Page 8 of I Was Always Yours

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“You really weren’t scared at all in there, were you?”

I can’t help but chuckle. “No, I would have taken out anyone who attacked us. I’m feisty like that,” I say before pointing at the Ford behind him. “That’s my car, by the way. Thank you for walking me here.”

We both stand in front of my Ford Fiesta, just looking at each other, waiting for someone to say something, anything. I want to ask him if he wants to go on another date, but his silence has me worried. Maybe he’s not that into me. Maybe we have crossed wires. Fuck, I really need to quieten my head sometimes.

Before I have a chance to say anything, Lee takes a step towards me and I’m caught off balance, causing me to stumble backwards. Luckily, I land with my back against my car, and Lee closes the distance easily. He leans forward, his hands on the car roof either side of my head, caging me in, and he’s so close I can feel the heat from his body. His breath fans across my face, causing my breath to hitch. I bite my bottom lip nervously, but Lee moves one of his hands and gently tugs my lip free. He then leans over and whispers in my ear as a shiver ripples down my spine. “Don’t do that. Only I’m allowed to bite your lip.”

Fuck! If that’s not the hottest thing a guy has ever said to me, I don’t know what is.

While I’m busy considering that, he leans forward and presses his lips against mine. It’s soft and gentle at first, but the moment our lips really connect, passion sparks through us. My hands fly to the back of his head, my fingers threading through his hair as I frantically try to pull him closer. I can feel his body, his hardness, pressed against my front, and I can’t hold back the moan of pleasure that comes out.

As soon as he hears my desperate sounds, he pulls his head back, but doesn’t leave my space. He keeps his body against mine, and I can feel my core throbbing with need. I don’t even care that this is a first date, or that we are in the middle of a very public road. Thankfully, Lee is thinking with his head and not his dick.

“Wow. You do not know how difficult it was to pull away from that. But this is a first date, and you deserve better. How do you feel about a second date?” I can’t believe after the way I just lost control kissing him, he still looks unsure of what my answer might be.

“I would love to go on another date with you.”

He gives me a little smile before he steps back out of my personal space, and I can almost feel my body throbbing from his absence. A strange, almost sad expression crosses his face for just a moment before his face becomes a blank mask again.

“Em, I have to remind you about what I said in the pub. I’m not looking for a relationship right now. If it turns into one, then so be it, but until then, I only want friends,” he explains, his voice a little sheepish, like he’s worried I won’t accept his terms.

I nod my head in confirmation. “I remember you saying that. Now it’s my turn to clarify something. When you say you want to be friends, do you mean just friends or friends-with-benefits?” I feel my cheeks flushing, and I want to look away, but I can’t. I don’t know if I can be just friends with Lee and not want to kiss him again after that.

“Well, I’m still a guy, and you are a beautiful woman. So, of course, if you wanted to add the benefits part, then I would be very on board with that. But I would also be happy with just friends too. I’ve enjoyed chatting with you every day, even before we met.”

I give him a big smile before I lean in and capture his lips for a moment. It’s nowhere near as deep and sexy as before, and it’s over in a flash, but it was full of passion and spoke a thousand words. Though I made sure he knew exactly how I felt. “So, why don’t you come over to mine next time? We can do takeaway and a movie?”

“It’s a deal. Bring on date number two,” he says, as he captures my lips again for another short but intense kiss.

He helps me into the car, and I can honestly say I don’t remember a single thing about driving home. All I could think of was his laugh, his smile, the way his eyes light up. Not to mention how hot his peachy ass looked in those jeans. My heart races and my body tingles from where he was touching me. I can still smell him on me, and I feel like I’m in heaven.

I don’t know what the hell I’m thinking, but the one thing I know. Lee has got beneath my skin. He’s burrowing his way under, and I do not know what to think or feel. I want him—badly. I guess we'll just have to see how date number two goes. I’m still struggling to believe a guy like him could truly like a clumsy, accident prone, bossy, sarcastic girl like me. A girl can only hope.



“So, how did it go?” Craig asks the next day as he sprawls out on my bed like it’s his own. Before I even get a chance to answer, he reaches over and turns on the Playstation. Good to know he really does give a shit about what I have to say.

“Surprisingly, it went okay,” I reply, as I think back over the date I had with Emmaleigh last night. I’ve had a very long run of bad dates recently, and so I didn’t really have any expectations for this one.

Okay, so that’s a complete lie. I wanted to like Emmaleigh. I wanted her to be different from all the other miserable, failed dates I’ve had to endure over the last few months. I tried not to get my hopes up, particularly after all the hassle we faced actually trying to schedule the damn date, but I think deep down, I wanted the date to be good.

Whenever we text each other, it would always be the way you expect a conversation to go. She answers my question and then asks one of her own. It’s like conversational tennis, where we each make an effort to keep the conversation started. I know this sounds like a standard thing, something everyone should know how to do, yet they don’t. So many times I’ve sent a message to a woman and got a one word reply. You wouldn’t believe the amount of times I’ve asked a girl how her day’s been, listened intently to the answer, only for her to reply with a monosyllabic, one word answer. Never once thinking of asking me about my day.

With Emmaleigh, it’s always been easy, but still I didn’t hold out too much hope for the date. I’ve come to realise who people are on the internet, or even when you speak to them through text, it isn’t always who they really are.

Craig groans, pulling me back from my memories of the night before, which is good because the more I think about the feel of her lips against mine, the more uncontrollable my dick becomes. “Just okay? What does that even mean?”

He sounds so frustrated as he runs his hand through his short brown hair. I can’t help but chuckle at his exacerbated expression. “It means that we had a good time. She seems nice, and it was fun.”

“Why does it sound like there should be a but at the end of that sentence?”

With a groan I flop down onto the bed beside Craig, who has just started another game of FIFA on my Playstation. Even though he’s responding to my questions, and he’s clearly interested in what I’m saying, his gaze never once leaves the screen. “I don’t know. I guess I’m just worried we want different things. I did make it clear I’m not looking for a girlfriend.”

“So, what’s the problem?” he asks, his eyes flitting over to me for a second before going back to the screen.

“Honestly, I get the impression she wants more. I told her I don’t want a relationship, and I just want to be friends. That’s when she asked if that means friends-with-benefits, so—”

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