Page 9 of Punk-In

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Everything but Van’s sex life. And my curiosity needed to be sated.

Despite having my choice of men, I was getting bored. You read that right.

Only one man could hold my attention outside the bedroom, and I was staring right at him.

And lately, the need to have Van inside my bedroom was fucking with my head. Both of them.

All this to say, Van was occupying way too much of my attention lately, and it had to stop. Between that and the tour schedule, my sleep was non-existent. So much that I was now downing sleeping pills like rock candy.

Friday night, things would change. My date would be the perfect distraction.

“I don’t have the time or desire to bring a date,” Van replied. “Anyway, back to Friday, since this guy is Holloway’s friend, for fuck’s sake, let him off nicely. I don’t have time to deal with the PR team this week.”

“Hey, it’s not my fault that some guys get the wrong idea. It’s not like I tell any of my hookups I want more than a fuck.”

“Anything else?” Van asked as he stood up.

“Yeah. Are you going to be there?”

“As usual.”

“Good. Save me a dance.”

Van laughed as he walked out of the room.

I wasn’t kidding, but the joke was still on me.


I was sitting in my office the day after the party, staring at the PR photos of Brodie.

He looked like his usual self, smiling, or rather smirking, for the camera. But I could tell by his eyes that something was up with him. Even with makeup, he couldn’t hide the dark circles and bloodshot eyes.

I knew Brodie was having problems sleeping and had been prescribed pills months ago. Was he abusing them? Mixing them with other drugs?

That anxiety sparked a real concern in me and, next thing I knew, I grabbed my keys and made for the door.

It would be best to drop by and see him in person. If there was a health issue, I wanted to know so we could address it right away.

I sent off a quick text and waited for his reply as I made my way down to the parking garage.

All I got was a “K” in response.

Then I wondered if Brodie’s date was going to be around when I got there. That thought had the acid in my stomach churning away.

It was only because I felt protective of him. There were a lot of users out there and men who wanted to take advantage of his fame and money.

And now that we were in each other’s lives more than anyone else, our friendship had grown closer.

Lately, though, I was possessive of his time, which was not like me. I mean, I cared about all the musicians I worked with.

But not like him.

Pushing my strange mood aside, I drove to his house and knocked on the door.

Brodie answered it wearing his usual jeans and nothing else, all his intricate tattoos on display. His hair had grown out a bit, and the black waves were mussed and sticking up on end. But the only thing that held my attention were the violet circles under his eyes. They seemed to be there permanently these days.

“What’s so urgent?” he asked as he stepped aside to let me enter.
