Page 31 of Unexpected Ventures

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She smiles at Matteo, and he smiles back. I think my heart skips a beat.

She eventually notices me. “Oh, Dominic. I didn’t hear you come in.”

“I didn’t want to disturb you all. It looks like you’re having fun.”

She wraps both arms around Matteo and squeezes him tight. I hold my breath, waiting for him to freak out, but it doesn’t come. He smiles and nuzzles into her.

She kisses his cheek. “This little lovebug is so cuddly. I forgot what it was like to have one this age where they want so much affection. I’ve missed it.”

I swallow hard, unable to answer. Lovebug, cuddly, and affectionate are words that haveneverbeen used to describe Matteo, but he seems extremely content. In fairness to him, if I were wrapped in her arms, I’d be happy too.

She looks up at me. “There’s an open bottle of wine in the kitchen if you want a glass.”

“Thank you, but I should take them and get them dinner.”

She smiles. “I already fed them. I left a plate for you in the kitchen. Help yourself.”

Before I can answer, I hear the front door open and close. A woman walks in. A woman that looks exactly like a slightly younger version of Darian Knight. A woman I immediately recognize from the photo in Beth’s office. She turns to me. “You must be Dominic, Valentina’s father. I don’t think we’ve officially met.” She holds out her hand. “I’m Harley, Scotty’s mom. You work with my sisters.”

I nod as I shake her hand. “I do. It’s nice to finally meet you.”

“You too. Scotty adores Valentina.”

“The kids have all been so welcoming to her.”

She smiles and then looks at Scotty. “We should get going. Daddy and Ellie are in the car.” She turns to Beth. “Thank you for having him. I hope he was well-behaved.”

Beth lets out a laugh. “Always. He’s an angel.”

Scotty thanks Beth too, and he and Harley leave.

Beth looks down at Matteo. “I’m going to go get your dad’s dinner. Do you want to help your sister with the puzzle?”

He nods.

“Can you hold onto Trex for me? He seems to like you.”

Matteo smiles and nods again as he moves to sit next to Valentina, never letting go of the cat.

Beth rises and walks toward the kitchen. I follow her in. “Thank you for this.”

She shrugs. “It’s not a big deal. Us single parents need to stick together and help each other.”

“I’m new to it being full-time, so thank you.”

“My pleasure.” She pours two glasses of wine and hands me a plate of food.

“This is great. I haven’t had a home-cooked meal in months.”

“I’m not superwoman. It’s takeout.”

I laugh as we both sit. “It looks perfect.” I pause for a moment as I sip my wine. “You’re very good with him.”



“He’s such a sweetheart. He makes it easy.”
