Page 60 of After the Storm

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“Thank you. I feel like I can finally move forward with my life in a way,” she said.

“You sure you don’t want to live a simpler life? Move back to Cottonwood Cove and do pro bono law for a living?” I asked with a chuckle, trying to keep my voice light when nothing about the question was light. I wanted to know if she’d consider uprooting her life for me. The guy who’d broken her heart all those years ago and didn’t deserve a second fucking chance.

But it didn’t stop me from wanting it.

She pushed up, settling one knee on each side of me as her dark gaze searched mine.

“I’ve got so many people relying on me now. I’ve let my work become my sole purpose in life in a way, and it’s gotten me through the last few years when I didn’t want to see that my marriage was fractured. And I never thought they’d make me partner this quickly. It’s everything I’ve worked for.” She looked away for a few seconds before returning her gaze to me, a playful look taking over her face now. “You know, New York City has some of the best schools in the country. Gracie would love it there. There’s so much to do. And they need veterinarians in the city, too.”

She was doing what I was doing. Trying to act like it was just a silly suggestion, having me and Gracie move out there, but I saw the way her breath hitched when the words left her mouth. I saw the way she swallowed as she waited for a response, and fuck me if I didn’t want to give her what she was asking for.

Because she deserved everything she ever wanted.

But I had a child to think about. And our life was here.

“If I could, I would do it for you. But I have a practice, and my daughter has a life that I’ve worked hard to build for her here. She’s settled and happy, and she’s surrounded by family. I can’t just uproot her the way I wish I could if it meant being near you again.”

She bit down on her bottom lip, with that worry line prominent between her brows. “It’s ironic, really. We’re exactly where we were all those years ago, right?”

I sighed. “I guess we are. Living different lives on different sides of the country. But we’re smarter now. We aren’t going to mess things up the way we did back then. We won’t make promises that we can’t keep.”

“Agreed. But I’m here now. And what if we just enjoy this time together, knowing that it will come to an end when I leave? There won’t be any hurt feelings or unfulfilled expectations.”

My large hands covered each side of her face as I pulled her closer. “How would that work?”

“Well, we’re friends, right? I love spending time with you and Gracie, and I’d like to continue seeing both of you while I’m here. I want to know her, Cage.I need to know her.”

The sharpest pain hit my chest at her words. “I want you to know her, too.”

“Okay. Then I want to spend as much time with you both while I’m here as you’re willing to give me. And we can stay in touch when I leave.”

“Because we’re friends now.” My voice was gruff. Her mouth was so close that I could just lean forward the slightest bit and devour her.

“Cage,” she whispered as her gaze searched mine. “I need…”

“Tell me what you need.”

“I haven’t felt anything in so long, and I feel all of it with you. I know I’m leaving. I know this can’t go anywhere. But I just want one night with you. One night to feel good. To feel alive. To feel… you.”

Her words hit me hard.

Denying this woman had never come easy for me.

But this was different. Something inside me snapped.

And I was going to give her everything that she wanted.

Because this was something I could give her.

I could give her tonight.



It was indescribable.The pull I felt toward this man.

The need.
