Page 133 of Unexpected Ventures

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Me: She follows me everywhere and tells me random stories. I just spent fifteen minutes hearing about her hemorrhoid flareup last week.

Cassandra: LOL

Me: I’ve never had a hemorrhoid, but I’m now well-versed on the fact that you have to sleep with your thumb up your ass to get any relief. I hope I never need to find out firsthand.

Cassandra: Is it firsthand or first-thumb?

I snort a laugh.

Me: I laughed out loud at that one. Now the crazy lady is looking at me like I’m the crazy one.

Cassandra: Have Dominic save you. Don’t you guys have an SOS signal?

Me: No. I’m supposed to be meeting him now for a little…fun.

Cassandra: Ooh, sex in the woods is hot but be careful. Trevor and I did it once and both got poison ivy from it.

Me: Thanks for the advice. Just tell me how to get rid of her.

Cassandra: Tell her that dinner is bothering your stomach. No one wants to be around a person with gastrointestinal issues.

Me: Good idea. Thanks.

Cassandra: Text me later and tell me about the sex.

I roll my eyes. She’s like a teenager, not a grown woman in her fifties, though I wouldn’t have her any other way.

I grab my stomach. “Rachel, dinner isn’t sitting so great with me. I’m going to find somewhere private. I won’t be back for a while.”

“Oh no, I have lots of medicines for that.”

Of course she does. She’s one of those super prepared moms who always walks around with a pharmacy in her purse.

“No, I think I just need to go to the bathroom.” I start walking away. “See you later. Don’t wait up.”

She’s finally out of sight. I make my way to the dock and Dominic is already there. When he comes into view, the moonlight illuminates his face. He looks like a Greek god. How is it my life that I get to spend time with this wonderful, beautiful man who loves me?

He turns around and smiles like we’ve got a secret, which we do. Like an impatient child, I run the last ten feet and leap into his waiting arms.

I wrap myself around him and sink my face into his neck, taking in his delicious scent. I feel tears stinging my eyes. He pulls my head up. “What’s wrong?”

I sigh. “I can’t do this anymore.”

His eyes widen. “What do you mean? What can’t you do?”

I run my fingers through his beard. “Be apart. I can’t do it. I miss you when we’re not together. Let’s tell them. Let’s tell everyone.”

He breaks out into the biggest grin I’ve ever seen. “I’d like that.” He squeezes my ass. “But for tonight, it’s just you and me, princesa.” He pulls me tight so I can feel him. Every long inch. “I’ve been hard since I saw you in that bikini today. “Necesito estar dentro de ti.”I need to be inside you.

I smile into his mouth and reach my hand down to further confirm the truth of his statement. “Why don’t I get on my knees and take care of this? Aspiradora is feeling mighty inspired tonight.”

He runs his tongue across my top lip. “I’ve got plans for us, princesa.”

He carries me to the end of the dock and sets me on my feet. There’s a small wooden paddleboat tethered. The bottom of it is covered in several blankets.

I practically jump up and down in excitement. “Is this for us?”

He nods. “Get in. I’ll paddle us out away from the shoreline. Out of sight.”
