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In this moment, the world around us fades away, and all that matters is the raw connection that pulses between us. It's powerful, magnetic, and undeniably intoxicating.

The waves crash against the shore, their salty spray a reminder of the intensity between Blaze and me. We stand there, bodies pressed together, our hearts beating in sync. I can't deny the strength of our connection, but a nagging thought tugs at the back of my mind.

"Blaze," I start, my voice hesitant. "What about Dylan? Have you told him"

His eyes darken, and I sense the anxiety that grips him. For a moment, he doesn't reply. Then, with a heavy sigh, he says, "I've been thinking about that too, Nova. It's a difficult situation. On one hand, he's my best friend and your brother. He deserves to know."

"But?" I prompt, sensing his reluctance.

"But," he continues, "I worry how he'll react. Will he be angry? Hurt? What if it drives a wedge between us all? I don't want to lose either of you."

Those were my thoughts exactly. I didn't know how he would take me talking to his best friend. That's why I haven't mentioned it to him.

My heart aches for Blaze, caught between love and loyalty. I reach up, brushing my fingers against his cheek. "It's a risk, I know. But isn't honesty better than hiding this from him? I know my brother. I think he'll be okay with it. I think the only way he'll be angry is if we hide it from him for a long time."

"Or he could see it as a betrayal," Blaze counters, his voice laced with doubt. "He's always been protective of you, Nova. And I've been there for him through everything. What if he thinks I'm not good enough for his little sister? There is a certain bro code, and I've probably broken it. He might think I'm going to hurt you."

"Are you going to hurt me?" I ask.

"Fuck, no!" he exclaims, eyes wide with sincerity. "This is real, Nova, more real than anything I've ever felt before. But I can't predict how Dylan will see it."

"Neither can I," I admit, biting my lip. "But keeping this a secret might hurt him more in the long run. Wouldn't you rather know if your best friend and sister were together?"

Blaze's gaze falls to the sand, his fingers tracing patterns in the grains as he considers my words. "Maybe," he concedes finally. "But it doesn't make the decision any less terrifying."

"Yeah," I agree softly, as he takes my hand in his.

As we stand there, hands entwined, I don't know what the future holds. I just know I can't imagine not ever talking to Blaze again.

"Alright, Nova," Blaze agrees, squeezing my hand. "We'll tell him. And whatever happens, we'll deal with it as a team. Because I don't want to lose what we have here—not for anything."

"Neither do I," I whisper, sealing our pact with a passionate kiss that tastes like saltwater and promises.

* * *

Blaze and I share a glance and take in a deep breath before we walk hand in hand toward Dylan, who's lounging on a beach chair, his feet buried in the sand. It's Saturday, and I invited my brother to meet me here at the beach. I didn't tell him his best friend would be here, though. The sun beats down on us, sweat forming at the base of my neck as my nerves tighten like a vice grip.

"Hey, Dyl," I call out, trying to mask the quiver in my voice.

"Nova, Blaze," Dylan's questioning gaze shifts between the two of us. "What's up?" he asks casually, lifting his sunglasses to get a better look at us.

"Uh, we need to talk to you about something...important," Blaze stammers, his fingers squeezing mine tighter.

I swallow hard, feeling my heart pound against my chest. "Yeah, um, it's about us—me and Blaze."

"What about you?" Dylan asks, sitting up straighter and giving us his full attention.

"Fuck," Blaze mutters under his breath, clearly struggling to find the right words. His eyes flick to mine, pleading for help.

"Blaze and I...we've been seeing each other," I blurt out. Dylan's face remains impassive "We didn't plan for it to happen, but it did, and we wanted to be honest with you."

"Look, man, I know this might be a lot to process," Blaze says, finally finding his voice. "And I swear I didn't reach out to Nova expecting this to happen. We just started talking, and..." he pauses to glance at me. "She's incredible."

Dylan sighs, rubbing his face with his hands as he processes the weight of our confession. I can practically see the gears turning in his head, and my stomach churns with anticipation.

"Alright," Dylan exhales, his eyes softening as he looks at us. "I instantly knew what was up when you two walked up holding hands, you know? I'm not a complete dipshit."

"Then why did you put us through that?"
