Page 132 of Unexpected Ventures

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I turn to Rachel. “Sorry, what was that?”

“I asked if you’re a sound sleeper.”

“Oh, I guess.”

“Well, I’m out like the dead, so just shove me hard if I’m needed during the night tonight.”

“Sure thing.” Not a chance.

* * *

We cookhotdogs and roast marshmallows by the campfire. Besides having to mostly keep my distance from Dominic, it’s been a fun day and night. As disappointed as I was for Gary that Luke didn’t want him coming, I’m glad I got to come here to watch him in his element. He’s very popular. Everyone seems to like him. It looks like he and Valentina picked up right where they left off, being close friends. That makes me happy. I can’t help but imagine them as siblings one day. It’s hard for me to stop my mind from going there.

Luke taps my arm. “Mommy, now it’s time for hide and seek. I need you to go to our tent while we hide.”

“Okay, baby.”

I make my way to our tent and climb inside. As soon as I do, I see Dominic in there. The tent is then zipped closed from the outside.

Luke yells, “Count to seven-thousand four-hundred and twenty-eight.” I hear him and Valentina giggling as their voices get further away.

Dominic smiles. “I think I likeOperation Alone Time. By my math, we’ve got just over two hours to do anything we want.”

Without any further conversation, we move toward each other until our lips meet. He immediately lifts me up so I can wrap my legs around him. His tongue moves into my mouth as he works his hands up the back of my sweatshirt. His hands on my bare skin are like gasoline to the flames for me.

I run my fingers through his hair. “Fuck, Dominic. I need you.”

“Sabes a malvaviscos. Quiero frotarlos por todo tu cuerpo y luego lamerlos.”You taste like marshmallows. I want to rub them all over your body and then lick them off.

Completely uncaring where I am, I lift my sweatshirt over my head and toss it to the side. He pulls down my bra and sucks my nipple into his mouth.

Like an out-of-control savage beast, I’m grinding myself against his hardness.

As he moves his mouth to the other nipple, he breathes, “Necesito follar estas tetas.”I need to fuck these tits.

At this moment, he can fuck any part of me he wants, as long as he fucks me.

My leggings are still on, and I think I’m thirty seconds away from an orgasm, when we hear, “Okay, Mommy, come find us.”

Shit. What happened to our seven-thousand seconds?

We break apart as I slide down his body until my feet hit the ground. We’re both a bit out of breath. I pick up my sweatshirt and slide back into it.

He grabs my chin. Hard. “Tonight. After the kids go to bed. You’re mine.”

I nod. Doesn’t he realize that I’m forever his?

* * *

We agreedto meet one hour after the kids go to their tents. Several of the adults will remain awake, so we’ll need to slip far enough away from camp where we won’t be seen or heard. We decided to meet by the dock.

It’s been the longest hour of my life. The first half was spent getting Luke off his marshmallow sugar high. The second half has been spent trying to get away from Rachel, who I can’t seem to shake.

I’m texting Cassandra, looking for advice on how to get away from this damn woman.

Me: I’ve got a stage five clinger. Help me shake her.

Cassandra: What’s she doing?
