Page 30 of I Was Always Yours

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“Birthdays are totally a big deal. It’s the one day of the year when it’s all about you. Where everyone has to celebrate you. And you get to eat cake for breakfast, but that’s not really the point,” she adds, and I can’t help but laugh.

Emmaleigh loves cake, so I’m not surprised to hear she uses her birthday as a good excuse to eat cake for breakfast. My laughter causes both our bodies to rumble, and she smacks my chest, chastising me for laughing at her.

Quickly, I defend myself. “I’m only laughing at you making excuses to eat cake. You’re an adult, you can eat cake whenever you like.”

Her brow furrows and she glares at me. “I could, but then my thighs would be really fucking massive. Now stop changing the subject. Why don’t you celebrate birthdays?”

I release a big sigh, not even realising I’d been holding my breath, as I explain. “I don’t like all the attention on me. Plus, if you get your hopes up for things, there’s more potential to be let down. And my family have been falling out with each other a lot recently, so this party will be just another excuse for them to drink too much and argue with each other. I don’t particularly want to have to sit through the coming shit show in my name.”

Although we’ve been talking for a few months now, and Em does know some things about my family, there’s a lot she doesn’t know. There’s a lot I’ve hidden from her. Probably because I don’t want her to see my family in a negative way.

Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t raised in a bad environment. I have two loving parents that are still together, coming up for fifty years. But, my dad likes to have a drink, and when he does that’s when things start to go to shit. He says things he shouldn’t. Mum gets pissed off with him, and they argue. I hate it when he drinks, and ever since I got old enough to stay home alone, I’ve been avoiding any function where they can drink.

When they’re sober, my family is amazing. I get on with my mum like she’s one of my best friends. She’s funny, and we share a sense of humour that very few other people get. She’s your typical mum, who loves taking care of people, and as I’m her youngest son—but middle child, since my sister is a year younger—she does mother me a lot. Not that I mind. I even get on okay with my dad, when he’s not been drinking.

This is exactly why I don’t plan on introducing Em to them at the party. If I were ever to introduce her to them—which I’m not even thinking about—it wouldn’t be at an event where they can drink. That’s just asking for trouble, and she doesn’t need that.

I keep telling myself these are the reasons I’m keeping her away, and that not introducing her to my family is for her own benefit. In reality, I know my family would love her. I think she would love them too. But, then the waters will get really fucking muddy. As I lay here with her in my arms, I already know the lines that define our relationship are a little blurry, I can’t make them worse.

“I don’t think anyone in your family will ruin your birthday. I know you haven’t talked about them all that much, but I can’t think any family would do that. Besides, you have to celebrate your birthday. When you know what plans you have this week, let me know if you’re free one evening and we can go out, just the two of us to celebrate. We can go to your favourite pizza place, on me?” she asks, and I have to bite my lip to hold back the groan threatening to escape.

Em is working a lot this week, and I know if she’s offering to meet me, it will be on one of her few nights off. But, we made a deal early on that this thing between us would be a weekend only thing, so it didn’t interrupt my work. If Em was working that weekend, we would do one other evening with no sleep over, or not at all. That’s what we agreed. I can’t stay up all night fucking her and then go to work the next day, and I know Em can’t do that either. And we don’t seem capable of spending time together without it escalating to sex. What she’s offering breaks all the rules… and I really want to do it, but I can’t.

“Sorry, I really can’t on a night before work. You know I’m a moody bastard if I don’t get enough sleep, and even if we say we’re not gonna fuck, we’re just going to sleep… we both know that won’t happen. But I have a better idea. How about we go away for the weekend in a couple of weeks? We both have a long weekend off in three weeks, so we could do it then.”

Where the fuck did that come from?! For someone trying not to blur the lines of our friends-with-benefits arrangement, I’m doing a fucking piss poor job.

Em looks up at me, her bluey-grey eyes narrowed as her brow furrows, confusion clear on her face. “A weekend away together? Where?” Her voice goes really high pitched in the end, like she can’t quite believe I would suggest something like that.

It’s something I’ve been thinking about for a while, but I’ve never been stupid enough to bring it up with her. I have some flexi-time I can take at work, and so I could get a long weekend free that matches the days off she has in a few weeks, giving us more than enough time to have a long weekend away together.

Whenever I think about how I want to spend my birthday, this is what I think of. “I’d like to go to London. Do all the touristy things that we’ve never done before, and generally have a nice holiday. Three weeks would give us plenty of time to plan something, if you want to?”

A bright smile lights up her face, and my heart starts to race. I like the fact I’ve made her this happy, and I deliberately choose not to think about what she could be thinking.

Nodding her head, Em looks so excited. “I would love to do that. I don’t have any plans that weekend, so it’s perfect. There are so many amazing things to do in London. You can pick any activity you want to do, and I will buy it. It can be my birthday treat to you.”

Before I have a chance to tell her she doesn’t need to do that, she leans up and captures her lips with mine. She pulls away quickly, just a short, sweet kiss, but it’s enough to set my body on fire.

I try to lean back in, to capture her lips again, but she pulls away, that shy expression returning to her face. “I take it you aren’t going to invite me to the party?” Her voice is barely above a whisper, but she may as well have shouted her question.

Fuck. I thought I had made it very fucking clear where we stand. Meeting families is not something that friends-with-benefits do. Then again, we do seem to be doing a lot of things that are blurring the lines of our relationship, and me asking her on holiday isn’t doing us any favours, but it’s too late to take it back now.

“You aren’t meeting my family,” I snap, my voice sounding much harsher than I intended. Em flinches, like my words actually caused her pain, and I wince, hating myself already. “Sorry, that came out harsher than I intended. It’s just…”

I don’t get the chance to finish my train of thought before Em cuts me off. “It’s fine. I knew the answer anyway, so I shouldn’t have said anything. Just forget about it.”

I can hear in her voice that she's trying to sound fine, but her eyes are a dead giveaway. The fire I usually see there is gone, and they look almost dull—which definitely isn’t like her. Seeing this hurts me more than anything, but this is something I can’t fix.


She shakes her head before placing her finger against my lips to silence me. I know there’s so much more I should say. I not only need to explain myself, but I think I need to reiterate what this is between us. Clearly Em doesn’t want to talk any more, as she’s quick to press her lips against mine. It’s another short but sweet kiss, and it’s enough to distract me from the unsaid tension between us. I know what I’m supposed to do, but all of a sudden I’m very aware of how naked we both are, and my skin prickles with excitement.

All thoughts about what the fuck I’m doing fly out of my mind. I stop thinking, and I go with how I’m feeling. And right now, my dick is throbbing, and my lips are tingling begging for another taste of her.

I know I’m wading into dangerous territory, and there’s potential for us both to get very fucking hurt, but I can’t help myself. Without thinking any more, I pull Em’s body until she’s straddling me, my cock resting against her slit. All she needs to do is tilt her hips in the right way and my hard length will slip inside. Instead, she grinds herself against my pelvis, moaning every time her sensitive clit rubs against my hard body.

With one hand on her hip, I reach up and circle the other around the back of her neck, clasping her hair into my fist. I use that to control her, manipulating her body into exactly the position I want her in. Her tits brush against my chest, my cock sliding against her wet slit, as I bring her mouth to mine.

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