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Heart racing, I glance over at my father who appears calm and collected, but I can see the anger igniting behind those green eyes of his. Colby is his biggest rival, and I for one am curious to see how it all plays out. I want Colby and Maximus to win. It’s Colby’s chance to make a name for himself.

My father smiles and lifts his chin smugly. “I’m not worried in the least. Voltaire is my best horse yet. Nothing and no one will beat him. I’m that confident.” He looks over at me and William and flourishes a hand toward us. “Moving onto actual important things, I’d like to announce some good news. Tonight, I’m going to be celebrating with my daughter and William on their engagement.”

My mouth drops and I gasp, but William squeezes my waist. “Just smile. I’ll explain later.” The cameras go crazy and the flashes make me see spots.

Grinning wide, I keep my smile, but I speak through gritted teeth. Colby is over by the stalls and my eyes meet his. He’s just as confused as I am. “I’d say you have a lot of explaining to do, William,” I say low. What in the hell is going on? Once the reporters and camera crews are gone, and my father walks off with some of his friends, I grab William’s hand and pull him out of the stables. “What the crap was that? We’re getting married now?”

William glances around quickly, keeping his voice quiet. “Your father was getting suspicious of your disappearances so I came up with the first thing I could think of.” He leans in close. “I did it to save your ass. All we have to do is keep on pretending, and when you’re ready, you can tell him the truth. It won’t be a big deal.”

I smack his arm. “You should’ve told me. I could’ve played along better.”

He smiles. “I would suggest we kiss and make this all look believable, but I really don’t want to get pummeled by your man. I may be gay, but I can see him taking a swing at me.”

A giggle escapes my lips. “Yeah, he might. I need to find him and explain. I saw the look on his face when my father announced our engagement.”

William sighs. “Me too.” He gently pushes me toward the barn. “It doesn’t look like anyone’s around. Why don’t you go talk to him?”

With all the events going on today, it’s my only chance before our secret rendezvous tonight. “Okay,” I say, whispering the word. “I’ll meet you at the car.”

I walk back into the stables and spot Colby with Maximus. There are a couple of people around outside, but no one is paying attention to us. Colby shuts the stall door and turns to face me, crossing his arms over his chest.

“You’re getting married now?” he says, his lips pulling back into a smirk. “I kind of got the impression it shocked you too.”

I laugh. “It did. William forgot to give me that little tidbit of information.”

Colby leans against the stall door. “Interesting interview if you ask me. I like the part where they mentioned me.”

I snort. “My father didn’t.”

Colby nods. “Exactly. At least, there are others out there who are putting their bets on my horse.”

“They would be stupid not to. I’m betting on you.”

Colby steps closer, his eyes raking down my body. “And if I win, what will my prize be?”

“I’m sure we can think of something.” Quickly, I scan the area and when I don’t see anyone, I clasp his face in my hands and kiss him. He holds me tight and opens my lips with his tongue, tasting me. I moan into his mouth and melt in his arms. “I have to go, but I’ll see you tonight. Come to my house.”

He nips my bottom lip. “Until then. I love you.”

“I love you too.” I kiss his cheek and hurry out of the stables with a smile on my face. It’s going to be a good day.

After a full day of events, drinking, and playing Ms. Socialite, I spent the entire rest of the night in Colby’s arms until he left to head back to the stables before sunrise. The smell of bacon drags me out of my exhausted sleep, and I stretch before making my way downstairs.

William is in the kitchen and on the table is a huge spread of eggs, bacon, pancakes, and orange juice. “Wow,” I gasp. “This is amazing.”

William picks up the coffee pot and pours himself a cup of coffee. “Figured you’d be hungry after all of your exertions last night.”

I can feel the blood rush to my cheeks. “Were we loud? I really tried to not make a sound.”

He chuckles. “Don’t worry, I put in my earbuds and listened to music. I honestly have no clue what was going on. I just assumed.”

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