Page 18 of Delirium

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The girl finally seems to gather the courage to walk toward us, the rest of her friends giggling and watching from afar. I barely give the girl a passing glance—just enough to see that she has brown hair and a plain face. Then again, everyone is plain once you’ve been with a goddess.

“Hi, Dom.” The girl moves to stand in front of me with a wide smile, even as her cheeks stain pink.

Landon and Beckett snicker like damn children.

I resist the urge to roll my eyes as I half-heartedly give the stranger my attention. I’m not an asshole like the others. Just because I’m not interested in her doesn’t mean I need to make her cry.

“Hello…?” I wait for her to fill in the blanks, and her blush deepens.

“Charlie. We have third period together.”

Landon and Beckett begin to laugh even harder, though they try to cover it by holding their drinks to their lips. Even still, I can see their bodies shake on either side of me.

I fucking hope they choke on that damn punch.

“What can I do for you, Charlie?” I try to keep my voice pleasant, but I already know I don’t like the direction this conversation is going. At all.

“Well…” She flutters her lashes in a way she probably thinks is coquettish and sexy but instead makes her look like she’s seizing. “I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me and my friends.” She gestures toward the girls who seem to be hanging on to our conversation with bated breath.

Well, fuck. Maybe I am an asshole, because I can’t even let her down easily.

“Sorry. Not interested.” I take a sip of my drink and focus my attention elsewhere, trying to convey that this conversation is over.

Charlie places a manicured hand on my bicep.

Apparently, the conversation is not over.


“Maybe I can convince you?” She pushes out her chest in a way that is probably meant to entice me.

It just makes me feel uncomfortable and a little queasy, if I’m being honest.

“Sorry. I’m already seeing someone.” I grab her wrist and gingerly peel her hand off my skin. Only when she releases me does it feel like I can breathe again.

“Oh.” Her lips push out in an exaggerated pout before she forces a smile on her lips and turns toward the other two. This time, I’m the one hiding my laughter as Beckett and Landon squirm uncomfortably. “What about you two? Beckett and Landon, right?”

“Sorry, sweetheart,” Beckett drawls, sounding not at all apologetic. “We’re all already in a polyamorous relationship with the same girl. I’m afraid you’re barking up the wrong tree…or at least, I think that’s how the saying goes.” He glances at Landon for confirmation, but I’m too fixated on what the fuck he just said.

I quite literally choke on my punch.

A polyamorous relationship with the same girl?

Is that what we’re doing?

I know that Ellie has feelings for the others and them for her—and I told her I was fine if she continued to see them—but I never thought to put a label on it before.

Charlie’s face screws up in disgust. “Like, an open relationship?”

“No,” Landon says curtly, not even bothering to spare her a glance. Apparently, he’s as over this conversation as I am, his attention already back on the door as he waits for Ellie. “We date her and only her. She dates us and only us.”

Charlie mutters something too low for me to hear, but then the words, “a fucking whore,” reverberate through the air.

I whirl toward her immediately, and she staggers back a step, fear gripping and distorting her features.

“Don’t you dare refer to her like that,” I snap, my patience fraying. Or maybe it’s already shattered. “Now, leave.”

Charlie scampers away with her metaphorical tail between her legs and immediately rejoins her friends. They all huddle together and shoot us looks that vary from disgust to jealous to intrigued.
