Page 18 of Tempting Tiger

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“If you’re injured, you’ll heal faster,” Mason said.

“So that’s why Julian’s arm doesn’t have any scars,” Elijah said, more to himself than to Mason.


“My co-worker,” Elijah replied. “He’s dating the sheriff, but now that I think about it, he’s probably mated to him. Sheriff Harper is a bear shifter.”

Mason nodded. “I know.”

“About two weeks ago, Julian’s ex-boyfriend was killed. His ex-boyfriend’s father blamed Julian and came to town to kill him. Ezekiel broke into the back of the diner, tried to kill Julian, and my boss, Roman, shifted into a snow leopard.”

“Seems you’ve had quite the eye-opener in a short period of time.”

“No shit.” Elijah’s mind was swirling in every direction. When he’d asked Mason to come over, it had been for comfort. He hadn’t known he was about to have his mind blown wide open.

He looked Mason over. “And how do mates seal a bond?”


Elijah’s eyes widened at Mason’s blunt response. He had been expecting something more romantic or, at least, not so straightforward. But as he contemplated Mason’s words, he couldn’t deny the heat that suddenly bloomed within him. He shifted on his cushion and cleared his throat, trying to hide his growing arousal.

Mason must have noticed Elijah’s discomfort because he immediately softened his tone. “Look, I know this is a lot to take in. But you don’t need to worry about any of this right now. You have time to figure things out.”

Elijah threw caution to the wind and crawled onto Mason’s lap, devouring the man’s lips. He’d been dying to do that since first meeting the guy.

Mason growled low in his throat as he returned the kiss with the same passion, and Elijah felt as though a huge spark had been lit within him.

Mason’s voice was low, throaty. “Is this what you want?”

Elijah nodded, unable to speak.

Mason looked deep into Elijah’s eyes. “If we do this, there’s no going back. We won’t just be friends, Elijah. We’ll be connected for life. Are you ready for that?”

Elijah swallowed hard. He knew he was in over his head, but it was too late to turn back now. He knew he wanted Mason, in whatever capacity that might be. He nodded. “Yes. I’m ready.”

Was he really ready? He had no clue. He just knew that he needed someone in his life who would cherish him as much as he cherished that person. He didn’t know Mason all that well, but Mason had proven to be kinder and more caring than Kyle ever had.

And he wanted Mason with a need that bordered on crazy. The guy had an amazing body, and Elijah wanted to feel all those muscles wrapped around him. He wanted to feel Mason pounding into him.

Mason seemed to sense Elijah’s need and enveloped him in a passionate embrace. Elijah melted into Mason as he deepened their kiss, feeling as if nothing else mattered in that moment.

The heat of the night and the warmth of Mason’s body mixed together until a fire began to grow within Elijah, and he knew that this was destined to be more than just a one-time thing.

He silently thanked the stars for bringing him someone like Mason, and he started to believe that maybe, just maybe, he could finally find the love he was looking for.

Elijah sucked in a breath when Mason pulled his shirt off then tossed it aside. Mason slid his hand over Elijah’s naked chest, his eyes filled with raw need. Then Mason stood, scooped Elijah up from the couch, and turned.

“Tell me where your bedroom is.”

Elijah’s mind was swirled with so much lust-filled fog that he had to concentrate just to remember. “Upstairs, last room on the right.”

Mason took the steps two at a time, as if he couldn’t wait to be inside Elijah.

Once they were in his room, Mason laid Elijah on the bed and gently brushed his dark hair away from his face. His fingers were so gentle that Elijah felt like he was made of glass.

A thrill of anticipation ran through him as Mason removed his own clothes and slipped into bed next to him. Cheese and crackers! If Elijah thought Mason had a nice body while dressed, that was nothing compared to how he looked naked, with all those sinewy muscles flexing while he moved.

Elijah’s heart raced as Mason’s hands explored every inch of him, sending waves of pleasure through his body. He had never felt this way before, and it only made him want Mason even more as Mason slowly undressed him.
