Page 24 of Fumbled Past

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“I’m not getting caught by Coach. I can hop the shit out of that fence,” he responds.

“Okay. Then, we’ll all meet you at your truck, which he’s literally standing next to right now.” He squints his face. “I’m pretty sure he knows who drives the bright red Ford truck.”

“Fuck!” He grips his hair as he drops his chin. “We’re going to be in so much shit for this.”

Beau stands, then reaches out to help me up with a sigh. “Better face the music. I guess I should apologize right now.”

“For what?” I ask as I place my hand in his and stand up next to him.

“For getting you in trouble.”

I let out a breath. “I’m the one who wanted to come. It’s not your fault.”

We walk hand in hand, which surprises me even more. Beau might not be freaked out about getting caught on the field, but it’s shocking to me that he doesn’t care if my dad sees him holding my hand, making it pretty obvious who I’m here with.

“Kurt. Justin. Tony.” Dad calls off everyone’s name as he shines the light in their face, stopping short when he shines it in mine. “Sadie?”

“Hi, Daddy.” I wave shyly, letting go of Beau’s hand.

“Who are you—” He pauses when he shines the light on Beau. “Beau? You brought my daughter here?”

“No, Dad. I brought myself here,” I state firmly as Beau grabs my hand again.

“Do you think it’s okay that you’re onmyfield withmydaughter?”

“I’m sorry, Coach. We weren’t doing anything wrong. Just hanging out while the guys played catch,” Beau responds as he holds his head high, not cowering down to him.

Heather is next to exit the gate.

“Heather,” Dad says, then turns to me. “Do Heather’s parents know where you are?”

I shake my head. “They think we’re at the movies.”

He presses his lips together with a sharp nod before pointing the light at everyone else. “Justin, make sure Heather and Beau get home safely. Kurt and Tony, you guys go straight home too. I’ll deal with you guys at practice tomorrow. Sadie, you’re coming home with me.”

“Yes, Coach,” everyone mumbles as they all turn to head toward their trucks.

Beau gives me a wave good-bye as I face the music and start my walk of dread to my dad’s car.

Once he gets in, he’s quiet as he drives back to our home. The silence is almost worse than getting yelled at, and my thoughts are all over the place as I wonder what he’s thinking. The way his hands grip the steering wheel, causing his knuckles to appear white, proves he’s pissed, but he’s nevernotspoken to me like this.

As we pull into the driveway, I notice Aaron’s light quickly goes out, which makes me wonder if he’s watching us.

Once my dad parks, I wait to see if he’s going to say something, but he doesn’t. He just opens the door and steps out, slamming it behind him.

I exit the car, even more afraid now since I’ve never seen him react like this. To my surprise, I watch as he looks over to Aaron’s house, shakes his head, and then storms inside through our front door.

I rush inside and finally break the ice. “Daddy, I’m sorry. Say something!”

He finally turns to me, and all I see is rage on his face. “How could you disrespect me that way?”

I stumble back, never once thinking I was disrespecting him. “In what way? We weren’t doing anything.”

“You know you weren’t allowed to be there, right? That’smyfield.” He pounds his chest. “The only thing I take more pride in than that field is raising you. Yet there you were.”

I drop my head to my chest. “I’m sorry, Daddy. We were just hanging out. I promise. Nothing bad was happening.”

He throws his hand up to dismiss me. “Go to your room. You’re grounded.”

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