Page 76 of Chase the Storm

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Both of their eyes widened in shock, but it was Heath who gasped. “You’re going to hang the leash already?”

I huffed. “Not in the sense that I won’t ever surf again, but professionally speaking, I think so.”

They allowed the news to sink in. “You don’t think it’s too early?”

Shaking my head, I answered, “No. I mean, I’ll be honest and admit that I didn’t leave here last November with the intention that this is where I’d wind up now. I honestly thought I’d go for another two years. But I didn’t expect her. She changes everything for me.”

“Why don’t you just move her here?” Heath questioned me.

I would have done that in a heartbeat if I thought it was even a remote possibility. “She’ll visit me here in Hawaii, but she’s made it clear that Colorado is home for her.”

“But what about you? Your home has been here for how many years now,” Kobe maintained.

I shook my head. “No. A year ago, I would have thought the same thing. But it’s not the case. Hawaii is where I live right now and have lived for years. But being with Indy is what I want more than anything, and if she’s in Colorado, then Colorado is home for me.”

There was another extended silence. I had a feeling it was beginning to sink in for my buddies just how seriously I was considering retirement. After some time passed, Heath declared, “She’s got to be something extraordinary.”

I smiled, looked back out at the ocean waves crashing along the shore, and confirmed, “She is.”

The silence stretched among us once more until Kobe finally broke it. “Well, then you know there’s only one thing left to do, right?”

“What’s that?” I asked him, returning my attention to him.

He stood and declared, “We’ve got to make this season your best one yet. Grab your board. Let’s get back out there.”

I let out a laugh and stood as Heath did the same. The three of us grabbed our boards, but none of us moved, because Heath spoke. “I’m happy for you, Griffin. It’ll suck not having you here like this, but you deserve this.”

“Yeah. I can’t say I completely understand it, but I can also admit that I hope I have the chance someday to experience what you are. I love surfing, but I won’t be doing it forever. I’m glad you found someone you want to do forever with,” Kobe added.

“Thanks, guys.”

At that, the three of us took off toward the water and spent the rest of the day doing what we loved.

It helped marginally with incessant thoughts of Indy. While she never left my mind, I could at least be grateful for how quickly the time passed while I was with my friends. Because with every hour that passed, I was just one more step closer to being able to hold her again.

Being in agony without her, I took every opportunity I could to find something positive. It didn’t always work, but I had a feeling that was because there was little that would ever truly make not having Indy here any better.

It wasn’t going to be until I made a permanent move to be with her that I’d finally feel like I could breathe again.



I wasn’t the kind of guy who held myself back from doing anything I wanted to do.

But right now, I was experiencing a true exercise in restraint.

I couldn’t decide whether it was best to ball my hands into fists at my sides or to allow my fingertips to slide into the hair on either side of Indy’s face. Her beautiful face that was now level with my cock.

If I let go of the loose hold I had on my control, I was worried how she might react. It could bring this whole thing to a grinding halt, and that was the last thing I wanted.

Besides, it wasn’t as though Indy wasn’t already going at me with wild abandon. I wasn’t quite sure how I expected her to do more than what she already was.

I was standing at the side of my bed while she was in it. Her body was at the edge of the mattress, her hands were roaming everywhere, and she had my cock in her mouth. I felt like I’d died and gone to Heaven.

We couldn’t get enough.

I wasn’t quite sure how we’d managed to make it back to my place without crashing the car with the way things went down.
