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“That doesn’t help me if I only want one.” He effortlessly hoisted her up onto the checkout counter, exactly as he had on his hallway table back at his home. His brute strength astounded and aroused her. “Partying and fast women don’t excite me, Karlee. You do.” Once he’d taken up residence between her legs, he began his seduction. He trailed kisses along her jaw before licking along the shell of her ear. Her eyes lolled back in her head as her erogenous zones came to life.


He leaned back, looking her in the eyes. “I’ve had my fun, Karlee. Trust me when I tell you money can’t buy happiness. Not really. Not the kind I want,” he said. “I want what we had to last more than one night.”

“Like two, three, a week?”

He chuckled, a deeply masculine sound.

“Okay, I have a proposition, Ms. Jones. It seems I’m in need of a full-time florist.”

She scoffed. “You? You need a staff florist?”

“Ireallylove flowers.” He tugged her hair back slightly, exposing her neck. She let out a little gasp from the slight bite of erotic pain. Robert groaned, the sound of a man on the verge of losing control. “All I’ve thought about this past month are flowers.”

“What if you tire of them? Even the most beautiful rose loses its fragrance.”

“Oh, no … I’m not a young man, Karlee. I’m not fickle. I know exactly what I want.”

She smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck. “And what you want, you get.”

“Precisely.” He gave her a wink.

They kissed again. This time things felt different. Or maybe she’d changed. Karlee was allowing herself to trust, to dream.

“How about you close for the day?”

“I just opened,” she said. “Well, kind of.”

He exhaled. “How about you open an hour late, then? I’ll make it worth your while.”

“I told you I can’t be bought.”

“What I’m talking about has nothing to do with money.”

A flush of heat traveled up her body as the realization set in. She knew exactly what he could do to her body. She slipped away, scribbled some semi-coherent words on a paper, and taped it to the front glass door. Then she locked up.

He had a wicked smile on his face when she returned to him. “You have a back room in this floral shop?”

“I do.”

Robert nodded thoughtfully. “Care to give me a tour?”

“Sure.” She led the way into her little private work and storage area in the back room. Her coolers held a variety of popular flowers and some custom orders she was working on.

She watched his reactions as he strolled around, taking everything in. It must be small and insignificant to a man like him. But she was proud of what she’d created completely on her own with a mix of loans, blood, sweat, and lots of tears.

“Nice. Very nice,” he said.

She narrowed her eyes. As much as she wanted to accept him on his word, her suspicions always got the better of her. “Are you mocking me?”

He stopped and turned, his face stoic. “I knew you were difficult, but you’re really going to make me work for this, aren’t you?”

Before she could respond he turned her around to face her stainless-steel arrangement table, shackling her wrists behind her. His breath was on her neck, hot and titillating. He pushed her forward, pressing her upper body against the cool table.

He used his free hand to slip under her skirt from behind. Robert slid two fingers past the thin material of her panties and impaled them deeply into her cunt. She moaned, sinking down onto his fingers, needing so much more.

“Eventually you’re going to trust me, Karlee. I already told you I can be patient.” He finger-fucked her until she thought she’d spontaneously combust, then slid his moistened thumb into her asshole. She gasped, but he held her down firmly so she couldn’t escape. “You don’t trust easily, you’re wary of men. I’ll make sure you have zero doubts when it comes to me. When it comes tous.”

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