Page 30 of Unexpected Ventures

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Her mother and mine are best friends. They live in hope that we’ll end up together. That will never happen. They think she’s sweet and innocent, but I know for a fact she’s not. It’s all a facade with her.

I also notice a lot of Major League Baseball scouts at the game. I’m proud that they’re here to see me.

I speak with two of them after the game. They tell me that they’re thinking about drafting me this year. I can’t believe my lifelong dream of playing professional baseball is about to come true.

I can’t wait to tell my girl. I head straight to her house after the game. She’s a year older than me so she doesn’t live in the dorms. She lives in off-campus housing with six other girls.

I arrive at the house, and it looks like there’s already a party going on. The music is blasting, and people are coming in and out of the front door.

I walk in the house to the now louder beat of music and smoke-filled air. The scent of pot is overwhelming.

I head into the kitchen where I see her best friend, Regina. She’s trashed, sitting with a group of people sharing a bong. She smiles at me with glassy eyes. “Hey, loverboy. She’s in her room.”

I nod. “Thanks, Reggie.”

I make my way upstairs to her bedroom. I hear her laugh before I see her. I love her laugh. It’s so genuine and carefree.

I open her door and am shocked by what I see. She’s sitting on the floor with her back against her bed. There’s one guy next to her smoking something, and a different guy sitting on the other side of her, kissing her neck.

She looks up at me when I walk in. Her eyes are completely bloodshot. With a big smile, she reaches for me and says, “Dom, my Latin lover, Ineedyou.”

I pull her up, as she can barely stand on her own. I grab her face, so our eyes meet. She’s totally out of it. “What’s going on here? Who are these guys? What did you take?”

She leans into me and grabs my cock. “Just a little Ecstasy. It makes sex amazing. With you, it will be next level amazing.” She thinks she’s whispering, but she’s not, when she says, “I want to suck that big dick of yours and then feel it inside me all night.”

The two guys in the room start laughing.

I shake my head. “I’m not having sex with you while you’re like this.”

She reaches into her pocket and grabs a few pills, placing them in my hand. “Take them, love. You haven’t experienced sex until you’ve done it on Ecstasy.”

I’m steaming mad at her, but I don’t want to leave her here in this condition with these two guys.

I put the pills in my pocket and throw her over my shoulder. She screeches but then starts laughing and smacks my ass over and over.

“Dom, you have the best ass. I stare at it when you’re not looking.” She giggles again.

I walk down the stairs and toward the front door with her still over my shoulder. I need to get her out of here.

As soon as I walk out the front door, there’s a bright light in my face. “Freeze. Don’t move. Put the woman down and get your hands in the air where I can see them.”

He lowers the flashlight enough for me to see that it’s a police officer.




Iwas slammed at work today. I needed to stay late to deal with a few things. I hated to ask, but I did text Beth about taking Matteo too when she picked up Luke and Valentina. She happily acquiesced. I told her to call me if he made a fuss, but she wasn’t worried, and I never heard from her.

I texted that I was on my way. She said they’re all working on a puzzle, and she gave me the code to her front door so I can simply go inside.

I walk into her house and it’s what I expected, warm and cozy, just like her. It’s shockingly quiet at first until I hear a bunch of chatter coming from another room toward the back of the house. I walk in the opening to the room and nearly suck in a breath at what I see. Valentina, Luke, and Scotty are on the floor happily contemplating a huge puzzle. Beth is sitting on the sofa with Matteo cuddled in her lap, reading him a book.

He’s melting into Beth, holding her free arm that’s around him with one hand, and stroking a cat with the other. He’s hanging on every word she says. I’ve never seen him like this with anyone, let alone a stranger. Not even Gabriela or me.

This is the first time I’ve seen Beth dressed casually. Her hair is up in a messy bun, and she’s removed her makeup. She is legitimately the most effortlessly stunning woman I’ve ever seen in my life.
