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“Good girl,” he groaned, a sexual sound that brought her arousal up another notch. “You’re all mine.”

His pubic bone brushed her sensitive clit each time he came down. He had the stamina of a jackhammer. The man had a huge cock, his size alone bringing her relief. He filled her to overflowing, his steely erection better than anything she could buy in a toy store. The final thrust that pushed her over the edge came unexpectedly. One moment she was savoring the sweet zone, dreaming up impossible fairy tales, the next she was jolted back to life as her entire body rocked with contractions. She could feel her pussy milking Robert’s cock. He growled, gripping her tighter as he finally experienced his own release.

They were both sweat-slick, panting, and exhausted. They’d had a mini marathon of sexual exploration. Within minutes of their mutual orgasm, they fell asleep in each other’s arms.

Chapter Five

Karlee awoke with a start, sitting up so fast she had a head rush. She was confused, ripped from her dreams by a loud, unfamiliar bang.Where am I?

“It’s okay,” Robert cooed, his voice instantly soothing her frayed nerves.

She looked to her side. He was next to her, comfortably under the lush blankets. Everything came rushing back—the touching, the teasing, the fucking. Even after a full night of sleep, his hair disheveled and sleep lines on his cheeks, Robert Black looked amazing. She wanted to wake up like this every day.

“The construction crew likes to show up early.”

“Oh, right, the wedding planning.”

Robert only smiled, pulling her closer. “I can’t wait until it’s over with. I love my niece, but I also value my privacy.”

Karlee lay back down, tucking the blankets up to her chin. She felt like she was twelve years old again, her father walking out on them Saturday morning while she watched cartoons. He’d fallen for a woman at the factory he worked at, deciding she was more important than the family he’d created with her and her mother. He could turn off his emotions like a light switch, as if she’d never mattered at all. His love had a price and she’d never be enough. That same vulnerability, desperation, and emptiness struck her now out of nowhere.

Why was she comparing her childhood trauma to a one-nighter? She really needed to grow up and stop overcomplicating things. Robert was probably like every other man, like her father, but it was up to her how she reacted to his rejection. She didn’t need to become a victim again.

She studied his face—the blueness of his eyes, the beauty mark on his jaw, and the sprinkling of grey near his temples. He was perfect. Could there have been more to him than just good looks and money? “Don’t you ever get lonely?”

Robert looked taken aback by her question. He took a while to answer. “I have plenty to keep me occupied.”

He took a section of her hair and twirled it around his finger absently.

“After the business deals are over and your staff are gone for the night, it’s just you in this big, empty house.”

He shrugged. “What about you, little one?” he asked, changing the subject. “I know nothing about you outside of your floral creations. Tell me something.”

“There’s not much else to know.” The fact her entire life focused on her business made her life feel empty. She’d never traveled, hadn’t even seen the attractions in her own city. Life was eight to six, and evenings were a mix of Netflix and broken dreams. But she was trapped with no way out, so she trudged on like everyone else.

“No man in your life? That’s hard to believe.”

“If I had a man, I wouldn’t be inyourbed.”

He leaned forward, closing the small space between them, and surprised her with a kiss on the lips. Kissing changed everything. She was falling and couldn’t stop it.

“Well, youarehere. Maybe I’ll keep you.” He was just teasing, but she probably wouldn’t protest. The thought of walking out of his house and his life like nothing happened weighed heavily on her. She felt like a teenager again, innocent and in love. But it was all smoke and mirrors. He was playing games, nothing more.

“Sure. You can add me to your collection of conquests.”

He tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “Something wrong?”

She exhaled and shook her head. “Nothing. I’m just feeling sorry for myself.”And I’m an idiot.Karlee wanted to cuddle up into his arms and allow him to fend off the world. She craved the love and security an older man like him could provide. But Robert was no less a playboy than the gaggle of testosterone-ridden men in her city.

“Why, sweetheart? You’re young, beautiful, and amazingly talented. What more could you want?”

“I guess everyone wants what they can’t have.”Except you,she thought.He said he’d have her, and he did. Where did that leave her? She rolled away and began searching for her articles of clothing. This one-night stand needed to end before she was irrevocably damaged. Her daddy issues were fucking with her head.

As much as Karlee wanted to stay with Robert Black, she knew she had to get away. Every minute with him made her fall more in love. She was addicted just by looking at the man.

Karlee struggled to dress and tame her hair simultaneously as she made her way down the hallway. Robert called from behind, but she ignored him. She didn’t need his pity, payoff, or lies. She was a big girl, and she’d get over their little one-nighter ... eventually ... maybe.

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