Page 6 of I Was Always Yours

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Do those jeans make you look too fat?

All those thoughts are swimming around my mind, and I can’t quieten them. A loud ringing pulls me out of my head, and I turn the alarm on my phone off. I set it so I would know exactly when I needed to leave. I have a tendency to turn up to things a bit late, but with him, I can’t wait.

Pulling on my Converse, I look over at my heels but think better of it. Not only is my balance more horrendous lately, but my foot hasn’t properly healed yet, and I don’t want to do anything to hinder its recovery. I pull on my favourite leather jacket, grab my bag, and head out the door.

I arrive at the pub, Floods, just in the knick of time. We agreed to meet outside the door, and when I see nobody standing there, my stomach flips and the nerves begin. I’m glad I ate nothing before I left, as it would definitely make the nausea that’s just settling in worse.

Looking down at my phone, there’s no message from him. Do I wait here or go and look inside? There’s no fucking point me looking inside. I don’t really know what he looks like, other than the few pictures I’ve seen on his profile, and honestly, you never know how accurate they are.

What if he’s stood you up?

Fuck off, brain.

I lean against the side of the pub, trying not to think about that possibility. He said he would be here, and so he will. I try my best not to look at my watch, but I can feel the minutes ticking by. Then, suddenly, I hear loud footsteps approaching rapidly, like someone is running. I look up to see Lee running towards me. He looks just like the pictures on his Internet dating profile, which is a novelty. I’ve met guys and the pictures they used were from five years previous, and they couldn’t look more different. So, to see Lee looking exactly how I expect is great.

He stops right in front of me, taking a few deep breaths so he can slow his breathing down after his run, and it gives me the perfect opportunity to check him out.

The first thing I notice about Lee is his smile. It’s warm, inviting, and it lights up his whole face, including the little dimples he gets in his cheeks that are very cute. His bright blue eyes shine beneath his dark-rimmed glasses—that really do suit and compliment his face. He’s obviously chosen a pair that is made for him. His short, dark hair is so black it almost has shades of blue and purple when the light hits it.

My gaze rakes over his body and I take in one thing Lee told me he was most self-conscious about. He’s only around five foot six, which, compared to the average male height of five foot eight, isn’t all that much shorter, but to him it is. He thinks there are a lot of girls out there who would judge him based on that, but honestly, compared to my five foot two frame, he is tall. That’s all that matters to me. Honestly, if he’d not told me about it, I probably wouldn’t have even thought much of it.

The rest of his body is something to behold. Dark jeans wrap tightly around his muscular thighs, and I feel sure that when he turns around, the view of his ass will be incredible. His tight black T-shirt clings to his muscular chest. I can tell that he’s a runner because his frame is more lean than bulky muscles. His body is toned and hard, and I know that the view underneath will be quite something.

Focus, Emmaleigh. This is only the first date. Show some restraint!

Lee catches me checking him out, and one side of his smile lifts into a cocky grin and fuck, does he look hotter. We both have that awkward moment where we wonder how we should greet each other. While this is the first time we are meeting in person, we feel like we know each other. We’ve been texting nearly every day for months now—minus the couple of weeks when we ended things—so just saying hello doesn’t quite feel right. I’m close to doing something socially awkward, like hold my hand out for a handshake when thankfully Lee takes the lead and holds his arms open. He doesn’t move in straight away, it’s like he’s letting me know what his intentions are so that I can pull away if I’m not comfortable. With a nod of my head telling him to continue, Lee wraps his arms around my shoulders and pulls me in for a hug.

The minute he pulls me against him, and I’m enveloped by his scent, I feel myself sag. It’s such a weird feeling to explain, but it’s almost like I found where I’m supposed to be. Like having his arms around me is all I need to feel safe and happy. I know that sounds totally bloody bonkers, given I’ve only just met him, but I can’t change how I feel.

Eventually, he pulls away, and I try to hold back a groan. With a smile on his face, he finally introduces himself. “Hey, I’m Lee. It’s so lovely to finally meet you. You look amazing, by the way. Can I buy you a drink?” It all comes out in a bit of a rush, like he’s nervous and the words are coming out quicker than he can organise his thoughts. I know that feeling well.

“Thank you! I’m Emmaleigh. You look great too. Yeah, shall we go in and get a seat?” I ask, raising my arm to point at the entrance.

With a smile, Lee holds out his arm, too. “Ladies first.”

We walk into the bar and get settled in the back room, next to the big pool table. I look over the list of drinks that’s written on the wall, but I don’t know why I bother. I always have the same. “Can I get a cider please?” I ask, pointing at my favourite brand. Lee lets out a little chuckle, and I wonder what’s funny about my choice?

“That’s exactly what I was going to order. I love the apple and raspberry flavour,” he explains. “Great minds think alike.” He winks at me and fuck, I think I actually swooned like a teenage girl watching a boy band live. I don’t know what it is about this guy, but I can already tell I really like him.

“What do you say to a friendly game of pool?” I ask, tilting my head towards the empty table beside us. His brows furrow, but his cheeky grin remains.

“Oh, I will play pool, but there will be nothing friendly about it. I know I probably shouldn’t let you see this side of me on a first date, but I’m ruthless. I will not let you win. I will take you down,” he jokes and I can’t help the girly giggle that bursts free from my lips.

“Wow, competitive much,” I tease as he stands and heads to the bar, telling me to save the pool table so that nobody else can grab it before us.

He returns with our drinks, and the balls and cues we need to play with. He takes a sip from his glass before shrugging off his jacket, showing off his muscular biceps. As he leans over to set up the balls on the table, I take the opportunity to check out his ass, and fuck, it looks just as good as I thought it would.

Though, as Lee turns around and hands me my cue, it’s clear by the cocky grin on his face that he knew I’d been checking him out again. I take a gulp of my drink, hoping the movement will hide the blush spreading across my cheeks.

“Shall we make this interesting?” I ask, biting my lip as I try really hard not to come across as too eager. I can see I’ve piqued his interest, appealing to his competitive side.

“I’m listening.”

“How about, each time I pot a ball, I get to ask you a question that you have to answer?”

That cocky grin of his makes my stomach flip. “I like the sound of that. What about if I pot a ball? Will you answer any of my questions?”

Shrugging my leather jacket off and placing it on my chair, I shrug. “Of course.”

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