disappear. And with each passing second, the anger, the hurt, and the betrayal became distant memories, replaced by the raw, primal desire that flowed between us.

But as the haze of passion threatened to consume us entirely, I remembered why we were here, why we were having this conversation in the first place. Reluctantly, I pulled away, gasping for breath, my forehead resting against his.

"We can't keep doing this, Austin," I whispered, my voice shaky. "This...whatever this is, it's not a solution. It's just a distraction."

He sighed, his thumb brushing against my cheek. "I know. But every time I'm around you, it's like I lose all sense of reason."

I pulled back slightly, searching his eyes for any hint of deceit. "This isn't just about passion or chemistry. We need to figure out where we stand, what we want from this."

He looked torn, the weight of his emotions clear on his face. "I want you, Paisley. That's all I know. Everything else... we can figure it out. But I can't stand the thought of losing you."

I took a deep breath, feeling the weight of his words. "I need time. I can't just jump back into this. Not after everything."

His kiss stole my words, a deep and insistent press of his mouth against mine that made my brain go fuzzy. Every thought, every objection I'd had seconds ago disappeared in the wake of the raw hunger I felt for him. The electricity between us was palpable; my skin prickled with anticipation. It wasn’t just a mere kiss. It was a statement, a plea, a promise, all rolled into one.

I could feel the solid weight of him, the heat of his body so close to mine, the rough texture of his stubble as he deepened the kiss. My fingers clutched at the back of his shirt, pulling him even closer, wanting to feel every inch of him.

Breaking the kiss for just a moment, he looked down at me, his eyes dark with desire. "Paisley," he murmured, his voice thick and ragged. But that one word was filled with so much emotion, so much longing, it made my heart flutter.

I didn't get a chance to reply. He kissed me again, a little more demanding this time, making me gasp. My hands roamed over his back, feeling the hard planes and muscles beneath his shirt. He made a low sound in his throat, a mix of a growl and a moan, causing a jolt of excitement to shoot through me.

Without breaking our connection, Austin scooped me into his arms. I instinctively wrapped my legs around his waist, and a surprised laugh escaped me. The world tilted, and the next thing I knew, the soft comforter of my bed was beneath me, and Austin was hovering above.

The room was dim, lit only by the soft glow of the streetlights filtering through the gaps in my curtains. But it was enough to see the intensity in Austin's eyes. There was an unspoken question in his gaze, a silent plea for permission. I nodded slightly, giving him the go-ahead.

His strong arms held him above me, his body just out of reach. Every line of him was taut, controlled, as if he was battling some inner demon. The tension in the room was thick, charged with unsaid words and unrestrained desire.

Leaning down, he brushed his lips against the sensitive skin of my neck, causing a shiver to run down my spine. His kisses were slow, deliberate, each one sending waves of pleasure coursing through me. My hands tangled in his hair, urging him on, guiding him to where I wanted him most.

His lips traced a burning path from my neck to my collarbone, every kiss leaving a mark, claiming me as his. The feel of his mouth on my skin, the weight of him on top of me—it was intoxicating. All thoughts, all rationality, flew out the window. The world had narrowed down to this one moment, this one room, this one man.

I arched my back, pressing myself against him, needing to feel the solid weight of him. My fingers dug into his shoulders, pulling him closer, urging him to take what he wanted.

And he did.

The air was thick with the sound of our heavy breathing, the low moans and whispers that only heightened the intimacy of the moment. Time seemed to stand still, each second stretching into an eternity, filled only with the sensation of Austin's lips on my skin and the weight of his body pressing me into the soft mattress.

It felt like we were on the edge of something, teetering between desire and restraint, between need and control. Every touch, every kiss, was filled with an urgency that threatened to consume us both.

But, as the world threatened to tilt and spin, Austin pulled back slightly, resting his forehead against mine. His breathing was intent, purposeful, his eyes dark and filled with a hunger that mirrored my own.

There we were, wrapped up in a cocoon of shared longing and electric tension. The weight of Austin’s presence above me, so protective yet dominating, made every nerve ending in my body come alive.

His fingers danced on my skin, moving in tantalizing patterns that had me biting my lip to suppress the moans threatening to spill out. He looked at me, his eyes hooded and dark with desire. "Paisley," he whispered, his voice sounding deeper than usual. "You're stunning."

As he spoke, his fingers slid down, trailing along the edge of my shirt. I caught my breath, waiting, watching him, every fiber of my being focused on his next move. His hand glided over the curve of my hip, then made its way up my side, taking my shirt with it.

I raised my arms, giving him unspoken permission, and he slowly peeled the fabric off me. His gaze never left mine, watching for any sign of hesitation or discomfort. But all I felt was the weight of my desire and the burning need to be closer to him.

As the shirt slipped off, the cool air of the room kissed my skin, making my nipples tighten involuntarily. I suddenly became acutely aware of how exposed I was under his intent gaze. I felt vulnerable, but in the most exhilarating way.

Austin's gaze dropped, and his eyes darkened even more, if that was possible. He swallowed hard, his Adam’s apple bobbing. "Wow," he murmured, clearly struggling to find his words. "Your nipples...they're...they star in a lot of my dreams, but… Seeing them like this, so...enticing, it’s better than any dream."

I blinked, taken aback by his candidness. The mix of his raw honesty and the intensity of the moment had my heart pounding in my chest. There was a fire in his eyes, one that matched the burning I felt deep within me. I felt beautiful, wanted, and desired—all because of the way he looked at me.

With gentle fingers, he traced the curve of my collarbone, down to where my heart raced wildly beneath my skin. Every touch was like a brand, imprinting his claim on me. I closed my eyes, allowing myself to get lost in the sensations, letting his touch anchor me.

Drawing a shuddering breath, he began to explore further. His fingers, so gentle yet confident, brushed over the swell of my breasts, making me arch my back in response. The groan that left his lips was deep, resonating with the yearning I felt.

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