Page 61 of I Was Always Yours

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I can feel her pussy walls starting to clamp around my cock, as she gets impossibly wetter. I know she’s close. She’s just waiting for me. “Yes, Em. Be a good girl and come now,” I demand.

That’s all it takes to throw her over the edge, a loud cry filling the room as her body trembles beneath my touch. Her pussy clamps around me so tightly, and the feel of her walls pulsating around me is all I need to come alongside her.

My cock explodes, shooting my load deep within her pussy as my cries of pleasure mix with hers, creating the most beautiful symphony as we fall apart in each other's arms.

We both gather our breaths, but we stay like this, clinging to each other like we’re afraid this might be over the minute I pull out. I guess, maybe there’s a part of me that is worried about that. We didn’t exactly talk things through before we threw ourselves into the sex.

Our sex life has never been a problem. In fact, it’s fucking amazing, but we do still need to communicate with each other. Clearly Em is on the same wavelength as me because just as I open my mouth to say something, she beats me to it.

“Did you really mean what you said before? That my MS doesn’t bother you? Because I would totally understand if you want to walk away. We weren’t really together when I got diagnosed, so you’re off the hook. You can leave and never look back, and that would be okay.” She tries her best not to make eye contact with me, but I’m not going to let her get away with that. I place one hand on her chin and tilt her head until she’s looking at me. Her beautiful bluey-grey eyes have some sparkle back in them, and I can see how hopeful she looks.

“I know all of that, but I stand by what I said. I don’t care that you have MS. I’m not going anywhere,” I state firmly and a smile spreads across her face. It’s so gorgeous, I can feel my exhausted dick beginning to spring back to life, still warm in her wet pussy.

“Things might get worse before they get better. But, whatever happens, please don’t leave me. I think I really need you, Lee,” she says, her voice full of a million promises, each one I vow to keep.

“I promise, no matter what. I’m here for you.”



The next few days with Lee pass by in a blur. It’s like we’re both just existing in our own little bubble, the outside world going by around us while we ignore it all. And as much as I’ve enjoyed the last couple of days, in so many ways, that’s exactly what we’ve been doing. We’ve been ignoring everyone, but we both know the time is ticking closer and very soon we’re going to have to see if this relationship we’ve created for ourselves can survive under the pressures of the real world.

I would love nothing more than to stay in our own little bubble. I mean, the sex alone is enough to keep me hooked. I eventually talked him into trying anal with me, and despite it stinging a lot to start with, I actually really like it. It made me want to try so much more with Lee. I think I would trust him with any sexy, adventurous thing he wants to try.

But the longer it goes on, the more I can tell Lee knows this little bubble we’ve created isn’t real. I really do love the sex, but if I’m being honest, I’m using it to avoid dealing with my issues. What better way to keep me up all night, than sex?

But as each day passes, I can tell Lee notices more and more of the health-related things I try to hide. He’s giving us this time together because not only do we need it, we deserve it. But pretty soon, we have to get back to reality, and that scares me. All that means for me is that the darkness will return and it will cast its ugly shadow over the happiness I’ve found with Lee.

On Sunday night I expect Lee to go home, but he doesn’t. He tells me he has some time off work, and he stays with me. When it gets around to Wednesday, and we’re sitting across from each other having breakfast, Lee bursts our bubble.

“Don’t you have an appointment with your MS nurse today?” Lee asks, and my mouth drops open.

“How did you know about that?” I ask. I do have an appointment, but I have absolutely no intention of attending. I wanted to cancel last week, but Lucy wouldn’t let me. Then, if I’m being completely honest, I allowed Lee to distract me and I forgot all about it.

“I saw it on your calendar,” he says, pointing to the calendar I have up on the wall in the kitchen. It’s the one I make for myself every year, full of family photos. I turn to look at it, and see Lucy has written the appointment on it, along with big red words that say, ‘DO NOT CANCEL!’ and ‘YOU HAVE TO ATTEND!’. I’m not surprised Lee saw the bloody thing.

“I’m not going,” I mumble, deliberately not meeting his judgemental eyes.

“Em, nobody can force you to do anything you don’t want to do, but from all the reading I’ve been doing, people with MS say that the support they receive from their MS team is invaluable. Surely their aim is to help you?” he asks, and my eyes snap up to meet his. His stunning blues are looking back at me, and I’m surprised that they’re not filled with judgement like I thought they'd be. Instead, he just looks concerned.

I take in his words for a moment, and I know he’s right. Whenever anyone from the MS team has come on to the ward to help a patient, they’ve always been one of the more helpful, more knowledgeable teams that we deal with. But in all honesty, I’ve only maybe looked after two patients with MS, in my whole career, probably because they would usually end up on a specialist neurological ward, as opposed to my emergency treatment ward.

I think that’s part of what scares me. People in the hospital are going to read that I’m a nurse and at first they’re going to feel sorry for me because I’ll end up losing my job over this, but then they’ll look at me like I should know the answers. I should know what the best treatment option is, or even how MS works. I was taught the basics in medical school over eight years ago, but as it’s not something I’ve worked with or specialised in, it’s not something I know a lot about.

Lee clears his throat, trying to get my attention, since I must have drifted off into my own little black hole—something I’ve been doing regularly. Lee helps keep the darkness at bay, for now, but it’s like the dark cloud is just waiting around the edges, getting ready to descend.

“They told me when I was diagnosed that I couldn’t start treatment until I’ve come to terms with my MS. I think it’s fair to say, I couldn’t be further away from dealing with my diagnosis, so I just didn’t want to waste their time,” I admit, being honest about my reasons for the first time. I didn’t even tell Lucy this is why I cancelled last time. If this thing between myself and Lee is ever going to work, I have to be honest with him about everything.

He reaches over the table and takes my hand in his, slowly brushing his thumb across the back of my palm. It’s such a soothing gesture, but I can feel my body starting to heat at the same time.

“I don’t think you’re wasting their time, Beautiful. I think that’s exactly what their job is, to help you deal with it all. And I know you probably think they will be judging you because you’re a nurse, but they really won’t. If that is something that’s worrying you, why don’t I come along. Then they will have to dumb it down to my level,” he asks with a smile on his face.

“You’d really go with me?” My voice becomes much higher in pitch than I intended.

“Yeah, of course. I’m off anyway, so why not. Honestly, I’d like to hear if there are any ways I can be helping to support you. You don’t have to do this alone,” he states firmly and I scrunch my eyes closed.

Whenever he says things like this, it creates a range of feelings; I’m overwhelmed and so fucking happy he wants to take an interest in my life, but I’m also so terrified, it’s scary. I know he keeps saying he’s in this for the long-haul, no matter what life throws my way, but it’s easy to say that, it’s harder to actually live it.

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