Page 33 of I Was Always Yours

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She’s also the easiest out of the three to get along with. She actually listens to what your answer is, and asks how you are doing. Whereas with Gem and Bessy, it’s mostly about them and what’s going on in their lives. Though, sometimes I like that. I like not having to talk about what’s going on in my life, and letting them see what I want them to.

It’s hard because even though I call them friends, I’m not sure they really are. I’m not sure I would ever trust them with a secret. They are my work colleagues, and if they found out anything that could put my job at risk, I don’t trust them not to use that. And sadly, they’re the closest thing I have to friends, and since I needed a night out, these are all I have.

“Thanks. Where’s Kym?” I ask, looking around for my small friend, who I know will make this evening just that little more tolerable.

Gem rolls her eyes in that way that makes her look truly obnoxious, a small sneer gracing her lips. But it’s Bessy who replies. “She’s running late. Apparently Gerry decided to surprise her with some fun sexy time while she was getting ready.”

“Well, their dry spell has been going on for that long, I’m not surprised she ditched us for sex. I suspect she will only be a few minutes late. I doubt Gerry is anything fantastic in bed,” Gemima snaps, with a sneer. I don’t know if she’s jealous that they’ve been in a relationship for over eight years now since high school, or that they are who we think of when we talk about couple goals.

Gem has been with Henry for about four years, and he’s definitely what you would class as a catch. He buys Gem anything she wants, he lets her do whatever she wants, and he’s hot on top of that. But—and I would never say this to Gem—whenever you are in their presence, it always feels a little fake, like there’s something missing.

With Kym and Gerry, it’s clear they’re in love, and they have been for a very long time. They’ve only got eyes for each other, but that doesn’t mean their relationship is smooth sailing. Of course they go through rocky patches, and times when they aren’t having sex. Hell, they’ve been known to have some screaming arguments too, but they always communicate and work things out. I’ve never once seen their relationship as rocky.

It’s not the same for Gem and Henry. They just seem far too false, too perfect. Like they’re papering over some major structural issues, and if they don’t accept reality and fix those, everything will come tumbling down around them. But Gem isn’t the type of person who likes to admit something is wrong. She also doesn’t like to work hard for anything. So at the moment, Henry is working hard to keep their romance going, but that won’t last forever. My prediction is that he will leave Gem soon, and I have no idea how she will take it when he does, because she’s so wrapped up in her own little world, she won’t see it coming.

I can’t be bothered replying to her bitchiness, so I down the rest of my vodka, loving the burn as it slides down. “I’m sure she’ll be here soon.” I say it aloud, to whoever is listening, and Bessy nods her head.

“Why don’t I get us a round of shots while we’re waiting?” She’s up on her feet before she’s even finished the sentence, and it’s clear it’s not really a question. Bessy wobbles a bit as she tries to find her centre of gravity, and as I look down and see she’s wearing a pair of what looks to be around six inch stiletto heels, I’m amazed she can stand at all.

As Bessy straightens out, the black bandage style dress she’s wearing almost appears to shrink, leaving very little to the imagination. The hem of the tight black dress stops just below the curve of her ass, and lets hope she doesn’t need to bend over for anything because that’s her whole dignity gone.

The top of the dress is just as bad, and swoops down to reveal a healthy cleavage—well, I think it’s healthy. Bessy clearly doesn’t, given she has surgery booked for in around six weeks to get them augmented. I have no idea how big she really wants her tits, but on such a small frame, I’m worried they’ll look disproportionate. She’s almost five foot eight, so is tall enough to cope with bigger boobs, but she’s also very thin. I’ve tried to talk her out of it, but her mind’s made up.

“Yes, shots. Then we need to hear all about the doctor you’re fooling around with,” Gem says, her eyes wide with glee.

Bessy’s face drops, and it’s clear Gem just divulged a secret that wasn’t meant to be shared. Bessy glares at her before turning and stomping off, less than gracefully, with her ridiculously high heels.

I glare at Gem on Bessy’s behalf, but I don’t bother saying anything. There really is no point because I’ve come to realise Gem doesn’t care. If she can get in on the gossip, she will, no matter who it hurts.

Kym arrives, her cheeks looking very flushed just as Bessy appears at the table with eight shots, all different colours and flavours. There’s at least two on that tray that I would like to stay the hell away from, but I don’t say that aloud, as I feel sure Gem will somehow make sure I end up with them.

Kym sits down opposite Bessy who is sitting beside me again, a big smile on her face. “What are you smiling about?” I ask.

“You see the guy over there at the end of the bar?” she asks, using her finger to point us all in the right direction. I can see a man who looks to be late twenties, and to say he’s hot is a fucking understatement. He looks like a boy band member that’s grown up, and now looks like he’s all man—muscles for days, and a cute as hell face.

“He’s hot,” Kym replies, voicing what we’re all thinking.

“Well, he actually bought these shots.”

My eyes widen with shock. “Holy shit, Bes. You can’t let the guy buy shots for us all. I mean, fair enough if he wants to buy your shots, but it’s too much for him to buy ours,” I say, astonished that she would let him.

Gem narrows her eyes on me, and does not look pleased. “Don’t be stupid. If he wants to buy us all drinks, thinking that’s how he gets in Bessy’s pants, then we let him. I don’t think he realises he only had to ask and she would have dropped her panties for him. Isn’t that right, Bes?” Gemima chuckles, like she didn’t just insult her best friend.

Bessy doesn’t even bother acknowledging what she said, and instead lets it fly over her. “Actually, this is the funny part. He didn’t buy them for me.”

Gem smiles, as she flicks her brunette hair over her shoulder. “I hope you told him I have a boyfriend. I’m okay accepting his drinks, but that’s all,” she says, looking rather pleased with herself, and if it wasn’t for the moral war going on in my head, I would have downed two of these shots by now. I need a lot more alcohol to get me through this evening.

Bessy’s face lights up with amusement, as she starts to giggle, and we all look confused. “Actually, he’s not interested in you, Gem. He wants to talk to you, Em.”

All eyes turn to me, shock clear on all of their faces, myself included. Holy shit. I mean, I’ve been hit on before in clubs, but never like this, in front of all my friends. And never with a guy that hot.

“Erm…” I don’t even know what to say. All I can think about is Lee. Even just accepting the shots feels wrong. I think I need to go to the guy and explain, and offer to pay for the drinks. Bessy should never have let him pay for them.

As I look over at him, he’s got the most gorgeous dimpled smile on his face, and he raises his pint in the air, his way of saying cheers to me. I don’t think about it, I just stand and head towards him. I can hear my friends muttering in the background. Kym and Bessy are in shock, but are encouraging me to talk to him. I can hear Gem telling me to sit down as I will only embarrass myself. Fuck, she can be mean, but I don’t care right now. I know what I need to do.

The closer I get to the guy at the bar, the more muscles he seems to have. I stop just in front of him, and I’m a little nervous to even talk to this guy. He’s about a foot taller than me, and he looks out of my league. Like I knew Lee was hot when I met him, but there was something about him that made him real, whereas this guy he’s model good looking, and definitely not someone who would be attracted to me.

I realise after a few seconds I’ve been standing in front of him, not saying anything. I open my mouth but no words come out, and a blush spreads across my cheeks as humiliation overcomes me. He seems to take pity on me. “Hi, I’m Seb. It’s nice to meet you.”

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