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"Too many," I laugh, but my eyes don't leave Nova as she bounces ahead of us, her excitement palpable. She throws a look over her shoulder, her lips curved in a playful challenge. "You're going down today, Montgomery."

"Promises, promises," I shoot back, my voice laced with innuendo that only she catches. Her cheeks flush, and I know she hears all the ways I mean it. There's a spark in her eyes, a promise of what's to come later.

We play games for hours, alternating between competitive matches and cooperative quests. Dylan kicks our asses at air hockey, and Nova squeals in delight when she finally beats me at Pac-Man, her small hands clapping as she dances in victory.

"Best two out of three?" The words tumble from my mouth before I can stop them.

"Scared you're gonna lose again, big guy?" she teases, her body brushing against mine as she leans in to select the game.

Heat courses through me at the contact, and my thoughts spiral, not to the pixelated maze on the screen, but to the contours of her body mapped out in the privacy of our room—the way she arches into my touch, the sounds she makes when she's close.

"Never scared," I say, my voice low and steady. "Just eager."

The game starts, but the battle is elsewhere. Every touch, every glance between Nova and me is electric, charged with the anticipation of what's inevitable. And Dylan, he knows. He's seen the silent conversations we have, understands the tension that coils around us, waiting to snap.

"Alright, lovebirds, I'm grabbing some pizza. You two want anything?" Dylan shakes his head with a knowing smirk as he steps away, leaving us in our bubble of unspoken desire.

"Sausage," Nova answers absently, her gaze locked on mine.

I smirk, and she apparently senses my dirty thought becuase shoots me a grin and laughs.

Yeah, food is the furthest thing from my mind now. "I've got some sausage for you," I can't help murmuring in her ear.

She giggles and pushes me playfully. Still grinning, I go get our pizza. We eat and continue gaming.

When Dylan leaves, the air shifts, and the space between us crackles. I'm acutely aware of her every breath, every movement. We finish the game in a blur, our bodies moving closer until we're standing chest to chest, the digital beeps and music from the machines fading into the background.

"Blaze," she whispers, and her voice is a caress that travels straight down my spine. My name on her lips is a spark that ignites the powder keg between us.

"Nova," I reply, my hands finding her waist, pulling her into me. Our kiss is immediate—a collision of lips and tongues that tastes of hunger and impatience. I can feel her heartbeat against my chest, racing to match mine.

I pull back just enough to see her face, to see the raw need reflected in her eyes that mirrors my own. This isn't just about sex. It's about possession, about consuming and being consumed.

"Let's go home," I say, and there's a darkness to my tone that speaks of the urgency, the fierce craving that's been building since the moment we walked into this place. It's a hunger for her that never quite gets satisfied, no matter how many times we come together.

As we make our way out, hand in hand, the exit sign flickers above us like a beacon. But the real light is Nova, the fire that burns inside me, guiding me through the shadows towards the promise of our entwined bodies lost in each other once again.

The thudding of our hearts is the only rhythm I care for as Nova and I crash through the door, our lips never parting. The chill of the ocean air is a distant memory against the heat of our bodies pressed in desperation. Our clothes fall away like autumn leaves, each discarded piece a testament to the urgency between us.

"Blaze," she gasps, her voice a siren song that stirs the tempest within me. Her back hits the wall with a soft thud, my hands exploring every inch of her skin that trembles beneath my touch.

"Nova..." My name on her lips is both plea and command, spurring me on.

I lift her effortlessly, her legs wrapping around my waist, the strength in my arms a silent promise to always keep her anchored. "You're mine," I growl, my words laced with possession.

"Always have been," she replies, her eyes alight with that undying flame that scorches my very soul.

Our movements are frenzied, a dance of flesh and desire that knows no restraint. The world beyond this room, this moment, ceases to exist. There's only the sound of our mingled breath and the sweet friction that propels us toward oblivion.

"God, yes... Blaze!" She arches, her nails dragging across my back, etching her pleasure into my skin.

"Nova," I pant, feeling her tighten around me, drawing me deeper. Each thrust is a declaration, each moan a vow.

The crescendo builds, a wave swelling in the dark ocean of our passion, threatening to break and sweep us under. I'm teetering on the edge, holding onto her as if she's the lifeline that will save me from drowning in the intensity of my own need.

"Look at me," I command, my voice hoarse with the strain of restraint. She obeys, and in her eyes, I find the final spark that ignites the fuse.

"Blaze!" Her shout is my undoing, her climax the catalyst to my own.

"Nova!" It rips from me, a primal roar that fills the room as I spill into her, marking her as irrevocably mine.

We cling to each other, a tangle of limbs and sweat, as aftershocks ripple through us. In the aftermath, I press my forehead to hers, breathing in the scent of us mixed together.

"You're everything," I whisper, the darkness within me receding in the glow of her love.

"Forever," she whispers back, sealing the word with a kiss that tastes of promises and infinite tomorrows.

And in that moment, wrapped in the sanctuary of each other's arms, we find fulfillment, an assurance that no matter how deep the shadows we face, together we burn brighter than any star.
