Page 35 of I Was Always Yours

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“I know you mean well, but I think we’re going to have to agree to disagree on this one. I know the only person who will get hurt is me, but I’m already too far in this now. I have to see how it works out,” I reply, and Bessy squeezes the hand that’s still resting on top of mine. She nods her head like she agrees, but I can read that smile from a mile away. It’s the sympathetic, ‘I feel sorry for you, you’re making a big mistake’ smile. I’ve used it myself a few times.

I look over at Gem, wondering why she’s not having her say on this. Usually she’s the first to voice her opinion, but thankfully, she’s got her phone out, and that seems to be holding her attention a lot more than any of us.

Kym returns with another two rounds of shots for everyone, and in this line up I see several that I’m sure will result in my stomach contents making an appearance. So I quickly reach out and grab two that look the least likely to make that happen. Everyone looks shocked that I would reach in there and grab first. Usually, my overly polite British ass lets everyone else get what they want first, and I take what’s left, but not tonight.

As everyone picks up their drinks, I do the one thing I’ve been dying to do since I got in the taxi. I grab my phone out of my pocket and see the message from Lee. My heart races, and I can’t help but smile. I haven’t even read the damn message, and I’m fucking smiling like a Cheshire cat.


Have a good night, Beautiful. You really do deserve it. You work too damn hard. Don’t worry about me, we can catch up whenever you’re free. I will just be sitting here with your picture in one hand while my other is busy.

Fuck. Now my insides feel like they’re on fire as I imagine Lee stroking his hard length just for me. Looking at the photo I sent him while he loses control. That makes me feel all kinds of amazing.

I waste no time in texting him back, the plan I had when I came out is now long gone. I’m horny and a little drunk, which means nothing good will come from this, yet I still send the message anyway.


Ohhh I would love to see you stroking yourself while looking at my picture. And you definitely have to come over tomorrow now. I can take care of myself with BOB tonight, but I’m going to need the real thing tomorrow. I promise I’ve been a good girl.

Well, I’m actually impressed I managed to spell the whole thing correctly, I think as I put the phone down on my knee. I don’t bother putting it away. I’m waiting for his reply now, and there’s no way I can put it back in my handbag and pretend like I didn’t just start flirting with him.

I look over at my friends, and I try to join in with the conversation. They’re discussing our new manager at work, and none of them like her. She’s changing things up, and has some new exciting ideas. But the problem is, with our old manager, we were allowed a certain level of freedom in our job to just get on and do our own thing. As long as things got done, she wasn’t bothered how we did it.

Whereas our new boss wants things to be fairer and more transparent. So there’s spreadsheets and lists. We all have new responsibilities that have been handed out fairly, and we have to make sure our jobs are done by certain times, and we tick it off our list when complete. I notice that nobody is discussing my mini promotion to senior nurse on shift—or at least they’re not to my face. It’s a bit of a pay increase, and a lot more responsibility. It just means, when I’m on shift, I will be in charge of the other nurses, and will be the one they turn to for support. I will also allocate our workforce and liaise with managers. It’s a great step up, and one I’ve been looking forward to. I’ve known about it for a couple of weeks, but we’ve never really discussed it.

Gem’s particularly bitter because she went for the job but didn’t get it. I’m quite thankful for that, as I can only imagine what life would be like if she were my boss.

I dip in and out of the conversation, and when Kym brings over a round of drinks, I begin sipping on my double vodka and lemonade. But my mind is not really in it, I’m concentrating on my phone, waiting for that telltale buzz to let me know Lee’s text me back.

When I feel my leg starting to vibrate, I can’t help but smile. I reach down to read his message.


Why do I get the feeling you’re a little drunk?


Because I am. But you started it by telling me you’re going to wank to my picture.


I don’t think I quite said it like that. But it’s definitely going in my spank bank. You really do look gorgeous.


I feel it. I think maybe that’s why I’m getting a lot of attention. You’ve helped give me confidence.


Are other guys hitting on you?

I ponder that question, wondering what he’s thinking. That’s what I hate about texts, you can’t read between the lines. All you can go on is what the text actually says. I can't tell if he’s angry, or if he’s jealous. Or if he’s just trying to be nice and make damn conversation, and that really drives me fucking crazy.

Before I have a chance to even think about how I want to reply, another message comes through.


I like that I’ve given you confidence, by the way.

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